I was it a spider or a drider?
I was it a spider or a drider?
Spider. You just want a monstergirl thread, don't you? Sick fuck. Go to /tg/.
Why does it have to be either?
It's a drider according to pop-culture. Just like twilight has vampires even though they aren't dracula style vampires.
No. It's not a drider. I'm not fapping over it.
>human like upper arms
>2 eye sockets without faucets like a spider
>hands for grasping
All those make it fall under the drider category.
Deadlights, what it calls itself, were all driders.
Well there's no human half, so spider.
It has a humanoid upper half, making it a drider. Driders aren't centaurs which are human+horse.
Fuck you all I just asked Stephen King on twitter. We'll wait and see what he says.
Driders are half Drow.
the fuck are you people talking about?
driders are half drow only in d&D
drider is a species of half humanoid half spider in pop culture
example wow has driders and they're not part drow
Just like twilight vampires are still vampires even though being nothing like old school vampires.
geeky ass muthafuckas
At Blizzcon 2007, the nerubians and the Old Gods were described as B.F.F.
That makes sense that Pennywise wasn't the strongest Deadlight. Also why the Turtle god hated him.
The term "drider" literally doesn't exist in pop culture outside of D&D, because, as I assume, drider is half-drow. Dr(ow)(sp)ider. I never even heard of this term before these threads.You can call IT half-spider or something, but not drider.
nerubians from wow are another game that borrowed from the drider idea
Since driders came first pop culture calls the originating idea the class or species.
Just like Twilight Vampires are still Vampires, but not Dracula style Vampires.
Thus is Pop Culture. Welcome to the real world.
The word Drider literally comes from Dnd/Forgotten realms, like the other user said. It might have other usages now but he is absolutely right.
A human spider creature is call an Arachne after the original Arachne from Greek Mythology
Is this the new wyvernposting?
Which is exactly what people here were already arguing. Not the word Drider.
He clearly said "car HOLD"
a spider is a spider. You can't say its only a half
Is Drider the new Dragon for Sup Forums?
It is a type of, "Amblypygi".
aww hes cute
Fuck you Australia. Fuck you fuck you fuck you
fucking adorable
meme made by/for teenage girls
id scoop them up and let them outside before some idiot kills them
hey look, an actual man.. and a cool looking bug.
>tfw grew up in the woods, spiders and bugs everywhere, loved turning on the outside light at night and catching moths to toss into the webs
>tfw it took me years of growing and maturing before i stopped killing them for fun and appreciated them for how cool they were
>tfw people are actually afraid of something you could easily kill with a tissue
stupid people are always afraid of shit they don't understand
reminds me of faggot liberals being afraid of guns