inb4 contrarian club
ITT: Movies that cannot be bad
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MCU in general. None of them are bad. Say what you want but factually, none of them are bad.
I agree, it'll be even better than the first one
If GotG was a better Star Wars, GotG 2 will be Empire Strikes Back.
I will say both Thor movies are stupid.
>Say what you want but factually, none of them are bad.
What did he mean by this?
I guess if you're a fan of Thor comics. But otherwise, they're great fish-out-of-water stories. The humor is a little on the overpowering side but it's not completely distracting.
we reddit now
they all are yes even Iron Man
this is true, as much as i hate to admit it. I've been waiting for a movie to really disappoint me so i can stop with the whole MCU but every one of them has had enough good in it to keep me happy.
Iron Man 3 was the closest I came to stopping but I really liked the bits focusing on tony
at first i thought Dr. Strange would be the next contender, but now THAT looks good. It's going to be Thor or Black Panther at this point.
Fucking marvel consistently doing a decent job in a world where loads of movies are just utter trash
>If GotG was a better Star Wars
nigga you high
I don't read comics, I just think the movies are needlessly soap opera-like. I know a lot of people that like them though.
>they all are yes even Iron Man
Iron Man 3, sure.
Thor Ragnarok is going to be GotG with Hulk and Thor. Planet Hulk is being adapted inside a wacky space Thor movie. It'll probably end up being the best of phase 3. And Black Panther is being taken very seriously. It'll probably be treated like the second coming of Winter Soldier.
wow fucking commit suicide
I was going to back in 2008 but then Iron Man came out and promised a cinematic universe.
>people think this
I thought Antman was the weakest, actually. It looked good, sure, but it was the most hokey MCU flick. Rudd being horrible at voiceovers doesn't help.
I'll let DC go first :^)
Most of the MCU movies are "okay"
I wouldn't call any of them bad but none of them ever really stand out as great. Closest they've gotten was Winter Soldier.
I don't like the DC movies - I'd buy a ticket to MCU over a DC movie any day - but at least they're more interesting to talk about. With Marvel it's basically just "yeah it was okay" - there's nothing really to say
This. At the very worst an MCU film is mediocre.
>Oh no, reddit likes it
Im done with MCU after Civil Bore
but I'll still go see GoTG. Hopefully they will not force the shitty "Marvel Tie-In" bullshit which ruined the original
>vol 2
still should be a fun flick
GotG is legitimately a better movie than the SW7.
A solid space opera, excellent cinematography and direction, the four main characters have actual story arks.
Comparing them is even insulting for GotG
the Empire Strikes Back bit didn't clue you in to the fact that "Star Wars" is referring to A New Hope? Are you that mentally inept?
fuck off Cuck. I bet you wanted finn to bang rey
Obviously you are since you don't understand that user's simple post.
He's the first one to bring up Awakens, yet says comparing the two is insulting.
Don't you fucking dare try to spin this back on me because I know damn well the posts preceding that one refer to Ep. 4
Thor 2, Ultron, Iron Man 2 and 3 were shit
I didn't know what I was talking about. Nevermind.
>iron man 3
>Shane Black directed movies
>anything other than shit
Lethal Weapon and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang were both actually Shane Black films. Do research next time.
Iron Man 3 is definitely garbage. His suits were weaker than tissue paper, he ended up destroying them all and the movie ends with Super Pepper.
It was a good tony stark movie but every part with actual Iron Man shit was just.. tripe
>watching ironman movies for ironman
>muh suits
>muh female doing something
Continue completely disregarding the great story arc Tony goes through and the buddy cop movie it turns into.
i don't but i expect the iron man bits to be at least somewhat worth the effort of keeping my eyelids open
Iron Man 3 was so bad that it made Iron Man 2 better
Iron Man 2 isn't bad but it's definitely down with Season 1 of AoS for worst in the MCU.
They are all bad besides Iron Man, Hulk, and Winter Soldier
That's the thing though. Tony with the suit on is pretty boring. Tony himself is the hero and seeing him tinker and make iron man weapons from hardware store items is great. Think of Iron Man in The Avengers movies. It's usually boring. But Tony himself in those films are great.
That's because they are good movies with hardly any substance. Just plain Hollywood money making flicks.
Of course they are entertaining because that is how they are made but they are nothing special.
Try to prove me wrong.
I hate that argument so much. They're good. They have to have substance in order to be good. Otherwise they'd just make money like the Transformers movies. The only reason people keep saying this is because they're sick of cape movies succeeding. You want so desperately to hate them but you don't.
>>Say what you want but factually, none of them are bad.
>What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
Im surprised how good Doctor Strange looks, im a huge fan of the Doctor and had very little hope for it, but its shaping up to be a good adaptation.
Feige loves Doctor Strange. So of course it's going to have serious quality control.
I hope Wonder Woman hurries up and releases so Geoff Johns can actually start his Feige job over there at WB.
Any cool factor fun song choices might have had will be completely ruined now thanks to suicide squad killing the concept
WW and Aquaman are my only hope right now for DC.
Ill see Justice League, and probable Flash unless its Green lantern levels of bad.
Damn id love to see a good Aquaman movie with him going up against Black manta, I know he is a basic Aquaman villain but he is just a cool villain to me.
And WW would be great if we see Ares or that tiger bitch who,s name always escapes me.... Cheeta. Not a tiger.
the first was absolute garbage, why would this one be any different?
That's wrong though. SS's song choices were poorly chosen and poorly implemented. GotG will continue using songs from the 70s that most haven't heard in years. Not just "it ain't me".
Ocean Master or The Dead king would also be great.
Kingshark would be a side guy you could put in to Suicide Squad 2 or the Flash 2 if they try either.
iron man 3 was good what's with the meme that it's bad? it was written and directed by shane black which is a lot more than you can say for most capeshit. do children not like it because there weren't enough robot fights?
>Iron Man 2
>Age of Ultron
Three out of whatever isn't bad though I guess. Age of Ultron fucking sucks, fite me.
That's exactly why they don't like it.
>do children not like it because there weren't enough robot fights?
that's exactly why, actually.
The Dark World is worse than Thor why do your keep posting this shitty opinion
3 by far was my favorite of the three, 1, then Avengers.
2 is trash.
Empire Strikes Back isn't the sequel to Force Awakens. He was talking about A New Hope.
He meant why is he pretending stupid dumb cunt cape movies are even worth dogshit.
Oh fuck off, you can't see that he's saying it's prolefeed because you're a complete fucking prole yourself.
But, y'know, whatever helps you feel better about liking garbage movies.
Very Good
Cap 2: Winter Soldier
Iron Man
Cap 3: civil war
Avengers 2
> Good enough
Cap 1
Thor 2
Iron man 2
Incr Hulk
> Pretty bad
Iron man 3
Judging by what im hearing
Thor 3 - Gotg2 - Dr Strange
might actually be the Best marvel have ever done
Iron man 3
>has no suit/beat up suit all movie
>think "ok fine, at the end he'll get his newest model and kick ass"
>Gets ass kicked the entire movie, jobs out to everyone
>Beloved bad guy turns out to be a complete joke.
>Finally gets suit
>Gets ass kicked again, and ripped apart by henchmen
>his gf saves the day
He lost his suits and he was on the run. Watch again.
>beloved bad guy
AquaWan will be 10/10 horror flick
And to add onto this.
all 3 of the new Xmen trilogy have been very good
at least First class and DoFP
apocalypse id put at 'Good' level
They're bound to fuck one of these movies up royally, right? Even the wort movies are still better than normal blockbuster crap. Eventually they're gonna screw one of them up. I hope it's not Panther or Dr. Strange.
I reeeeaaaaally want it to be over the top scary. Wouldn't it be pure bliss to live in a world where kids are terrified of Aquaman instead of laughing at him?
How much will it suck? I'm hoping it's as good or better than the first, but I kinda doubt it.
Thor The Dark World was a shit and the score it received on RT is not justified. It was garbage.
You first
X-Men movies aren't MCU
>tfw Thor/Hulk buddy cop movie is going to completely redeem the Portman/Dennings shitfests
I can't wait.
well i hear about Black Manta being in it...hope it doesn't just become a superhero flick
I want it to be a deep sea Lovecraft Horror movie staring aqua man.
(seems like aqua man would be an expensive movie to make now that I think about...Wan is good with small budgets)
literally gonna steal the show big time in the MCU
Thor 1 is fun
Titty queen waifu Dennings barely sold me on watching any of the Thor movies, but now I look forward to Ragnarok
I hate to admit it, but this is true.
Wow, this is extremely accurate.
not as long as Fiege is alive
I would call IM2 and AOU bad.
Mediocre at worst.
IM 2 isn't even that bad. The improv was great.
Only the Villian was meh but serviceable.
Id agree, they weren't bad.
ironman 3 though, again.
I cant say that was good.
Especially when compared to the hype.
Id agree with this
the first one was garbage so how can the second one be good?
excellent bait, my friend
yeah, this is just contrarian try hard faggotry.
like saying south park was never funny, just because other people like it
Not better than the first one, certainly, but far more enjoyable than TFA.
>it's a jew shill visits Sup Forums episode
I'd go a bit further, even. Not only is every MCU movie great and an instant classic, they're also the only movies preventing Hollywood from supporting pretentious arthouse garbage. I've literally never made it through an indie movie without taking a nap out of pure boredom.
First was good, second was mediocre, but not to the point of being bad.
Don't see the appeal behind Winter Soldier ToBeHonest
Spotted the ass blasted DCuck. Listen sport, I understand you're still reeling from the huge dissapointments that are BvS and Suicide Shit but don't hate on success.
I think, GotG is best MCU movie, but i doubt Marvel can do that again.
I mean, look at Ant-Man, Edgar Wright could make a great, very different Marvel movie, but studio was afraid of losing money and they messed it up.
>I mean, look at Ant-Man, Edgar Wright could make a great, very different Marvel movie, but studio was afraid of losing money and they messed it up.
Wright actually wanted the movie to be standalone and not part of the MCU.
That's why he was booted.
reddit told him MCU was good
He wanted to fuck up continuity and put BLAMs and POWs all over the screen like Scott Pilgrim.