>film is set in ancient rome
>characters speak modern english
Film is set in ancient rome
What, You want to speak fucking Latin or some shit?
They did speak modern English back then. They just wrote everything down in latin because that's just how they did shit back then.
They can't speak Latin because no one knows how it sounded, we just basically guessed at what sounds the letters stand for.
t. student of latin for three years in high school
>because no one knows how it sounded,
This is some nice bait especially with the "student of latin" bit
>Characters in a historical film speak with English accents, no matter what their nationality.
>make me proud son
But there wasn't cinema back then.
Check mate atheists,
>avenge me
>film is set in ancient rome
>characters speak with a british accent
>nazis speaking american english
uhhhh kinotards?
>holocaust movie
>"based on true events"
>film set in Ancient Rome
>everyone including slaves are wearing white togas instead of exclusively the upper echelon of society
The worst.
>film set in Ancient Rome
>they actually name drop roman gods instead of a more well known greek god
kill yourself edgelords
>film set in modern england
>characters speak Mohammadese
The Roman gods are better known though.
Yeah, you tell em, reddit!
>play set in Italy
>characters speak Shakespearean English
>it's not a matter of if
>it's a matter of when
dumb f**king frog posters f***gts
>If we're gonna do this we have to do it now!
>We don't have time for your dick measuring contest!
Kek, my favorite trope
Kill yourself
would you prefer any different?