It’s expanded to anything and everything: video games, clothing ads, even remaking a mediocre comedy from the 1980s...

>It’s expanded to anything and everything: video games, clothing ads, even remaking a mediocre comedy from the 1980s. In July, trolls who had long been furious that the 2016 reboot of Ghostbusters starred four women instead of men harassed the film’s black co-star Leslie Jones so badly on Twitter with racist and sexist threats–including a widely copied photo of her at the film’s premiere that someone splattered semen on–that she considered quitting the service. “I was in my apartment by myself, and I felt trapped,” Jones says. “When you’re reading all these gay and racial slurs, it was like, I can’t fight y’all. I didn’t know what to do. Do you call the police? Then they got my email, and they started sending me threats that they were going to cut off my head and stuff they do to ‘N words.’ It’s not done to express an opinion, it’s done to scare you.”

Are you happy? We've lost internet to you. Apologize

Other urls found in this thread:

(((Joel Stein)))


Wait until they see the real Sup Forums that the mods don't want you to see

>In July, trolls who had long been furious that the 2016 reboot of Ghostbusters starred four women instead of men harassed the film’s black co-star Leslie Jones so badly on Twitter with racist and sexist threats–including a widely copied photo of her at the film’s premiere that someone splattered semen on–that she considered quitting the service.

>these people actually write for TIME magazine


They already write about 'cuck', etc. It's cringy but imagine when they start writing about 'wifus', 'cunnys' and 'sweety feet'.

Op here, you bigots don't even have the decency to respond to this because you know it's true

That would be pretty funny I think

You can already see this sort of anti Sup Forums cancer in /who/
>I've been here for two years but I'm not sick enough to venture away from Sup Forums. Which is already fucked up sometimes with the fixation some people have with the Walking Dead girl.

If anything, the internet was born with that "culture" and has slowly been pussified by whiny normies who don't understand the difference between the internet and real life.

>An anonymous poll of the writers at TIME found that 80% had avoided discussing a particular topic because they feared the online response.

Modern journalists, ladies and gentlemen. What a bunch of soft cowardly dicks.


that's gotta be a troll


The people who should be criticizing Islam are too afraid to even upset neckbeards. Fucking hilarious.

Triple double dubs, very nice

>This triggers TIME writers

I like how people who didn't grow with the internet, still have no idea how it works.

Are you retarded? How is that a run-on?



>mediocre comedy

fucking stupid cunt

>furious that the 2016 unnecessary cash-grab reboot of Ghostbusters starred four women instead of the original cast


Pure coincidence!

They're missing a comma. They are also using hyphens instead of parenthesis for some reason.

looks like you got some run-on dubs

Memes aside he's a funny guy
Also he's got in trouble for some non-PC things

The internet is a preschool compared to what it was 15 years ago.

Fuck leslie jones and her big victim playing mouth. She get's milo banned from twitter for making a bad review and acts like she did nothing to provoke the alt right.

Go back to school you mong.

What are they complaining about, if people have a lot of hate to let out it's best they do it online.

>TIME magazine
lmao, they have never had any credibility whatsoever

I'm a jew, what do I do? I'm a literal jew who believes in Sup Forums this is the strangest predicament. Whenever I see a jew I instinctively dislike them, then I remember I'm a jew.

Women are really bad with this shit.

>Like, why aren't people paying, like enough attention to me and treating me so special all the time? Don't they, like, know I'm a woman? The internet sucks!
>Ok then I guess I'll, like, post all my fucking pics everywhere and put all my private info up so people understand that I'm here and I'm special
>Like, omg (oh my god), some creep said he wanted to have sex with me on my profile thingy! Should I call the police??? I'm calling the police, this is basically rape.

>“I was in my apartment by myself, and I felt trapped,” Jones says. “When you’re reading all these gay and racial slurs, it was like, I can’t fight y’all. I didn’t know what to do. Do you call the police?
>Nigga what is even online bullying hahaha like close your eyes nigga hahaha walk away from the screen.jpg

>Caring what a bunch of fucking neckbeards say to you online

Oh how far the mighty have fallen

I think the word you're looking for is 'cucks'

A nice dubs appetizer before the hearty quints dinner

probably treatment of women by Venkman triggers him and he can't finish the fucking ghostbusters.

>Also he's got in trouble for some non-PC things
And Stalin whacked some communists for being not communist enough. Cannibalization doesn't change the fact he's a time (((writer))).

inb4 cucks

are you from /r9k/?

>Do you call the police

No you call the cyberpolice you silly monkey


Why do people think the internet was invented in 2005. Trolls have existed since the dawn of the internet.

No, wizardchan.

If I were alone in an apartment with Leslie Jones I would feel trapped as well.

No one would have given a shit if the cast was well chosen.

>it's a moron doesn't realize they shat on Hitler in that issue episode

>criticizing Islam
Liberals can't do that. They need a superstition they can champion while they attack Christianity.

If you browse wizchan without actually being a wizard you'll spend an eternity in hell. Just making sure you're an actual wizard and warning you if you're not. If you are my deepest respects I still have about 10 years to go.

>starred four very unfunny, literal whos

Time has been a shit magazine for a long time now. Nothing new

If you're not getting people in public yelling out stuff right to your face, who gives a shit what some anonymous retard says to you?

The internet is still a new thing, but society really needs to grow up and stop acting like the insults of a stupid troll have any relevance to your actual real life.

This entire generation is pussies.

No one would have given a shit if it was well made. Paul Feig didn't make a Ghostbusters movie. He made another Paul Feig movie. Which makes no sense with the property.

If you ever get the chance, confront a liberal on how Islam counters all their beliefs in every country where it is the dominant law. You can watch their face contort in confusion as their brain works around logic to keep their conditioning intact

>Time was giving out (You)'s back in 2006
How nice

Pick 1

Because normies weren't around to ruin the internet until around that time

The funniest thing is that they are already trying to 'reclaim' this word but of course it will fail. It's like trying to prove you're a 'nice guy' by whiteknightingh. The only way for 'cuck' to loose its power is just falling into obscurity.

>remaking a mediocre comedy from the 1980s

Fuck you, it wasn't mediocre

It was at least good.

Tyler the Creator will always be a legend in my mind for that twitter post

Yeah it really does boggle the mind sometimes. You would think they would be quick to learn how the internet works. Go figure.

>he's 20 and thinks he's on his way to wizarddom

literally stay the fuck off my board, you fucking unasethetic rotting fleshbag

So are you

>Jerry: She thinks you're a guy that doesn't like champage.

>George: She called me on my cell phone. Hotline bling's not a ringtone, hotline bling is sex.

>Elaine: Maybe hotline bling was a ringtone.

>George: Hotline bling's a call in the morning, it's not a call at twelve o clock at night.

>Elaine: Well some people make calls that late.

>George: Yeah, people who need my love.

I have never been on wizchan out of respect. I was only trying to pay my respects to a wizard, cool down friend.

>Joel Stein

Is there anything the sons of Abraham can't do?

>You are shaping the Internet, you are the person of the year! Yaaaay!

>Stop shaping the Internet! Why can't turn back to the times when dumb plebs couldn't comment in the mass media. Baaaaah!

Jesus Christ no wonder you're a virgin.

>It's a "rich Jew advocates increased surveillance and restrictions on citizens' internet usage" episode

Don't link to it you fucking retard.

They are trolling for clicks.

>laud the "old" internet because it was about the free flow of information, man
>write pissy long article about how enough people aren't being shut up and their dumb opinions are actually getting out


I'm going to troll wizardchan because of these autistic posts

>implying i'd want a putrid filthy roastie in the first place

>you people belong in an oven

Good thing it will fail because 4channers usually use adblocks and don't share stuff like this on social media so I don't know how can you turn 'the clicks' into money.

With SJWs you can always say 'watch GB2016' or 'support this feminist by buying her shit' to smash the patriarchy.

it's not about hating jews, stop being a self-hating cuck, you have nothing to do with this and probably neither does your family and loved ones

Milos a faggot and you can go suck his dick

>The only way for 'cuck' to loose its power is just falling into obscurity.
or for it to become an overused insult (like "autistic") which happened maybe a year ago at the latest

>mediocre comedy from the 1980s

Fuck you, Time

Is this the beginning of the end? Are they leading up to censorship of the Internet?

What a meandering, pointless mess of an article

Good. SJWs burnt all their bridges. 4th Reich is coming now.

>ha ha, I've printed it without paying 2 bitcoins so I win
>meanwhile veew gets his words published and doesn't even have to waste time with this (((person)))

Jesus christ

Accept it fanboy.

"I wrote about these manbaby neckbeard bigotted faggy rapists virgins white pieces of shit males cis shitlords who deserve death for every oppressive thing they are, they should kill themselves and die in a fire #killallmen #killwhitey

the hatred and insults that came back were unbelievable"

Literally spent 15 minutes tryingto figure out if this was satire or not.


Are people on this earth so stupid that they seriously think the original Ghostbusters was...mediocre? What awful people. Disgusting. Awful. People.

Lefties and woemn go on as many hate crusades as guys do. But it's only "hateful misogynists" who get called out.

People went hard after Roeper and AVGN, calling them, ugly, misogynists, and that they should kill themselves.

>implying making your entire personality revolve around whether or not you got your dick wet is any better

> Sup Forums
> Last bastion of free speech

WTF happened to america?

Are liberals so fucking sensitive anything outside of their hug box needs to be censored?

What's next?

Liberal book burning parties of anything deemed "offensive?"

this familia

>>In July, trolls who had long been furious that the 2016 reboot of Ghostbusters starred four women instead of men harassed the film’s black co-star Leslie Jones

That was Milo's fanbase. Milo got into a little argument with her on twitter, and Milo's fans sent her hate because she's ugly and black and they hate black people. That's it. And she's an idiot for feeding them.

normie whore takes the bait


>What's next?
>Liberal book burning parties of anything deemed "offensive?"



I like how the narrative went from "lol mad manbabiez can't handle strong womyn" to "the original sucked anyway, who cares". The author of the Time piece tried to incorporate both [objectively false[ talking points into his article.


like what the fuck do they think

wahhh someone was mean to me

but let's forget we harass anyone who says something racist and try to get them fired and blacklisted