Characters who made their movies bearable

Characters who made their movies bearable

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>he didn't watch Avatar in the cinema
you missed out

What a nice man



Stephen Lang also made the Conan remake not terrible.
The Edge is a great movie though.

i know i just really
wanted to make a bear joke

I saw it opening night in 3D, come at me bro

Does her character develop at all by the end of the film?

He did nothing wrong.

Just so you know, I did laugh.
Jeremy Irons for that movie.

you right, Jeremy Irons was good

>Just so you know, I did laugh
why the fuck are you that kind on Sup Forums thank you

he's better in hannibal

She somehow becomes "friends" with the rest of the squad. Even tells that evil goddess something like "don't mess with my family".

Her performance was great, too bad retarded writing ruined it.

Do tv shows count?

If not then any shit film The Piv is in.

literally the only good thing about Entourage

Do TV shows count?
Because this Faggot right here was the only one with character and arc.
Every scene with him was good until that horrible last season.

fuck my autistic ass, here's the picture.



He should've been the lead rather than Orloondo Bland.

That's a great film though, you kike.

I was particular to Marshall. He made the show comfy