
Adolf H Christ edition

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>finally took the nu-male pill
it feels so good, comrades...

Second for jews were a mistake

You can enjoy most numale albums without beign numale yourself. Not that one, as it happens, but you can.


give me meatl with actual vomit samples

What do you all think
of Leviathan? youtu.be/Qvs8caMiM4k

Wehrmacht - Shark Attack

I don't lsiten to Death, but I appreciate Chuck Schuldiner's musicianship and that's something that definitely offends his memory.

Why is this shit so good?


How do you feel about his AIDS then?


>Still listening to the bad version of Twilight Force

he didn't die from AIDS.

what is this song?

It was pretty successful too

>he didn't die from AIDS.

every time

>listening to discount luca turilli

>leprechaun blind guardian

Carnivore - Jesus Hitler

what is this, a /meal/ meme?


Mr Bungle

Well, it's a lot more structured than anything Beyond Creation has churned out. But listen to that violin 'melody' in the left speaker channel. It never shuts up for longer than half a second. If I shift my attention even slightly away from it, the notes just become a pleasant blur. There's nothing wrong with it; it's just not my kind of thing.

hey guys did you know that technical prowess is not a valid criteria to call musc good, but atmosphere is

What's the hot new /meal/ meme this week?

Is vektorposting still bad?

You are, you fucking meme.

Fuck you

what the fuck is wrong with you you piece of shit

consider suicide


I just thought up a new meme for this general, niceposting, we act like civilized human beings and treat each other with respect, whilst having meaningful conversations about music.

That'd be fucking hilarious

Have you listened to pic related yet user?
I think it's a nice folk metal album
Have a swell day user, I hope your gf cooks you up some mac n' cheese :)

Better idea: kys yourself

Neck yourself faggot

deathspell omega

fuck off nu-male cuntboy go listen to some hot garbage like Ulver

nah, sounds like shit, memes have to be felt, communicated, not agreed upon

>Folk metal

I love Ulver, how'd you know?

I haven't listened to this! I'll have to give it a shot. What is the album title and artist, friend?

Tell that to faggots from image sharing sites that go "omg can we make this into le new meem xd" every time something remotely funny is posted.

Comment sections were a mistake.

>thumbnail looks like a gore cover
this might be interesting
>its actually some autistic tolkien wank
fucking dropped

>meaningful conversations about music
the idea that conversations about music could be meaningful at all is the biggest meme






>reddit tier reaction images

>vibrating waves oscillating in ears

you guys are awfully cheeky today







Stop shitposting.

Akercocke is literally the greatest band name

more like Akerjoke amirite?

fatness reigns

Is that The Penguin?

this, but unironically

It even has three fingers

I can finally post this

No you can't, actually

delete this post. right now.

blackmetal scene on the falkand islands


Just because I'm a nu-male doesn't mean you can tell me what to do!!!!

You have gone too far

what the fuck

That would be hilarious to witness

wouldn't thet stop being nu-males once they rebelled?

what is he listening to?

in the mall

That's why it'd be hilarious to see. A bunch of people ready to riot but never doing it, instead getting trapped in a hesitating pose for about three hours before finally chickening out and going home to post about how they were part of the first step of a grand revolution which will never have a step two.

which camo is varg wearing here?


that was his arson outfit since he's a criminal duh

are those actual alben? does .....ohhhh that's what NSDM means! You guys are retarded, what are you listening to? The industry has sunk so low in trying to provoke by the cheapest way possible.


stop eating vegetables

A Croissant variant on the Hamburglar pattern

how can he eat cheeseburgers with only one tooth


have you ever seen him eating them?



Metallica is literally glam metal

that filename made me spit all over the screen, thanks a lot

What the fuck.
Is this even real?
Are the lyrics of this build around the idea of the title?

does that seem far fetched in the world of extreme metal?

Depends on what you consider extreme metal.
But yeah i've never saw something as strange as this before. What where they thinking about?
The only thing left to answer is if this was done as joke or in all seriousness

Fine, extreme music in general. I mean Anal Cunt is/was a real thing, you know?

buttmetal AOTY leaked

Amazing thread

What went wrong and when?

he became a meme and just now