How can you be too soon to warn someone about the end of the world? And why does Flash, after realizing that he's apparently "too soon" decide to be vague about the identity of "him"? Why does this movie suck?
How can you be too soon to warn someone about the end of the world? And why does Flash...
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Sometimes when I think about this DCEU my mind really gets blown, how can something so big be so poorly thought out? Who the fuck is in charge of this shit?
Really, Snyder?
Why was time wasted to show Batman's Mad Max fantasy? Why was he wearing desert clothes over a Batsuit in it? Does Bruce write Mad Max fanfiction and insert himself as Batman?
The movie objetive was to make a way for future movies. So, they need to make scenes like that one to open possible plots for future movies. Quality or consistency was never important.
that scene was clearly made for the trailer
He meant he was too soon in assuming they'd establish a cinematic universe. Later it all falls apart and DC folds, selling their characters to Marvel.
That part pissed me off
When Hack Snyder is involved everything is possible.
>selling their characters to Marvel.
go be retarded somewhere else
For a second I thought it was Iron Man I was like wtf
>Listen to me now!
>It's the kikes! the kikes!
>Hitler was right!
>I am too soon?
>I'm too soon!
>Kill them!
>You have to kill them!
Jesus Christ Snyder, you went too far in a few places.
I lolled inside.
I'm guessing this Flash didn't have a lot of time and this was a one shot kind of thing that they never tried before. Seriously OP, It's really not hard to understand.
Batman is a grown ass man dressed like a furry but him wearing a duster is were you draw the line?
>How can you be too soon to warn someone about the end of the world?
He wasn't talking about being too soon to warn him about the end of the world. He saw that Bruce was confused and knew that Bruce had no idea who he was. Which is why he said you have to find us.
>And why does Flash, after realizing that he's apparently "too soon" decide to be vague about the identity of "him"?
Guy with a red suit who runs fast. How in anyway is this vague? Also Bruce decrypts Lex's shit and finds out more info on him later on.
>Why does this movie suck?
It might suck but basic shit that you complained about can easily be answered if you weren't mentally retarded.
Post the CIA version.
Man this movie was ass
Oh look, ANOTHER BvS hate circle jerk started by people too dumb to understand the movie.
They're basically just making a "DC's greatest hits" compilation at this point.
So of course it is now and forevermore will be a complete and total fucking mess.
A: that wasn't a duster you fuck
B: A batsuit is fine. A trench coat is fine. A batsuit and a trench coat at the same time is pretty retarded.
Its the child's game of "I like x, I like y, therefore x+y would be awesome! oh wait, its shit. IT MUST HAVE BEEN TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING!"
Everyone understood the movie. Most people just hated it for being a long, pointless slog, that existed only to set up sequels.
post yfw when nobody in the theater knew who the fuck this was supposed to be lol
>A batsuit and a trench coat at the same time is pretty retarded.
But Batman is retarded and the Trench coat looks awesome as fuck. Who gives a shit about trivial things making sense or not in comic book movies. If it looks cool, then it's fine.
>But Batman is retarded and the Trench coat looks awesome as fuck.
Wow so meta
Didn't know they got Charlie Kaufman to write this
Superman was currently good but becomes bad in the future
he showed up slightly too soon, (when superman was still needed)
it's to prevent moisture loss in the desert.
This whole dc is kino thing was only funny when they were actually making good movies.
t. Rimworld expert
Because he's using the Speed Force to travel back in time and it's not 100% precise, you stupid fucking person.
>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all
Google it yourself, I was surprised too.
The "dc is kino" thing didn't start till after they stopped making good movies.
the whole capekino meme has only been around for like a year and a half, people said kino before that but specifically pretending that the DCEU is some masterpiece of cinema is a newer meme
Read again.
Heh. People didn't even try to defend MoS until late 2014/early 2015 when it was starting to become apparent that the entire DCEU was going to be rushed dogshit
It was his dream about how terrible the world would be if he let Superman continue on. You know the whole "show dont tell" thing, so he was SHOWING us Bruce's fear instead of telling us.
>People didn't even try to defend MoS until late 2014/early 2015
That's not true at all.
his "dream" includes references to the omega effect and parademons, things he has no way of knowing actually exist
it was an induced vision from the future.
The only thing they were showing was "look doods drkseiad (pronounced darkside) am comin!"
>But Batman is retarded
Fuck. I always forget that.
No, they didn't. Do you even know how posting something online works? dipshit.
t. newfag mcuck
Some are valid, some are blatant trolling, some are jokes. Like the tornado blowing pa kent to the Himalayas.
As it does take some experimentation to see what'll get the most (you)s before people settle on a pattern. As they didn't know, then, pretending the movie wasn't horrible would get the most response.
There's definitely something here about a mexican cuming too early, but I just can't quite get it to gel.
This is some casualty bullshit.
If the flash went back in time and talked with Bruce at all, he would eventually meet the normal timeline flash at some point and mention, "hey, you traveled back in time and gave me a message of the future on such and such date". Flash at some point when then actually travel back to said point in time and deliver message.
Fucking retarded.
>I was only preten...ding...
Yea no, there's plenty more evidence I can dig up dipshit,
If you weren't such a newfag you'd know this board is duuumb as shit.
... well, the fact people are unironically defending this trainwreck of a franchise is proof enough the board is dumb as shit.
But attempting to assert people "didn't get" the movie, as if "getting it" is equal to "liking it," is kinda dumb, yo.
Nice projection, tell me where did I say getting it is liking it, dipshit. The only thing I have argued against is the shit arguments that don't include specifics that people have come up with to shit on this film because they don't even understand basic character motivations.
If you understood it, then tell me why does Lex h8 superman?
>everyone understood the movie
You clearly haven't been here long enough. Have you read some of the hate posts? A lot of people didn't understand something so simple as the Martha scene.
>nice projection
The point I'm making is the only reason I can figure people are trying to say people didn't "get" BvS is because they're conflating "getting it" with "liking it." For when people don't like something, they will attempt to vocalize reasons why they didn't like it. Just because you can give the same weak answers the movie gave to their criticisms, doesn't mean they'll suddenly pull a 180.
For instance, to address one of the bits that wasn't either blatant trolling or a joke, BvS' lex is pretty much incomprehensible. His is motivation is Epicurus mangled to meaningless. His actions seemed to be in service to a three step plan that just had "???" as the second and third steps. Then in the end, even he abandons all pretense of having a plan at all and just chills out in the kryptonian space ship talking to literally satan about motherboxes.
So why does superman's mommy having the same name as batman's mommy make them super best friends?
>super best friends
>super friends
i see wat u did there
>I didn't get it, but let me explain why...
Kek, people can't into basic subtext you included.
3 following 2 must be simply groundbreaking for you.
Fucking mong.
So you're just maymay'ing. That's cool.
I laughed, good job.
No, it's funny seeing you reference epicurus like you have a clue what you're talking about, when there's no reason to have to look into epicurus to explain Lex. You only mention it because you saw it posted before and assumed it had some relevance, but it's obvious to you're throwin' shit together trying to make sense of something that you don't understand.
This pic has the relevant piece of dialogue you're looking for to explain Lex's character.
>character specifically quotes what amounts to Epicurus' paradox, as it would be quoted by a teenager who heard a comedian say it once
>lol that doesn't matter this is the line that matters ur dumb
... so you're ignoring the shit and focusing on the parts that were simply the least incompetent. People's willingness to do this is why shotgun symbolism works.
Also no one in all of history, much less america, ever said "power can be innocent." In fact, the US was built from the ground up to ensure no one person could ever have an exploitable amount of power. So lex saying that to an elected official with no real power just further cements the idea that either, A, BvS lex was just a stupid kid or, more likely, B, the writers had no idea what they were doing with BvS lex.
You'd have to be one big fukktard If you can't see why this line explains the use of epicurus. Which you are, as you can't even figure out who Lex was talking about with this line.
Or its just one of a great many lines in BvS that sounds a lot deeper than it really is, designed to impress people of a certain mindset, but in actuality falls apart under any sort of scrutiny.
it only falls part when scrutinized by mental degenerates
This is bullshit, but I believe it.
What scrutiny? From you? From someone who some how mis interpreted who Lex was talking about in an obvious context because he only knows how to interpret things at face value? There's no reason to listen to simpletons who can only see what's in front of them.
To put it, yet another way, in hopes you'll say something other than LOL UR DUMB
The idea Lex is mangling, beyond all recognition, is "power corrupts." But then he acts like anyone in history said "power doesn't corrupt." So his problem with superman is "hes got power, so he'll have to be corrupt." Then he sets about proving that by using his power to murder people and pretend superman did it. Then create an abomination to destroy as much as possible.
There is no defending this on any level. Thus, the character is utterly worthless as a villain and serves only to move the plot around.
sorry to be behind, but what movie is OP talking about?
Man of Murder vs Murderman: Killdeath Wars
capeshit is dumb
in other news water is wet
It's obvious from the construction of your posts that the way you process things is very linear, which explains why you can't put things into context.
Answer these before I spoonfeed
So you admit you didn't know who Lex's was talking about?
Does Lex like his dad?
I thought he was that black guy from Iron Man. It made no sense at all.
Sure, no.
No please, regail me with your wisdom as to the, in fact, comprehensible nature of lex.
Lex's dad was seen as a great public figure who built this amazing corp, but behind the scenes he was this "abomiination" who abused his son Lex who was heIpIess because of the power his dad had on him. So when superman appeared, Lex was once again confronted with someone who had power on him, who made him feel heIpIess and someone who was seen as this great public figure.
Is something relevant to what I said or was asking forthcoming at some point?
Bruce Wayne is the alter ego ya dingus, of course he dreams as Batman.
What a stupid question, Is this your first day watching capeshit?
You said Lex doesn't make sense, so I explained it you.
What about when batman saves martha from the mercenary with the flamethrower? how much more fuckin unrealistic can this movie be?
No, you regurgitated what the movie explicitly said. As if anyone didn't follow those bits.
It's weird how no one talks about Marvel's movies anymore but you discuss the DC ones to death months after release.
You didn't. See
... So you're maymaying. Like I said, that's cool.
i think BvS is one of the three best capeshit films ever made, with Watchmen and Unbreakable being the other two.
The Auralnauts version of that scene is better.
There's no point in you back tracking after I explicitly explained Lex's character.
The evidence is that you didn't get it is here in your post.
once again you show no understanding of how posting online works.
Because if he's too soon, his actions could actually serve as the very catalyst for the future he's trying to prevent, creating a causal loop.
Time travel 101.
Dumbfuck producers and execs
You clearly didn't since you said lex didn't make sense.
What if he meant "soon" on the spectrum of time? That is to say, he appeared to close to the end of the world? If he'd done it right, he would have appeared to Bruce in 1989, perhaps.
Well its nice you've been paying attention.
But its clear you're just maymaying. Because I really don't want to imagine someone actually thinks simply because the most basic, surface level interpretation of the character is somewhat coherent, the character's actions and self-professed logic are completely explained.
Either way, its cool.
>too soon
In the context that Flash's message wouldn't make any sense to Bruce at the time maybe?
Though Flash could have said "hey make sure Superman's mom doesn't die" but that would be devastating to the plot that relied heavily on Batman figuring out what Flash was trying to say moments before killing Superman...though if Flash didn't try to mess with the time line wouldn't Batman have killed Superman?
Yeah this plot is a mess.
why the fuck does batman need the flash to tell him anything about anything?
Here's your(You)
Mangling "power corrupts" into a raw, barely coherent version of epicurus then using that as a justification for a lot of murder doesn't have any sort of coherency to it, no.
Unless you just want a stupid insane lex. Which might have been the intent on some level, considering how holly hunter only ever looks at him the way a teacher would look at a child mangling nietzsche in attempt to convince them they deserved an A instead of a D.
Something that people keep overlooking is that he never explicitly says one thing about Superman. After referring to Lois by name, he falls back on the pronoun "him." Why?
It's possible that he's not even talking about Superman to begin with.
The DC universe is big on alternate realities and timelines specifically with Flash doing most of the reality hopping.
Who is he talking about? Was he talking about God?
Another guy here, but why does everyone insist on taking anything Lex says at face value?
I think he had a plan that revolved around Superman quickly and decisively killing Bruce, but he, like a smart man would, never stated it outright to anyone. Why? Because he doesn't need to.
In a sense, perhaps. Personally, I think he's definitely talking about *a* god, one who could conceivably corrupt people through simple knowledge of his existence.
Do you act aloof as a bit or are you another slackjaw that doesn't pay attention to the movies and shows you watch?
>A batsuit and a trench coat at the same time is pretty retarded.
The trench coat is desert camouflage.
Because DC is stuck being compared to the dark knight, where pretty much every line was dripping with subtext and overtones.
So if you have a character mangle the absolute fuck out of babby's first god paradox, don't expect people to just ignore it.