I am one of the hundreds of teachers going on strike in Petaluma, California today. AMA?

I am one of the hundreds of teachers going on strike in Petaluma, California today. AMA?

What do you do for a living OP?

I hope they replace you with real teachers. Commiefornia has pumped out more retards than any of the other states.

I teach computer science courses at a high school.

do you ever worry that your constant engagement with kids and their intellectual standards fundamentally stunts your own growth?

Yes. I feel a constant sense of dullness. Teaching freshmen in high school is like playing chess with a four year old 200 times a day.

No thanks

that must truly truly suck... thanks for answering honestly.

you perform one of the most vital tasks in society and i will always support teachers in getting better pay and working conditions

I used to live in Petaluma no way they have hundreds of teachers OP is a total Faggot


It's not easy. But there are times where the job makes me happy. Anytime I feel like I've made an actual impact on a students life it makes it worthwhile

I'm training to be a teacher in Scotland at the moment, is the career worth it?

The Petaluma Federation of Teachers represents 360 permanent teachers across the district’s 18 schools.

Do we have to raise our hand to ask a question?

Why are you striking?

Hard to answer. For myself, I regret not taking some opportunities in life where I could have been more successful. Teaching wasn't my first choice. But I know many people that wanted to teach from the get-go and they wouldn't want to do anything else.

Mostly because of all the hours we are forced work without pay. Me personally, everyone else is doing it so...

I'm one of those people, I've been taking any placement and work experience in primary and secondary schools since I was going my GCSEs (15-16). My other question is, my subject is English but I don't know how I'm going to get kids to care about Literature, especially kids int he future, as technology becomes more prevalent I fail they'll all lose interest in literature.

Definitely a legitimate concern. I teach the most wanted classes (computers of course) and I'm always overbooked - and even half the kids that are here don't seem to care about anything. There's about 10% of kids in every class that really care about their work and succeeding - but even then they just want good grades they don't actually care about the subject material.

I guess it'll just be a matter of whether I do or don't engage them well enough, so it's on my shoulders.


I've tried, but the building didn't seem to enjoy it much and its hole was real big.