Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
what meme is this?
>guy mows another man's lawn
user don't be stupid we all know who fucked up
some people pay mexicans to do their gardening...
Rust was mowing lawns for the Iron Crusaders, Marty should be sucking his cock.
I'm just here for the lawn, Marty
Rust cucked Marty, but Marty didn't take it like a cuck. I guess Rust was wrong to start it but someone had to satisfy Marty's wife
I don't fucking know
Rust just wanted to show Marty's wife his wheelbarrow
If you were rust and Marty's wife came to you in her desperate condition and tried to fuck you, would you?
i'd mow her lawn ;^)
I miss the memes of the first season
Errol Childress
thats a big lawn
>Who was in the wrong here?
Why did they have to fuck season 2 so badly ?
It was just too much MUH DAMAGED CHARACTERS rather than actual character development
HBO CEO said he's down for whatever Pizzo wants to do, season 3, something else, anything he wants to make they'll produce.
I'd make her eat some eggs
i'd fuck her right in the ass, if you know what i mean.
Season two was great. fuck off
Exactly. You're in control. You pay someone with your money to do a job you don't feel like doing. Different than another man of comparable status coming and mowing your lawn, which of course was foreshadowing for some mowing he'd be doing later on. Men have a sense for this type of shit and it's for a reason.
Knowing myself..... shit I really don't know. He was pretty drunk too, mind you. I'll say if I was sober... probably not. If I was drunk.... probably. But it could honestly go either way in both situations.
1 - Wife
2 - Rust
9001 - Marty
Marty is no saint though
have you seen her video where challenges a guy to do push ups, you can see clearly her ass is big, i got tricked by Sup Forums thinking it was a body double in the Rust's mowing scene
please tell us of them I only know "i'm just here for the files Marty"
I want more spooky cultist crime drama's dammit, and preferably with some Lovecraft and great atmosphere on the side. I mean just listen to the OST
Shooting at God was bigger than files ever will be
Possibly the most reddit post.... ever....?
Possibly the most reddit post.... ever....?
find it and post it lad
honestly for me it doesn't even need the occult/lovecraft spooky themes, the whole backwoods louisiana swamp atmosphere was already neat
i think there was something lately that HBO might make s3 if it's about rust again and mcconaughey said he'd be up for it. it might take a while but i think they'll make it eventually
well well well, if it isn't reddit
Possibly the most reddit post.... ever....?
>it doesn't even need the occult/lovecraft spooky themes
true, but honestly i thought the mix of the bayou with the spooky stuff was fantastic. I think that it mixes so well is because the rural, nature, the wild takes up the role of the lovecraftian unknown. Nature is untamed in comparison to a city so there are other dangers lurking about then in a city. But nature also has a more spiritual and mystic feel to it then the suburbs. However a bad neighbourhood can also be spooky but not in a way that a big forest can. You already know where the all the possible dangers come from and things you should avoid in those neighborhoods.
fuggin love TD season 1
And then have a seasoned detective who's keen on beating up kids for being in a car with his daughter after me? Absolutely not.
never rub another man's rhubarb
Damn right, a man is in control of his own lawn. I would be irritated to if I were Marty.
i'd give her some eggs
Chambers, not Lovecraft.
Marty in every conceivable way. Rust had virtually no interest in Marty's wife except being envious of the happy life he had. He just wanted to help out his partner/friend's family whilst waiting for him.
Maggie got Rust drunk and used him in the end, Rust never initiated anything and even reminds Marty of this later.
Rust is an autist though, he doesn't understand why that might be perceived as inappropriate
I only just watched TD season 1 this week, pretty glad I did, but now it's over
How can other shows even compete
Mad Men is really fucking good as well.
You could ask my best friend (the answer is yes).
watch southern comfort, it had a nice swamp theme going on too
How did they drop the ball so hard in the second season?
They cant, atleast not in that genre.
The chemistry between Mccounaughey and Woody Harrelson is irreproducible.
There will never be a second TD S1
Guessing you dont got your own property. Pleny of people would get mad coming home to find their wierd ass new collegue mowing their lawn for no reason.
This. At least in the US mowing your own lawn is a symbol of masculinity, it means you own your own property and are responsible for it. Add the fact that Rust was at Marty's house alone with his wife without his knowledge, that that Marty was having ongoing tensions in his marriage, and that Rust and Maggie had some kind of weird chemistry from the first time they met. Maybe in isolation any of those things would slide, but put together it would be easy to feel that the lawn mowing was insinuating something.
And the "rust is autistic so he didn't know" doesn't work because Rust was great at predicting other peoples' reactions to things in every other situation. He was clearly attracted to Maggie and thought that Marty didn't deserve her, which is why he was weird and overly familiar with her, but his sense of loyalty to his partner kept him from doing anything serious until she outright came onto him.
Objectively correct. Good job, user.
Didn't Rust live in an apartment? Why did he have to borrow the lawn mower in the first place?
what did he mean by this?
it went right over my head