Be multidimensional being older than humanity

>be multidimensional being older than humanity
>able to shapeshift, teleport, and mind control
>effectively immortal
>basically inhabits and controls an entire city
>get owned by 7 loser kids
>28 years later get owned by 6 half dead adults


will the new movie have THAT scene?

Other urls found in this thread:

>*shapeshifts into otherkin*
>*teleports behind you*
>*mind controls you in the dick*
pssh.. nothing personnel kid

>will the new movie have THAT scene?
Why do you think they're all so happy?

what was Steven kings drug to blood ratio when he wrote this?

Which THAT scene?

Mike Token...

Pennywise is a weak bitch. I hope the kids summon Pinhead so he can rip that jew apart.

>older than humanity
older than the universe actually

Same as usual I bet. Not like he's renowned for writting sober...


Wasn't he in the dark tower books too?

All that matters is that they get his alien drider form right. No more star-head drider just because he's from space.

Lovecraft Teir

Maybe, we only see that it's older than humanity when it arrived millions of years ago but we don't know if it existed before the universe.

multiple universes

his son Dandelo is killed by Roland like a bitch

It's literally in the book, he's from a dimension named Deadlights

Hey shitlord, the book doesn't mention anything about IT predating the universe, just that IT arrived on earth millions of years ago. Also deadlights isn't the name of ITs dimension, the deadlights are what IT refers to ITself as.

So why was he defeated so easily?

>Stand by me meets lovecraft horror in prime cocaine fueled king style

this book is AMAZING, there is no way it'll live up to the hype

Doing IT
It= Sex
The kids DO IT after defeating pennywise

what does this mean? Who will play the giant cosmic turtle??

It's another cool idea ruined by King. It is essentially a Lovecraftian monster. Except weak and shitty.

because evil is no match for good.


Bev needs longer hair and Ben isn't as fat as he's supposed to be but overall good casting, they look like a bunch of losers that would be picked on

>then there's this faggot

>this book is AMAZING
Maybe if you're 12.

>Who will play the giant cosmic turtle
He's got the voice, physique, and wise daddy charisma.

He had a .08 blood level in his drug stream

You don't know shit faggot, reread the book

He's pretty fat, desu. There's one of them standing where you can see him better. He looks like IRL Cartman

you sure showed me :^)

Isn't it implied that the Deadlights are both a place and a being? There are parts where characters talk about "being in the Deadlights" or "going to the Deadlights" but also parts where Pennywise refers to himself as "The Deadlights."

didn't scoob kill himself

Wasn't Ben like morbidly obese though until he moved and got his shit together

Actually it does state that IT existed outside the universe initially. Whether or not that means IT was older than the universe is lost in years of cocaine.

He's right, though.

I hope Eddie is good so I feel bad when he kills himself

Obese in the 1950s is considered "husky" now

Yes, IT originates in the macroverse along with The Turtle, who created our universe.

Stanley was the one who killed himself

He's been back for a long time.


what is THAT scene

i've surprisingly never scene IT or even a clip of it

i'm 26 inb4 underage, also UK bro and it doesnt really seem to be a commonly seen film over here, even though the look of the character is well know, was it a tv movie ?

Yeah, but at least he had a monster cock.

>giant spider

All the kids have sex

>be interdimensional inexplicable supermonster
>hypersavvy but really just a cosmic animal that wants to eat and sleep all the time
>eats human kids instead of consuming cities
I didn't get it then, I don't get it now
if I fell over near an ant colony, I wouldn't pick a few ants here and now to sustain myself.

The TURTLE IS STEPHEN KING HIMSELF!!!! he created the fictional universe where all his stories take place

Stephen king is afraid of spiders...thats why IT becomes a spider

Yes it was a TV movie and last time I tried to find a torrent I had to really dig. Took forever to download too. It's total dogshit. Not in a good way either. You'll turn it off before the halfway point.


it's more terrifying to imagine that in some small shit hole somewhere in the middle of no where, monsters might actually exist

Damn you're right. He looks very much like a turtle.

It feeds off of innocence and fear or something like that, it doesn't need to eat huge physical quantities because it sustains itself off intense emotions.

yeah it was a TV movie. "that" scene isn't in the movie, but it's in the book. the scene is where they all take turns fucking the girl when they were 11

It's on youtube.
It was a long tv movie like a number of Kings movies.

The premise is Pennywise the alien drider uses hypnotism to control the children. His powers don't work on adults because he uses fear as the main trigger. So the kids figure the only way to really get away from Pennywise is to become adults aka have sex. So all the boys pull a train on the single girl of the group while in the sewers.
The show and book are vaguely different. Like he uses the clown in the show a lot and a werewolf once. But in the book he uses different forms because he's a shapeshifter.

>hurrr the monster should eat entire universes duuuude that'd be sweet!
Go masturbate to Star Wars.

>His powers don't work on adults because he uses fear as the main trigger. So the kids figure the only way to really get away from Pennywise is to become adults aka have sex.

that's fucking stupid

Stephen King is such a fucking hack

It is portrayed as this ancient monster straight out of Lovecraft mythos, but ultimately it's a pretty weak monster that don't do shit.

bad writer

no the fucking idea is that they needed courage because they were scared shitless and freaking out so Bev got a great idea to calm them down

if you kill your enemies they win

This guy really needs to realize that its fucking magic and stop questioning all this bullshit

Granted the second half was kind of shitty and the climax was pretty dumb

>Kids believe in magic and stuff and use belief as a weapon against cosmic horror
>defeat horror that was living under the city and get lost in the sewers trying to escape
>girl starts to think their bond was weakened after their harrowing experience, believes they need to reinforce that bond to strengthen the magic that lead them there and let them defeat IT and that magic will lead them back to safety
>girl tells boys to have sex with her as her idea of strengthening their bond by doing something incredibly intimate
>in a sewer
>one after the other in a train
>fat kid goes in the middle and is the only one to cum so everyone else gets sloppy seconds

also it was an early 90's made for tv thing

That really looks like a drider to me.

does the book end like the 1990s tv movie (they beat up a giant spider puppet)

or does something else happen?

>Where did he get the knife?
>How does It know about his wife?
It's a fucking extradimensional monster capable of teleporting and knowing your deepest fear you goober.

Questioning why he didn't kill the kids the first time he terrified him is a pretty valid question

Well while theyre killing it bev as an adult is fucking one of the guys again in the sewers.

Clockwise starting from top
>some trap

How many adult and teenage sperglords do you think have gone up to her and referenced the gangbang scene? Do you think she's read it by now? I'm willing to bet at least half of them would be aware of it by now if not all.

>heh, i hope you guys don't follow the book TOO closely

>bethesda invented greaser with a switchblade trope



I hope it expands on the whole dark tower universe, shit's interesting senpai

>multiple universes

nigger thats called a multiverse

That's not true. It's not hypnotism at all and he kills multiple adults but prefers to feast on children because they taste better. I seem to remember something about adults fearing more abstract things as well.

One of the most disturbing parts of the book in my opinion was how it seemed that subconsciously the entire adult community was aware and complicit with what IT did. Some old men at the end were even aware of the IT's pattern of sleep and tragedies marking the start and end of its eating. Near the end I think it's beverly who is running away from her dad who is obviously trying to kill her. She runs by someone watering their lawn and they just go back inside. It's not that they don't care or that they think it isn't their business. It's that on a deeper level they understand and allow IT to do what it wants because derry is IT. Very spooky i think.

So in Dreamcatcher when Mr. Gray reads the graffiti saying "Pennywise lives", does he sit there and stare at it because he knows who IT is?

How did it live before humanity then

I'm 28 and I wanna fuck her too.

Someone photoshop Stephen's head onto a turtle's body.

>be a shit writer
>never know how to finish a novel
>40 years later spergs still speculate about your shitty writing

Was the drider It'd ttrue form?

>How did it live before humanity then
it ate baby dinosaurs

He can't keep getting away with it!



this was actually my sophomore year english teacher's favorite book, it's why I read it. Guess he wasn't that good

Susannah killed Dandelo not Roland.

Well I just bought this previously disregarded Stephen King novel for my book collection because of the peeteen sex scene.

Thanks, faggots.

hope you like stand by me


Those are Nerubians nigga.

dumb frogposter

Old Bill better be bald this time. No ponytail bullshit.

is tim curry gonna make an appearance in this one at all?

>what roll should he play?

Does it really count as a victory if a monster/creature/supreme alien being keeps coming back over and over?

good lord what a perv. not even good writing

Me on the back

How big is Steven King's cunny folder?


The most retarded thing I've ever read. Congratulations you made me reply

Scooby's the best