Isn't this dish the size of a continent? How the hell would you lower it into position entirely?
What's even moving it?
Isn't this dish the size of a continent? How the hell would you lower it into position entirely?
What's even moving it?
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Its in space moron
Death Star is like size of a small moon or even smaller than that. No way that's size of a continent.
How does that change anything? Size still matters in space.
The Death Star is the size of a small state.
The rest of the death star has a strong gravitational influence. How do you explain that?
This. The death star itself was never depicted as the size of a planet, so how could the dish alone be the size of a continent?
Are you sure you're not thinking of Starkiller Base from the new one OP?
Size matters with regards to inertia but not mass in zero g
>How the hell would you lower it into position entirely?
>What's even moving it?
Thrusters? Rockets? Scifi things that make things move? Momentum?
The Death Star is pretty small, and we know it has both tractor beams and artificial gravity, so there's nothing to really question.
The only thing to wonder about is how close to the planet's surface it would need to actually be to cause an eclipse...
It's tiny.
ITT: believing NASA lies that the Death Star is round.
ISS orbit would be my guess
same way i lower ur mum into position m8
>how close to the planet's surface it would need to actually be to cause an eclipse...
You'd never be able to figure this out without knowing the size of the planet, the size of the star it's orbiting and how far out from the star that orbit is
Star Wars is fucking retarded
more at 11
Civilian contractors.
Yeah so it would take a hell of a lot of power to get the dish moving, and then to stop it in place
Han Solo describes it as a "small moon"
It's certainly big, but no where near as big as a continent.
>hell of a lot of power to get the dish moving
*it would take a hell of a lot of power to get the dish moving fast in a short amount of time
If you provided even the smallest amount of acceleration, it would start moving in space. It should also be noted that the Death Star has a built in tractor beam that maybe, because Star Wars, makes it easier to pull that shit towards it.
what the fuck is everyone on the death star doing? tech support?
also stupid how its depicted like a military base when it would obviously have to be a self-sustaining metropolis with families and brothels and shit
Because it's a stupid fucking movie that makes no sense.
The new order or new empire or whatever was left in shambles and yet they're able to build a super death star in about the same time it took to build a death star, 1/10 its size?
I hate Jar Jar Abrahams and the gerbil, so much.
Oh wait that's from the newer more cultural Marxist diverse movie?
Oh, so this is from the one where the kung fu guy hits MEN IN FUCKING ARMOR, with a stick and knocks them out. And it has a stroink wymen.
think ull find george L explained that point by showing all the stormtroopers were clones
it was jj that ruined it
repulsor fields
Because JJ is a fucking hack. Fucking ruined the force so that feminist could for no fucking reason force over power everyone with the power of her puss, i mean vagina. Fuck disney, fuck jj.
there's an expanded universe book (very inventively called "The Death Star") that plays mostly on the death star, there's some twilek girl with a bar there (they practically forced her to open it by closing her bar on coruscant) and you get some insight into requisition orders and shit. there's also a librarian as main character (which consequently means they have a public library there) and there's tell of whole red light districts on the death star (that's where the twilek's bar is located)
they literally lifted the free entrepreneurship joke off of Clerks and made it a major storyline in an Expanded Universe book, can't make this shit up.
>If you provided even the smallest amount of acceleration, it would start moving in space.
that's not true, theres a certain point where it will start to move very slowly at that and it takes an equal amount to stop it again.
The Dish sliding into place is retarded and is done in the mindset of "what will look cool?" first, the creators of this movie aren't actually thinking about what they're putting on screen
Its still matters as the mass of the death star is a the mass of a small moon, so simply doing that move without the whole thing crashing down on the surface of death start requires huge amounts of energy,
its a movie with magic space ninjas
you mom didnt have a problem with size last night
The storm troopers were never fucking clones you fucking idiot.
Fun fact:
In space, if you deliver a karate kick to Pluto from orbit, you're going to change its flight path.
That's how physics work, in a frictionless envoriment.
It will be a nigh immesurable change in Pluto's path, but it will be a change none the less.
As for moving the dish: You're talking about a setting where an X-wing, a space ship no bigger than your avarage long-distance delivery truck, can casually travel in hyperspace because technology is just that advanced and apparently interstellar propulsion requires 6 triple A batteries.
If you want to agitate over physics not making any sense in Star Wars, agitate over why the Empire doesn't just attack the magic hyperdrive of space fighters to medium sized asteroids and use that as their planet buster.
>That's how physics work, in a frictionless envoriment.
But such an environment doesn't exist, it's an impossible construct in our reality hence your idea of physics just shot itself in the foot, you stupid fucking person.
>thinks there's someplace that friction doesn't exist
>thinks in "outer space" there's no friction
>there is, stupid fucking person, it's called gravity
>gravity exists everywhere
>people still call being in space "zero gravity"
>it's microgravity, you stupid fucking people
>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all
Any sort of thruster with even minimal amounts of force will move something. Do you not understand what a vaccuum is? A fucking fly landing on you could push you in a direction
now stop your antics
>29 times
>image clearly shows a moon several hundreds of times bigger
Are you even trying to try trying to try?
remember when the death star caught the falcon in a tractor beam
Oh, so the stations gravity pulled the dish in, problem solved.