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This shot/his voice has been replaying over and over in my head ever since I saw this. Idk why it sticks out so much.
>Breaking character is good t.v.
why is mr.hayden so angry?
>world peace is good tv
its great tv
>political art should adhere to the strictures of """"""""""good tv""""""""""
Good goy.
i enjoyed it, but everytime he/she breaks character the other grills get a hint that they're being rused and their responses suffer because of it.
we miss out on some real uninhibited Gold
>political art
Yeah they really wouldn't have thought it was serious before he broke character you lemon
>Sam Hyde
>choosing between what nu-males find funny and Sam Hyde
>a hard choice
you give wimmin too much credit, lad
Fuck off sam your show fucking sucks.
Someone is mad :^)
>all these haters
Do non-Amerifats have to pirate this show? I would watch it if it were on YouTube but it doesn't seem worth pirating 3bh.
why is he so mad?
because jews rock
he is super busy
Are these girls supposed to be "real" girls? Pretty sure they're actos
This isn't a Trump meme, the segment is called "The Wall Show" because it's all about women who hit The Wall in their sexual/romantic lives, and are now past the point in their lives where they would have been able to have a fulfilling relationship. The white girl they found fit the archetype so well that I was confused as to whether or not it was an actress or an actual late-20s early 30s woman who thought the show was legit.
>Calls herself a queen
>Wants a buff rich lawyer despite being a garden variety wasted-potential middle class white girl
>Alludes to the fact that she is (or was) a huge slut with a non-sequitor about how "your number of partners really gets held against you when you get older"
Go to bed, Eric. No matter how hard MDE BTFOs you, you're career will be safe because you have been Chosen.
Only actor was Charls. Sam said they werent told what to say
that reminded me a lot of that slaves song from wonder showzen
The wall sketch was funny. The lifting bro one was dumb.
With all the viral marketing hype for this guy I was a little disappointed in the 2 eps so far.
>mfw go on their lelddit page
>mfw sam is pretty nice to his fans and responds all the time
was kind of expecting him to be this "always in character" weirdo asshole.
Its a funny sketch but im still skeptical that the women werent prompted in any way
Slaves song skit was too long
Sams jews rock skit pops in and out.
Sams skit is better
Doesn't necessarily mean they aren't actors, perhaps just improvising
Who is Sam Hyde?
Sam hyde was a comedian who died a tragic death during the milwaukee riots
I'm saying this as someone who isn't Sam Hyde, but it's really a show where you have to watch the episode twice. That's not a bad thing either. Good show 8/10
Slaves song was more of a song, Jews rock was just them saying jews rock over and over
"Slaves" was undeniably better in every conceivable way, you're just a Sam hyde fanboy
they're the exact same length
Yes the jews rock was a short segmen so random
Where as slaves goes on too long and has no punchline.
Sam dressed like the vlassic kosher pickle bird saying he loves jews is great
Wondershowzen has no payoff for their slaves skit its basically a family guy musical number filler piece
No way jews rock is under 1:30
That boring slaves song goes on forever
it's avant garde
everyone will be doing it in 20 years
is that pic real?
what exactly was the message here
he unironically used to respond to people having problems through email, people that wanted lifting advice, or how to get on the straight and narrow
>Breaking character isn't good t.v.
his mom buys him treats
Sam breaks kayfabe more often than not, and is a really nice/genuine guy.
>Tinky was an extra in Birth of a Nation
Jhoninney better appear on the show
dr*ft your c*r
>Tinky (as Jermarcus Ogletree)
wow you're so cool user
If he said that, he might have been joking, considering he repeated what she said when he prompted her about waking up drunk not knowing what she did.
Why does that image make me think of sugar substitute packages?
who are these 2?
>tfw new episode tomorrow
two semi proficient nothingmasters from the science episode of KSTV.
sam isn't smart enough to make that joke
which video is this from? I love whenever they post these paragraphs of rants that flash on screen for like 3 seconds
I seriously think The Wall Show was done similarly to Moms.
The actresses were given a script (seems Charles definitely had lines written for the whole thing), but not long into it MDE starts riffing shit just to see how the actresses react. Brittany's lines in the opening (the whole wild & free bit) seem sort of rehearsed. She has that look on her face that screams "LOOK, I'M ACTING!!"
However, the part where they ask them to give the 5 year old girl advice seems genuine. Charles had lines here I think but they got fucked up from Sam and Nick grilling Brittany.
the show sucks guys, get over it
This is what I think as well.
pack it in guys, 73366522 thinks the show sucks so now we can't like it any more
Im just kidding women don't work construction.
Fact snack truck lady is the closest they get.
I'm afraid I won't be ready for The Great Happening, brothers.
Even though he's a naughty boy that eats treats, at least he's working out. He'll have a chance unlike me.
Jesus Christ. I probably shouldn't take it so personally, but I feel like I'm the same kind of shmuck he mocks. I probably could have been more if the right pressures had been applied to me, but instead I folded and then just laid low for the rest of my life. The current reality is that I'm an idiot and I have to work with that. Fucking rough trying to function as a retard. Just smart enough to outsmart myself to my own detriment.
Ever work a corporate side of a trade company?
This is pretty much standard.
Also, you notice when Sam brings up what Brittany said backstage about her drinking habits, she gets a weird look on her face as if realizing that this wasn't on the script. She wasn't expecting it to be brought up.
>I probably shouldn't take it so personally, but I feel like I'm the same kind of shmuck he mocks.
I think what sam really does is just brutally makes fun of himself without really saying its him hes mocking, and then other 20 somethings end up relating to it and get angry because they think hes singling them out
hes pretty smart in that regard.
make sure you post the tool banner on every heavy metal kikebook page and twatter
over stressed, overworked young boss
he probably worked with someone just like that
>I think what sam really does is just brutally makes fun of himself without really saying its him hes mocking, and then other 20 somethings end up relating to it and get angry because they think hes singling them out
wooooah dude thats sooo smart.
the fat kid in "the wall" was called sam. its not exactly subtle.
Are these the types of shows suicidal people watch?
WP gives me the will to go on / the push i need over the edge (circle whichever applies)
this, he's a failed ugly as fuck weirdo degenerate loser and he seems pretty aware of that
yeah the whole point of mde is basically that sam is butthurt he went to art school.
100% British!
That guy is a great actor
He's been explicit about that at least once, in the recent thing he did @ Rutgers, How to "Make It" as an "Artist", and at least one similarly titled video he did previously.
The difference is he's arguably not in such a shitty position any more and he's trying to make the most of it.
What the fuck are the people he makes fun of doing? Trying to scam people because they're not qualified to do anything that would normally make them that much money.
What the fuck am I doing? I'm doing what's most efficient for an animal like me, not thinking long-term, and taking advantage of NEET-bucks. All the self-awareness about long-term thinking is all hypothetical with no motivation behind it. That's the problem with humans, they're not motivated to do something until it's too late. or at least that they can receive a lesson with a punishment they can survive, in time to correct their behavior for a later situation that's life-and-death.
I wish I could pull my head out of my ass. I'm wondering what the elites are doing building underground bunker cities, when I'm not worth surviving.
he looks too much like Daniel Holden from rectify at certain angles
Only got funny when nick dropped the accent
>@ Rutgers, How to "Make It" as an "Artist",
this is the best thing ever. hope he does more stuff like this.
brilliant political art senpai
You can't change the past. I think he's just working with what he's got, passing on the lesson.
My best friend's a wage-slave working off student debt. He's working a full time job sitting at a computer all day and his dumb middle-aged body isn't taking it well. I wanted to help him out with my savings, but I'm not sure he's really learned his lesson. My parents don't think it's a good idea unless I want to GIVE it to him instead of loan it.
He just wants to go live out in the woods and let society collapse. Yeah, good luck. How's your survival skills?
I only personally know 3 people I think are worth saving, and he's 1, and another's probably too ill to make it. 3rd guy's high functioning and trying to get on disability before he becomes homeless. I don't know what hope we have. Maybe no one's helping us because they're busy saving those of us that are actually worth saving, and we don't make the cut. I want to be worth surviving. I don't know.
Why not choose both?