>smoking my vape during the movie
>some guy starts throwing a fit
>explain to him that it's just water vapor
>he tries to get the manager to throw me out
what is wrong with people
>smoking my vape during the movie
>some guy starts throwing a fit
>explain to him that it's just water vapor
>he tries to get the manager to throw me out
what is wrong with people
Other urls found in this thread:
Let me guess, you're a fat guy?
Does it matter that I am?
Oh yes.
>not just eating a powerful brownie beforehand
>smoking my cigarette at the movie
>some guy starts throwing a fit
>explain 9 out of 10 doctors choose camels
>he tries to get a manager to throw me out
what is wrong with people
guaranteed replies thread
not that kinda vaporizer, he's talking about the fedora of smokables, the e-cig
>my vape
Was it hard telling your parents that cocks spend more time in your ass than fecal matter?
>he's talking about the fedora of smokables
Hi autistic cancerstick smoker
>not vaping
Chicks love vapers, when I smoke mine at the bar I get at least one chick a night hitting on me
>has to vape for at least one girl to hit on you per night
>he fell for the vape fad
where I am it's illegal to vape indoors in public.
and yeah, i'd be annoyed too if some fat fuck was vaping in the cinema.
>not having girls knocking on your door to fuck
Just how beta are you?
Were you in the vape zone of the cinema?
If you do it at the back of the cinema and obscure the led, maybe even try exhaling into your jacket then it should be fine. I've done it a few times but only in completely or near empty cinemas.
because it fucking stinks you imbecile, though in your case, not vaping won't help in that matter
Actually, I'm even worse than a cancerstick smoker
I'm a dipper. Pic related.
Has he been infected?
>everybody smokes or vapes or whatever
Fucking degenerates, the lot of you.
Become an alcoholic like a true patrician.
>I'm a dipper. Pic related.
>Not blowing it into the protector beams and pretending its a giant lazer
us alcoholics man
>not wanting to be a vape god
>not slowly killing yourself with everything possible at the same time