Why don't they make Jared commercials anymore?
Why don't they make Jared commercials anymore?
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Jared quit after they stopped paying him in 12 year olds.
He's getting his footlongs from a new source these days.
Saving up funds for product placement in the inevitable MSNBC prison special.
>5.6 terabytes of CP
You can't make this shit up.
>he was jewish
first time actually getting a good look at him and it's so obvious now
There are many heroes in this world, but few are ever as courageous as Jared Fogle.
Sure there are people who have survived the holocaust, or endured unimaginable pain and suffering, or worked their whole entire lives only to have some shitty cheaply made watch to show for it. But this man, this GOD, simply had the courage to say no if he wanted ranch dressing on his chicken tuscarora sandwhich.
A slow clap began to permeate the restaurant and people began to get up from their meals to give a standing ovation.
"And throw a little extra lettuce on there!" was met with loud cheers, huzzah, we will no longer be oppressed by the demon of extra calories ever again.
And that is why he will forever be marked in the hall of fame of such greats as Kevin Federline and Tan Mom.
That's actually kind of impressive, tbqh.
>le prizin rap iz funy!!! xDD
How many image files is that? A million?
top lel I never knew the extent of it
> there was an enormous amount of child porn in the various devices of Fogle and Russell Taylor, including 5.6 terabytes of data. There were 16 smart phones, 6 laptops, 22 DVDs, 159,634 text messages, 3,394 videos and 47,623 pictures.
every waking moment he wasn't taking pictures of himself with sandwiches he had to be jerking off to kids
how do you even be that obsessed with something, like if being a pedo is the equivalent of being straight or gay why don't I have that much normal porn? What's up with pedos and their hoarding obsession?
More than that.
But I'm assuming he had a lot of videos as well.
They are mentally ill
explains his overeating as well, an addictive personality
I am literally eating Subway right now.
It really is, I only have about 1.5 TB.
A lot of it, I'm assuming, is personal videos of him fucking teens. He did travel quite frequently just to fuck underage prostitutes. And with the video quality now, those home videos probably take up quite a bit of space.
>download 5 terabytes of childporn
This sounds like a setup.
Wasn't his agent supposedly supplying him with kids too?
Has Subway lost money over this? Do people think of him on their way to subway and thej change their minds?
Hitler loved Disney. You think they ever lost money over it? No.
I doubt anyone cares, not like Subway was involved in it just because their employee was.
If anything the publicity just makes me want Subway more and I'm more inclined to visit now that I don't have to see his stupid shit eating grin everywhere
Is subway the food of choice for pedos now? Do pedos buy subway for the children locked in their basements?
IBM loved Hitler too.
It just makes me hungry and horny.
And Walt Disney hated Jews. Pottery
I think of it every time a walk by a subway. I didn't really eat there very often to begin with, though. Maybe once or twice since it happened.
Jared (((Fogle)))
Back in my day all the pedos went to McDonalds, they already had kids locked up and ready.
>He was raised in a Jewish home
>He was raised in a Jewish home
>He was raised in a Jewish home
Hitler x Disney is my OTP
Getting rid of the 5 dollar footlong and replacing it with a shitty 6 inch, chips, and a drink has probably done more damage to Subway than Jared getting outed as a pedo did.
Lighten up dick breath
I hope its a sweet onion chicken teriyaki sub
Because pedos can't just go on pornhub any time they want and browse their fetish at will?
how could they fuck up so bad $5 footlong launched subway into the realm of fastfoodkino and then they ruined it
They can if their quick enough.
I don't mind product placement as long as it is seamlessly worked into the plot in a completely organic way like this.
Officer Big Mac was fucking awesome.
>ywn be locked away in a burger jail
How did the FBI catch him? My friend wants to know
Seems like a typical cunnyfag to me
Hitler wasn't a spokesperson for Disney, that's not comparable at all
Were they ever really just getting something to eat?
>Fogle first came to the attention of law enforcement in 2007, when reporter Rochelle Herman-Walrond told police in Sarasota, Florida that he had made salacious comments to her about middle school-aged girls at a school health event she was covering for a local news station.
you literally cannot make this shit up.
>we will never see Jared and Jonah Go to Subway
Why even live?
Why are pedos so fucking retarded
If Jared Fogle was as obsessed with with physics as he was jerking it to toddlers, we'd have a Theory of Everything by now.
that bit about the weight loss turning him into some super sexual saiyon was hilarious
>Why don't they make Jared commercials anymore?
got me, bub
I don't get it bros he was rich why didn't he just bang young looking 18 year olds or even go to thailand and fuck lolis there
Hitler didn't love Disney, you autistic fuck
lol of cp?
He did.
He was obsessed.
Every minute of everyday he was thinking about fucking kids.
so your average Sup Forums poster
Probably an ego thing. What the fuck kind of a person would approach a fucking news reporter at a middle school and tell her that they think middle schoolers are hot? Sounds like some kind of god complex.
>18 year old
>satisfying the needs of a true middle-school cunny connoisseur like Jared
user please.
I said JUST as in only do that
damn. even my fetish porn collection is only 275gb and thats after 9 years of collecting
Hola Dannyboytbh
what kind of pottery?
Holy fucking this is there a source on that?
I bet if I had all the money I needed to buy every single game on steam that I wanted, it wouldn't amount to half that much
he slipped up. criminals always need to look over their shoulder for fear of justice. just when you think it's safe you done fucked up.
It's because he was a producer of child pornography, not just hoarding it. I record myself doing cover songs with an iPhone and even six or seven three minute videos already go to about 4 or 5 gig. With his money, he could probably afford some pretty high tech gear and lots of videos.
that's a fuck load of CP
damn son
hell yea
obsession doesn't mean intelligence or insight, user. so i doubt it.
Literally the pablo escobar of CP
Who the hell is this Jared guy?
The new joker?
What actor would portray him the best?
oy vey!
>download 5 terabytes of childporn
>one of the vids is a mom freaking her 4 year old son
>> there was an enormous amount of child porn in the various devices of Fogle and Russell Taylor, including 5.6 terabytes of data. There were 16 smart phones, 6 laptops, 22 DVDs, 159,634 text messages, 3,394 videos and 47,623 pictures.
What. The Fuck. Dude.
> 159,634 text messages
that's... what? how the fuck is this even possible?
So they DL'ed ALL the cp on the web?
>total media amount = 51017 files
>assuming he started collecting at 25 he would have 14 years to collect
>he would have had to collect 11 files of CP every single day for 14 years
Hey Jared? What do you want on your Subway?
How long did it take you to think up that joke?
a lot