/stg/ - stranger things general

/stg/ - stranger things general

Comfy Nancy & Steve edition

He is aesthetic rich Chad and good person at the same time, its almost like this guys is perfect, you can not blame her for sucking his cock, its not like you can meet people like this everyday

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Is anyone actually mad that he ended up with Nancy? He's much more likeable than Jonathan and he met her first

whole /r9k/

>chad always win

I am, because he literally got a bag of bones for a gf

I hope they will introduce some qts of age in season 2

yea johnathan needs to worry about johnathan, not chasing sknny pussy

He's less creepy than Creepshot McBowlcut for sure and he did basically nothing wrong for the whole season, I was genuinely relieved to see them back together in the last episode

Reminder: there wont be a second season for at least 1 year. It hasnt even been written yet.

kek I knew it was weird that I find nancy so attractive. I knew there was something off about her, I guess she is quite thin.

Still, her expressive face, eyes, nose, the way she looks up at Steve or Jonathan or whoever she's talking to, I love it and I love her.

We just start pre-pro to shoot in the Fall. Dustin will die next season.

Screencap this post.

>the kids will all have hit puberty by then

What's wrong with setting the sequel years after the initial events?

The teens and all the kids are fucking boring and uncompelling. I couldn't care less. Only good thing they did was take a risk with casting a kid with no teeth.

The kids were great and adorable especially El and Dustin, when they hit their teens they're gonna lose that charm

I hope they take their time and don't rush it like season two of True Detective

i think it makes perfect sense. nancy and johnathon never did anything romantic. maybe they would have dated had steve not existed, but nancy clearly has more emotional ties to steven than johnathon so it makes sense that they'd continue dating. steve's character arc had redeemed himself as well.

also, johnathon was mostly trying to save his brother. the ending shows johnathon super happy and spending time with Will, so it's not like he "lost".

I don't know, El in particular could become more interesting as a character after passing a few years alone in the shadow dimension

>14 posts in
>not even one Finngfag

If that's not a miracle, I don't know what is

is right, teens are boring, and they will try to force more love related drama between El and the boys, granted. Then it will become a standard shittier soap

RIP Barb.

>Dustin will die next season.
>The comic relief will die next season
That'd be a bad move desu

spooky skelator has nice toes

I want to fuck Nancy's mother

she is kill because rostie could not handle her greed lust for chad D

she's a big girl

He found eleven's ripped clothes
He taught the kids about the upside down
He taught the kids how to build a sensory deprivation tank

The story would not have happened without Clark.

>it burns, when I pee

>implying Steve isn't the most based character in the show
>popular bro
>sincere in his feelings for Nancy
>not a fucking idiot like his friends
>acts shitty to Jonathan only after he fucking stalks them
>tries to figure out what's wrong with Nancy because he's worried
>overreacts when he thinks she's sleeping with Jonboy
>regrets being an asshole
>goes to apologize
>suddenly confronted with the existence of crazy nightmare monsters
>hesitates for about one second before diving in to save both Nancy and Jonathan
>probably paid for Jonathan's new camera because he felt bad about trashing the old one
>seems 100% aware of Nancy's friendship with Jon and accepts it because he knows Jonathan's a decent person and he already cuck'd him

He's our guy

I didn't understand a single thing you just said.

for you

Literally a saint

>all of those barefoot scenes with El

why would you lie on the internet?


>think Clark is a loser but a good teacher
>his Saturday night is literally him with some Asian qt watching Evil Dead, moments away from getting some intense dome

goddamnit he was so based

>It's an I don't understand Froggo's vines episode


They were watching The Thing.

I think the kind of guys who like Steve are all mad that Jonathan beat the fuck out of him and can relate to getting beat the fuck out of

Calm down nigga she literally 11


Was she a Scooby Doo reference?

i don't know, what he said to Jonathan was pretty fucked.


>the first thing that cat's owners did was go and get a camera

Jonathan is an edge-boy tryhard who fucking creeps on people with his camera through their windows. The show proves him to be a good brother and decent guy, but he's still a pretentious creep asshole.

Steve starts the show as kind of a spoiled pussy but actually learns from his beating and proves himself to be an even-headed ally who fights for his girl and the asshole kid who kicked his ass earlier.

Steve is objectively the better person.

do you think he ever got the asian strange or did the conversation about the deprivation tank mean that he lost out?

They are not mad, it was part of his transformation.


Yeah, she looks stoked, dude. This will definitely last.

Literally nobody is mad at Jonathan

he looks like toddler there


Me too.
She needs it too.


>I also didn’t expect to see Nancy reconcile with Steve at the end. He crossed a line at a certain point in the season but then you pulled him back in. Was that by design?

Ross: That was not the original plan. A lot of credit goes to Joe Keery [who plays Steve] because he was much more likable and charming than we originally had envisioned. If you read the pilot, he’s the biggest douchebag on the planet. It’s not that he’s a flawless character, he’s flawed, but Joe was so good we started to fall in love with the idea that he has an arc himself. He’s maybe not the perfect guy, but he’s maybe in with the wrong crowd. As opposed to him turning Nancy to his side, maybe it’s more Nancy turning him to her side. We liked giving him that arc.

We made that month-long jump at the end of the season, and we don’t exactly know what happened in between. We feel like we hinted at it in the hospital scene where we’re seeing Jonathan with his brother, and how happy he is, whereas Nancy obviously still has this tremendous guilt and anger over what happened to Barb. She’s lost someone, so even though there is a victory, it’s certainly bittersweet for Nancy and she needs someone in that time.



I think El reappearing as a woman in her 70s could be a nice twist and keep the character from going stale. Someone who has spent like 60 years in solitary while her friends have had a blissful 2 years or something

Matt: The other thing that appealed to us about the idea is it felt like in a movie world she winds up with Jonathan, who is seemingly the nicer kinder gentler guy. But it felt almost more real to us that she would wind up back with Steve, this heartthrob who she’s had a crush on for a long time. It’s surprising, but it felt more honest.

That’s the fun of television. You can find an actor and they’ll inspire you to change and evolve a character in a way you hadn’t initially planned on. It was the same with the character of Dustin. Dustin was just the nerd, and you find these kids and they surprise you — who they are as people, who they are as actors. They inspire you to write something better for them. That’s what’s fun about television. You don’t have the opportunity to do that as much in film.


>on a date with this hip science nerd
>his students call in the middle of it
>he tries to brush them off but he loves science and teaching too goddamn much to leave them hanging

motherfucker are you kidding? she probably saw that and was like "guess I'll just spend the night"


not that user but if I had to wager a guess...
>I don't care, I still love him so much.

Nigga what

Is this a pedo thing?

How long till Sup Forums will start shitting on this show like they did on True detective.

I mean, its way too popular, its a matter of time when edgelords will start meming

Not really a Chad.
More like user, minus Autism and Loli/Trap/Anime Fixation.

That sounds like a horrible and depressing idea, delete your post please

It's already been happening, have you been to Sup Forums?

because you are comparing him to this today turboroidChads

he was Chad of 80"

I saw Millie Brown at a grocery store in London yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.

She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen boxes of Eggos in her hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the boxes and started scanning it multiple times, Millie stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each box and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>ywn live in the universe of a 1980s movie

I lol'd at Jonathan's nice-guy-fedora rant at Nancy when they were out in the woods that night.

I was about to suggest her returning after a couple years and finding out Finn had moved on and found a girlfriend, but holy shit

>dude's brother disappears
>he was always a little creepy and weird
>find out he took photos of you and your friends in your house, including you fucking your gf
>think this dude is somehow making your gf cheat on you

jonathan didn't really help himself though

You dummy, don't you remember that El promised Mike that she'll go to the Snowball with him
You can't break a promise retard, r-right?


I liked when Johnathan pointed out that Nancy was a stereotypical suburban turboslut.

true detective is far, far better than stranger things though

>ywn have a qt3.14 gf that can crush your balls with her mind

Just because ST doesn't have a pseudo-intellectual fedora character, that doesn't mean it's worse

Is he playing both characters cause he has no one to record with or is that like a Vine thing

at first I thought he was gay but he was just flamboyant

>rust's whole character is being a pseudo intellectual fedora character
>rust is the only good thing about true detective

hello pleb

He's with a thai ladyboy. kinda gay

Literally proof that looks and charisma are all that matters, you can get away with anything.

I could have swore she promised to snowball him. Are you positive?

>thai ladyboys
>in 1980s indiana

almost got me

...how can I look like this?

Why even LIVE?

Girls that look like boys are hot. Reverse trap is best fetish.

Yes, she promised
I'm on my third rewatch, so I'm pretty sure

You either have it or you don't.
"Putting the work in" won't get you there.
Half of what you see is natural.

is that from promoshoot?

Really? Because I thought him and the bullies were really miscast. He looks like a dork, no way would he survive high school where I'm from.

Nah, I think you're wrong. It was right after she explained what the term snowball meant, but before he freaked out on her for sucking 37 dicks.

Chad usually isn't the most handsome. Chad is just really sociable and cool.

>Somebody once told me stranger things were happening, I ain't the cutest kid on the block

>she was lookin kinda dumb with her nosebleeds and her clothes and a tattoo of an EL on her forearm

He felt kinds corny to me. Chad should be alpha.

I don't even know, I got it from another thread and the user said it was from her instagram but I couldn't find it
Even image search doesn't bring anything
I guess it's just a rare El

Guys, I just watched episodes 1, 2 and 3.

And this show is all about people getting cucked, and jailbaiting with 11.

I swear if I was the kid that found, she'd never leave my basement.

Not necessarily handsome but masculine definitely.This guy does NOT look like a Chad.

She promised


Things you can change
>roid to get good body, do not fool yourself they are not natty and roid effect will not last forever, but it feel good on 3g test/week

>fix croocked tooth

>get better clothes

>better hairstyle

>lenses instead of glasses

things you can not change


>thin petite frame, some guy are naturally big. thick wrist, big hands, wide shoulders while other are delicate with wrists grith similar to erected benis

>face aesthetic, if you are chinlet or ugly mouthbreather, face is the most important factor when you are trying to fuck chicks

with aesthetic face 10/10 chick will approach you on their own and you can literally get away with any kind of sperg shit like saying fuck off, they will get back eventuall to get your D

is your face 10/10 senpai?

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