Open your eyes Sup Forums. Explain to me why you think life is worth living...

Open your eyes Sup Forums. Explain to me why you think life is worth living. I'm sure most of you are affiliated with Rick and Morty. How can our lives be anything more than serving a purpose for a higher being? Rick creates a universe to serve as a fucking battery, what if our very existence is something just as mundane? There is no purpose, no reason for live Sup Forums, I can't find one. There's no reason for anyone to be alive, there's no destiny, no fate, no God to hear your prayers, everyone dies and is eventually forgotten. I'm finding it hard to push through the days knowing my very existence has little meaning, and I don't fear death, in fact I am VERY curious about what is to come, but I have no desire to commit suicide. Some may tell me to just KMS, some may call me a cuck, and perhaps they are not wrong, but the true question, is why does any of that matter?

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Got anything better to do?

Do you think the idea of Mr. Meseeks is a joke? Could you imagine if your own life was to serve a singular purpose then to just stop? They literally WANTED to die, user. They wanted to not exist. "Existence is pain", have you ever even though of the concept? Or is everything bait to you?

kys cuck

Had to. Right there with ya dude. Just fuckin drift until you eventually do bite the dust.

Crawling in my skin...

The longer I hold of the inevitable the greater the pressure against me forms? Magic? Whatever. The more I want to die the less I live and you can die later you can live longer.

I have dreams, fantasies, desires since I was young. I wanted to be a rockstar, to inspire a massive crowd of people, make them FEEL something, make them feel what I have felt at the concerts of those I envy. But in the end, we all rest under the dirt, in the end we all face the same process and judgement, it's becoming hard for me to think of suicide as unreasonable. While its not hard for me to be afraid of dying, death itself doesn't invoke the same fear and mystery as it once did. I feel myself becoming suicidal for reasons other than what is common for those who are suicidal

You live under the dirt of your own failure, dream of yourself and you will find bliss.

KYS by shoving a giant seed waaaay up your asshole.

But imagine everything you're doing, all you can think of is whether or not it matters. Whether or not it'll change anything in the your moments of death. There is no heaven or hell, user, death is the same for everyone. You can rape and murder, you can save and restructure anyone you want, but in the end we all face the reaper, so why live it up? Because of the temporary joy? Every form of joy I feel is fleeting, every second of enthusiasm is accompanied by despair.

I think your life is too good, and you simply don't know what to do with yourself.

Go to a good AA/NA meeting and listen to some stories for an hour. You'll feel a lot better about your life and maybe realize you have the freedom to do whatever you want.

OR, you are actually clinically depressed and need drugs to reestablish some balance in your brain.

Even now, I spend my time writing lyrics and coming up with whatever guitar chord progressions I can, yeah they're catchy, yeah my voice isn't half bad, but even if I were to achieve everything I dreamed of, even if I became the next Axl Rose or the next Ollie Sykes, whats the point? Even now, I'll face everything those exact people face at death. So to achieve everything they've achieve will lead to nothing than what they'll experience. I understand, I may spend my time dreaming of being someone I'm not and thats my failure, but at the same time, why does me dreaming of myself make me anything less than as big a failure?

Wouldn't it cool to be on this cliff in the middle of nowhere. Just some crazy cliff, off in the middle of nowhere and it's looking over this field of rye. There are all these children, running around and playing, in the rye and they're just running around all over the place. They can't see where they're going, not in the rye; you'd just be watching all these kids running around in the rye, none of them knowing where to go, waiting for one to get to close to the edge and then you would just come out of some where. Just out of some where all of a sudden and just catch them. It feels crazy to me, thinking about it, but honestly, I wouldn't mind having no purpose if I could give other people purpose or something you know.

Not necessarily AA or NA.. any meetling like that, for people dealing with absolutely deliberating shit.

I just suggested those because I know you won't get judged there if you go and aren't even an addict. I Can't say the same for other meetings.

Why off yourself though? While not religious, I somehow maintain a belief in purgatory. The whole if you commit suicide your "soul" becomes stuck. That's is us, now. Big waiting game with no shortcuts. Unskippable cutscenes. Just live your shit life and do what you enjoy. For me it's drink and browse this shithole. Go out like /ourguy/ Bill.

You're not wrong. I've lived my life as a privileged child. My parents both came from poverty, my father from a trailer park and my mother a Native American reservation. I have lived off of their achievements, I have lived off their income my entire life. Everyone expects me to exceed them, and I do not believe I can. I'm a spoiled person, I didn't live a hard life, and I almost feel like that makes me a worse person than those who have lived hard lives. My best friends have nothing, my closest friend was abused by his father, watched his mother be abused by his father, I connect with those people because I am envious. I wish I suffered something so I could have an excuse to be as pathetic as I am, and I can't find one, yet I'm still a fucking gutter bug.

warning: bible content
"we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men."

Mate if you hatw your life kill yourself then...stop bitching about it and drink bleach! I enjoy my life and I got a goal! Youre the fucking loser in life who thinks life has no purpose

It's interesting to think about that, well first of all since we can't observe our universe in that scope and are just here in this rock being really advanced microscopic creates that all decided to work together in this bipedal talking machine, regardless, we only have 1 conscience. What I mean by that is even if the universe isn't a simulation, it's already pointless. An ant, a virus, an elephant, a human - all of us are meaningless and only driven to create more of our species.

But hey, we are TALKING machines, so we can talk about what things could be. Quantum physics and stuff like the higgs boson shows us the universe might be made of all the possibilities of atoms being in a determined place and in a determined space. I can't really explain it thoroughly but my brother has a phd in physics (engineering but he also researched cosmology and quantum), the best way I can explain is a ...

Video game engine, the universe is like a game engine.

I've been introduced to this idea, to live your life for someone other than yourself. I'm a selfish person user, I've ruined many relationships on the sole basis that either they did not improve my life, or they were going to be a hindrance in my overall goals (which I'm likely not to achieve anyway). Yes, the idea of becoming the most important person in someone's life in an instant is very appealing to me, to finally be THAT important to at least ONE person. As I said before, I dreamed of being a rockstar to connect to several people in this way, and it's the only way I can imagine doing it. I connect to people with my words, my music, its the only way I know how, I couldn't save someone from death, physically, I'm just not capable. But if I could stop just one person with my music, MAYBE it would all be worth it.

this guy gets it

life = about serving others

Because it's not purgatory. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transferred. When you rub your hand on a desk, the friction is eventually transferred throughout the earth (no matter how minuscule) and may eventually become friction again. I believe in reincarnation for the sole fact that energy is almost 100% certain to be transferred to a state it was once in before. I may not be the man I am now, but I WILL be alive again some day, and that is one of the reasons why it's becoming hard for me dismiss suicide as an option. Not for this purgatory reason you have mentioned.

You are just as afraid as I am, but the difference is I am willing to ask the questions whereas you are content enough to watch others do what you wish you could. My lack of fear of death is what makes me think. THAT is why I have not offed myself yet, user.

Think about this. It is impossible to be aware of not being aware.

This means, we will never simply cease to exist. We will always be experiencing something.

For example, when you sleep and wake up, you either remember some dream bits, or just going to bed. You didn't actually experience being not conscious. Same thing with people in comas.
It's hard to explain for me, but think about it.

So, before you kill yourself, ask yourself if what comes next will really be that much better?

You might forget absolutely everything about this life, but there surely is something to be experienced after this, be it good or bad.


But what I mentioned is still selfish, user. The idea of making music for others is still accompanied by desires for fame, greed, overall while I may be helping others, I would be helping myself the most.

Of course there is no deep meaning. We are all most probably just a simulation anyway. So just fuck it all.

No user, we may be the base of a simulation, provide the grounds for which the physical (third dimension) may exist, but we are not simulations.

This is one of the hardest things I'm dealing with when it comes to suicide. I know that I will experience something after this life, it's the only logical possibility. But to leave everything, everyone behind, to be willing to forget them just to experience something new, I fear that will alter the experience of what comes after death, and that is why I have yet commit suicide myself.

am i green or red?

>But if I could stop just one person with my music, MAYBE it would all be worth it.
You attach the worth in what you want to do to helping others, whatever else it might do for you.

We cannot have once conscience because we are not as similar to ants as you think. Ants are a hivemind, killing an ant is killing a piece of a larger body. While I have often compared the human race to parasites, we are not a hiveminds, we live individual lives, I cannot comprehend or fathom the horrors and tramas you have been through just as you cannot comprehend those that I have because we are different people. Our experiences may be the same, but our lives are not.

I don't think I would be where I am if it wasn't for all the purpose I have found through music, the heart that some people put into their work because they are selfish, because they do care. Who better to came for some one else than some one who cares for themself? You've been on both sides, who better to predict the coin? Hate yourself but don't hate your hatred, it's what pushed you originally. Let it push you again, don't let anything stop you and just carry on through. If it's what makes it worth it for you than fuck yeah because shit, it's been worth it for me.

stop being me user.

Glad you mention that. Another concept I entertain. Who's to say both ideas aren't valid? Especially if you take the, "do good, your next life will be good." to heart. More so the reason to better yourself in the present. Suicide would basically be a backup of where you are now, if not something worse.

Ants aren't a hive mind because they aren't a body, they're a unit co-ordinating through individual units based on sensory inputs and instinct.

There is nothing wrong with being selfish, just don't be a piece of shit.

I'm nice to people and all, but I'm making sure I can eat first before I give you any

>serving a purpose for a higher being
You know that Rick and Morty is just a cartoon, right? Turning a universe into a battery is impossible. The laws of thermodynamics prohibit it.

More importantly, live for yourself. Don't go banking your whole existence on some fairy tale god who may or may not exist. Find something that gives your life meaning and pursue the fuck out of it.

Death is ever present in life, an inescapable, unquestionable reality of the world.
We might struggle through every day of our life, while others cruise.
Never knowing how to grow up, we are inseparable from our memories of childhood.
If only my childish view of the world remained true, then things would get better.
Instead it has felt like a decline since that age and I'm stranded on this island of adults
not knowing what the fuck I'm doing.
It's not like the right way to go about life has shown itself to me,
as an adult I still feel just as much like a kid as before, but with all the responsibility.
We're always learning, though I'm waiting for the day
that I feel that I've grasped more than the surface of life.?

Im still waiting, maybe someday..

So if you were actually able to do it then shit'd get intense, right?

Yeah. That's why it makes for great tv.

Sorry but 'ur world ends with u lol deal with urself eat chicken more'

Ain't saying it would be, but why be so dismissive. You'll only learn what you know that way.

>look how meta I am after watching a cartoon waaaah nothing matters
You rationalize like a coward. Instead of trying to justify that nothing matters try living as if everything matters.

but you would have money to buy tons of heroine and you would have added atleast a nice experience to the mind of your fellow humans, you might even get a star in hollywood and be remembered by monkeys ever after.

I never post anything but I saw that you needed an answer. the bullshit that your on the media and anywhere in your life is a lie. everything that exists within the society we live in is either a lie or an illusion to make you believe the lies even more... tell me do you get out and enjoy life ?? have you ever experienced good vibrations ?? If not I suggest you get off your sorry ass stop making excuses quit your job and go travel .. don't kill yourself because you don't know a good thing in your life .. make one instead .. god speed my celestial brother/ sister

Have you read anything I said or responded to? I didn't say this came from a cartoon, this has all manifested itself over several years, the show is what gave me a way to show other people what I'm talking about. A way to connect to people without having to explain a crazy theory, because it is already explained.

>How can our lives be anything more than serving a purpose for a higher being
I don't care. Nothing in my life changes if this is the case.

>Explain to me why you think life is worth living
Because I was born. I live. I can die. I want to die eventually, and hope I retain the right to die, but know that, feasibly, I'm not going to live twice like this.

I might get a second chance, and it might be more and less than I realized, but fuck shit, I'm here now, I'll see how far I can dick around.

>what if our very existence is something just as mundane
Nothing changes. You're still in a universe. You're still here. Gravity still works. Everything remains mundane. Wowee.

>there's no destiny, no fate, no God

>everyone dies and is eventually forgotten
Better that way. I don't want to live forever, because I only understand being finite.

>is why does any of that matte
Does it need to matter? What if it didn't matter? What would you do? What would doing anything do? Why try to do anything else if nothing matters? Does nothing need to not matter? Why answer more questions with questions?

Why not?

Meaning is not required in order to enjoy life.

Also, value in life is not inherently dependent on meaning or being remembered or living forever.

Everybody knows the question, "What is the meaning of life." And people have been working on that question for hundreds or thousands of years, so it isn't unreasonable for a person; for you, to assume that because lots of people ask that, that it's an important thing to know.

But there is no actual solid good reason why it would be. That meaning of life is of ultimate importance is an argument, not a self-evident truth. Maximizing happiness in life is of ultimate importance is another argument. But it is no more or less obviously true than discovering the meaning of life.

You could, if you wanted to, define ultimate value in life as making paperclips. And the more paperclips you make, the more value your life has. Now, yeah, that sounds pretty boring and stupid, but you have just as much authority and reason to declare that the defining value of life as somebody has to say, "saving lives" or "being remembered forever" is what defines the value of your existence.

I fucking reincarnated. I remembered stuff already when I was born.
And now im also totally like destroyed emotionally inside, and I this is the only place to vent cause no one I know in real life gets any damn thing I have to say.

>Better that way. I don't want to live forever, because I only understand being finite.
That's the problem though, it hurts the soul so much to be teased with love for life and the knowledge of its own demise.

I hate to intrude, but I strongly advise against the heroin.

If you're considering suicide now, wait until the time comes to kick the heroin habit..

I know that I'm a fucking happy guy because I still have the memories, but now I just feel fucking empty all the goddamned fuckin time. And I know it's gonna be a long time before I get used to living without the shit again.

nah man its just more of a probability that nothing matters. its not a fact just more of a probability. Think about it like this. If we are a simulation but then in 300 years we become capable or making our own universe simulators. Wouldnt that pattern follow down universe to universe kinda like in the show? That would mean that technically there is a larger probability of us being a simulation than being the "original". Just physics man

>cartoon explained my "theory"
You really don't see how intellectually lazy this reflects on you? Again, you're just taking the easy way out. Nothing matters or everything matters, you chose the former to justify non action, nothing more nothing less.

actually to defend my fellow. the cartoon episode idea is related to real theory in science. That is theoretically possible.

Santa clause machine is a lie and what you're talking about isn't physics it's sophistry


Now go watch some porn...

>real theory in science
they're mucking up the interpretation of data, by definition data does not show theoretical possibilities.

If our existence is for the personal gain of a higher consciousness, then I would wonder what and how much of a gain it really is.

It's a fundamental law of nature, not just dismissal for no reason. Go type in "free energy" or "overunity" into YouTube and see how people who think the laws of thermodynamics don't apply to them waste their lives.

Life isn't worth living unless you choose a reason why you'd like to keep existing

santa clause machine is a machine that synthesizes real shit. not simulated shit. To simulate all you need is a powerful enough computer which. Moores law has that covered. Also it is physics . Bostrom my dude.

>explain to me why you think the life is worth living

It"s not, now set up a stream and kys on it.

These are all my replies (OP), it's becoming difficult to reply to everyone at once so I leave you all tonight with this, the exact episode I mentioned in regards to Rick and Morty is S2E6. The basic premise is that every universe is a creation in another universe to serve a particular purpose, and each universe is created by a being with far superior intelligence, thus making them the God of that universe. Rick is the God of his universe, his universe is home to the God of another universe and so on. The creator of Rick and Morty is the God of that universe, so why is there no God for this universe? Rick only chose to visit his creation after it ceased to fulfill the purpose he created it for. People wonder why God does not visit us, it has nothing to do with shame or pride, it is because we perform the actions he is given us the purpose to perform. What is the one thing mankind has done since the beginning of creation? Lived, maintained consciousness. That is why I mentioned earlier, we are meant to provide a plain for the physical, we are fulfilling our purpose, and that is to be conscious. That is why nothing we do or achieve matters, that is why I find it difficult to derationalize suicide.

No one said learn from dipshits and you'll be the the one to crack it. Just because you can say it's impossible doesn't make it any more impossible. Man will fall to his own shortfallings, that's why he falls.

man I'm just here because of the fear of hell.

I was on course to kill some sandniggers until I caught the jesus

find your trips win

wait youre saying results and data does not show theoretical possibilities? wuhtwuhtWUHT!

Your autism is showing

I don't give a shit.

You are the universe experiencing itself.
And you're doing a shit job of it. You would not have created yourself if you didn't have a reason to be here, so do as you're fucking told and live.

I wonder what the quantum probability of that was.

Says you.

niggas be straight boolin


I just visualized it and the probability locked in.

This is science fiction, guy.

I don't know. I rather much enjoy the idea of oblivion and resonance. I live.

I die.

Something lives.

Something dies.

Everything was a hot soup of energy.

It's cooling and expanding now.

It potentially threatens to rip itself apart on a subatomic scale and return to the soup.

I am a tiny, dead man, typing before it happened.

My love for life is neatly dealt with, with the knowing that it will embody things that will extend far beyond my experiences, and ability to consider. I know I am dead in the end. I know things die. I have never known, have never been sold, or had explained, the experience and nature of being infinite as an agent in the universe, not genuinely. But I have forever heard of the human condition. Of the struggle of life. Infinite? If you made me this, I would cry out and scream murder, because I could no longer enjoy being mortal, and suffer the same plight and delights as my fellow man, time and again. I know things want to occupy the most agreeable states, and that nothing remains a certain kind of thing without a given exchange or "sacrifice".

So, my personal love for life is capped nicely with an understanding of life itself. I wasn't meant to last forever. I feel that way consciously, subconsciously, and even demonstrate it on a much deeper, cellular level. As such, these sentiments and expressions aren't unique. I was not built to last forever, I was built to enjoy only so much of anything, good or no, and then pass on the information. My programming, as it were, contains the instructions to
death. Parts of me must die, so that I can live, so that I may eventually die well. That equilibrium must also die. I want this. This, was promised to me.

Knowledge being power, this is the sweet knowledge, the given power, that makes life worth living. I will have lived, and know that being alive. Then, one day, I can die. Like a flower. Like a small pellet of spent fissionable fuel, daughter atoms scattering.

How many of these threads do you make a day or is it really a teenage thing now to make these thread for fun?

Pretty sure he's 30+ years old

oh heeeellll naww

All evidence is to the contrary. The computer you're on now would never have been made without physical laws to base it on. We've tested the thermodynamics thing over and over again, from atoms to galaxies, and it has yet to fail. So you're giving the benefit of almost zero doubt to a cartoon, rather than experimental results.

You can literally eat shit, this is the first thread on this subject I've made and I'm a frequent Sup Forumsto who has yet to see this kind of thread yet.

i actually really enjoy these threads. They make us think and talk . Rather than throw around pictures of smoothskinned shemales .....

If youre feeling like nothing matters you need to listen to Jordan B Peterson's lectures on youtube, i listen to him while i work and while i dont understand everything it sure has given me some new perspectives on life.

Give him a chance.


I used to watch Elliott Hulse, as I used to feel he gave me the "man's perspective" on these topics, but even lately I find myself having trouble believing him.

You are made up of particles which are apart of the 'universe'. Proven.
Your conscious experiences its environment via its bodily senses, the environment is the universe. Proven.

Sciences says, bitch.

This subject is not a scientific subject, cartoon or not. It's a philosophical one.
This way of thinking is called nihilism. Nietzsche wrote a lot about it (but he isn't the only one).

You should read books on the subjects. From the fact that nothing has purpose, many philosophers have chosen different responses and so different way living. They've written entire books on the subject, where you'll find interesting reasoning and ideas, backed by logic.
From that, find the point of view that convinces you the most.

Reading philosophy can seems boring or useless, but it has been created to respond to questions like yours. And anyway, since nothing has value, this activity worth another one.

Socrates disagree with you

this is what i was hoping someone would catch on the purpose of my post is complete. But why cant i complete the purpose of life :(

perhaps look up the Socratic paradox and come back eh..

OP here, I told you the purpose of life. We're here to be alive, to provide a plain for the physical to exist. Happiness and sadness doesn't matter, being conscious does.

We are building "the Great Ghost" (God), with each experience you contribute to the cause.

This is what I like to tell myself to get some peace of mind, nobody actually knows what the fuck is going on but this atleast gave me peace of mind, which seems to me is what you need.


Ever since i started taking psychs ive drowned myself in those books. I understand nihilism but you can also choose to understand the rich probabilities of the universe through knowledge in physics. I wouldnt simply put it off as NIHILISTIC THINKING. All im saying is there is a large possibility. Not that it wouldn't have meaning cus meaning is relative. My simulated life to me is just as important as the asshole simulating it.

"What is the meaning of life?"

It's to answer that question.

the Socratic paradox tell us that we can't prove the environment exists.

Whoa, you must be very bright. You just watched a rick and morty episode and now you have existential crisis.

You're clearly new to the thread