You'll be able to play as the primary powers (Britain, Germany and France) what's not to love?
You'll be able to play as the primary powers (Britain, Germany and France) what's not to love?
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looks fun but cant have sweden without marxism
Go to bed, DICE.
at least there is no basketball-american's in the trailer.
It's funny because I don't think DICE were ever known for having SJW shit, despite being Swedish. I'm pretty sure that's BioWare's territory.
I just want a game killing ragheads..battlefield and cod have both disappointed me
Everything has been downhill since BF Vietnam.
No big loss.
Looks good, much better than the new cod. They had to ruin by having a dindu as the main character though.
He's not the main character dumbass, he's for an upcoming DLC about the Harlem hell fires.
I hope you're not talking about the BC expansion. Vietnam was literally the best game ever.
Don't know why anyone cares then just don't buy the dlc
I'd love a Great War video game, but this trailer is terrible. The music is horrible, it's far too much like a modern fps with it's ludicrous set pieces and I suspect the campaign will be terribly written. The fact there's a female Mudslime and a nigger as the two main characters is embarrassingly forced.
But, then again, the multiplayer sounds amazing. Battleships, planes and a focus on melee combat, so it'll be pretty intense. We'll see though.
Battlefield 3 was fucking amazing senpai.
4 was fun and playable after a couple of years of improvements
Cottonfield 1
I'm not autistic enough to care about what ethnicities people in trailers have.
Trailer looks pretty cool, music is a bit overdone though. Plus it's not gameplay so there's no way to know just how well they actually translated the setting
It's gonna be a broken mess just like the last three Battlefield games.
It comes packaged in with the game.
Here you go.
He's holding a German gun, at least here These are the correct answers
I didn't like 3 at launch but it was a lot of fun when I gave it a second chance
4 was ok but it's not that good, even now. Never even played hardline lol
Who are all of these anons who aren't saging an advertisment thread?
I only liked 1942 and 2 of this series.
Especially 1942 was very fun.
....but wearing a British uniform
That's the one I'm talking about right there.
All EA needed to do was update the engine but they always fuck everything up.
Where is Bad Company 3 ??
Ww1 western front was one of the most pointless and boring wars in history, now the eastern front...
What is Bad Company 2: Vietnam
Silly me excpecting accuracy from the company trying to become the next call of duty
it could be made into an interesting game, verdun was fun for a bit but had a lot of issues. It just makes more sense to make a world war 2 game though because it was a lot more than sitting in trenches and hoping artillery didn't land near you
>Get Battlefield 1
>Feeling breddy gud
>Gonna waste some motherfuckers and rack up experience
>What's this? A gun is locked because I didn't beat the single player campaign?
>Fuck it, I'll beat it
>A black guy? That's weird
>Back to MP
Everyone is making something out of literally NOTHING! Nobody cares about the single player! Sure there might be a black guy in the MP, but you're going to be too busy shooting him to give much of a shit anyway.
the fact they keep making new ones just shows they're not that great of games anymore if ppl are so ready to easily move onto the next number.
>tfw sitting back and watching the games you grew up with get shat on by the nu programmers
I want off
>quintessentially British
They're all known. They all do it. Every single western dev does it. DEVS THAT DONT:
Everyone else does it. The last few BF games had DIVERSITY THE TEAM for a campaign.
Verdun is already out with their bants.
Lets have a realistic ww1 game, not something that spits on the memory of the soldiers.
Witcher was dank, God bless Slavic game devs
Does this mean the two world wars will be hot again?
How does BF1 spit on the memory of the soldiers any more than literally any other historical FPS that depicts war like an action movie?
How do you know it's not a boy?
No one calls out the obvious shilling? Bravo, Sup Forums as self aware as ever, truly no one takes advantage of you.