What was Sam Hyde trying to convey with this scene?
What was Sam Hyde trying to convey with this scene?
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being even a semi successful man is hard as fuck
That he doesn't know how to write a funny scene.
the miserable existence of a late 20's white collar office worker who spent his college years partying and getting a degree in history. he is basically the male version of the women in The Wall sketch, but rather than looking for handouts to save him, he expresses his frustration by lashing out in anger and abusing caffeine and nicotine just to be able to face the day.
It's a sincere depiction of life as an upper-middle class striver in our SCALE'd society.
this was the best sketch in the show so far even though it wasn't funny at all
Yeah but the guy depicted is a CEO
The wall show was kino
>"World Peace isn't funny"
That's because the joke is on you.
>the average MDE dickslurper doesnt even understand their shit comedy
2016 Sup Forums, everybody
it was okay. somewhat funny but it was on the nose and the women were over the top strawmen
would Norm like MDE?
not an argument
you do know they didn't tell them what to say right?
really makes you think
The club scene at the end really hit home.
>tfw you accidentally think about Lena Dunham
Norm likes "hard jokes" or "real jokes".
MDE, while not nearly as hacky or preachy as some of the comedy Norm hates (he notoriously despises Bill Maher for example), isn't really his style of humor. He might appreciate that they're not politically correct (when I saw Norm live he did a lot of tranny and rape jokes about Caitlyn Jenner and Bill Cosby respectively), but otherwise I don't think he's be super into them.
I don't think Norm even necessarily just appreciates humor for being politically incorrect. I don't think he thinks being "edgy" is a a virtue, he just doesn't mind being offensive if he has a joke that demands it. I think I remember him occasionally being annoyed at edginess when he was a LCS judge, actually.
How the "The Wall Show" was for women, Erick Hayden is to men. It shows you how shallow and awful it can be to be at the top and the wall moment men face when their job has become their life.
The scene was not really trying to be funny
so The Wall Show was about how awful women are and the CEO sketch was about how awful it is to be a man?
literally MRA: the show
>white people being belligerent idiots
He was famously pissed at somebody who tried to be "edgy" with anti-religion jokes, which isn't edgy at all within the comedy world. Let me use an example of one of Norm's Caitlyn Jenner jokes he did when I saw him in a comedy club, heavily paraphrased but you'll get the idea:
>"Man, I remember when they put that gold medal in between Bruce Jenner's BIG BEAUTIFUL BREASTS, which he always had, because it turns out he's been a woman the entire time and he was LYING TO US".
That's edgy in a way that's silly, goes against what the comedy community thinks is PC, and is actually a hard joke with a real punchline. That joke defines Norm's humor pretty well but I get why he's never done it outside of a comedy club.
don't be a wagecuck
Anyone else watch this over and over again?
They cut off the awesome credits.
That HD650s are for faggots
Norm? that guy's a real jerk.
>hey i referenced something that i know you guys will understand
It's like simulating friendship!
you must be a fuckin' sorcerer
Is this supposed to be funny?
satire. heightened reality to the point of absurdity.
I've watched it probably more than 10 times. it expresses something nobody else has managed to express perfectly
ofc, and it's pretty damn funny
I smirk just remembering the super busy line
anyone saying mde is shit needs to watch these
600s are better
Some of my favorites indeed.
Also anything else they do which btfo the mindset of 20 somethings who are wasting their potential like the majority of Sup Forums.
>it takes talent to do man on the street interviews and then edit it to make the people seem dumb
the fake iPad ad in one of them is good, though
Sam's low effort videos like this are much better than the ones he actually puts a lot of work into and thinks are good
That modern living is incredibly soul-sucking, and constantly weighs on your mind.
Yes, at least five times. This episode was tight, but according to Sam, the next two will knock our socks off. I can't wait.
About 7 times and the coffee pouring scene even more
so what because it does not take talent it is not good?
He's hit or miss, and this one was a miss
So like blacks Mexicans and native Americans every day?
lol fag
Leave Sup Forums forever.
>the miserable existence of a late 20's white collar office worker who spent his college years partying and getting a degree in history.
DAE le STEM nerd xD???? fuck LIBERAL arts amirite? Buncha chads
Young semi successful guy who's ego is massively over inflated so he lashes out and self prescribes a need for caffeine, nicotine and any other boost crap.
Thinks he's the hottest shit on this earth while the only thing he achieves all day is docking some office ladies pay 3 dollars because he doesn't know what's happening.
All they are doing is taking stereotypes or things they have observed to thier extremes.
it's not bad but it's not impressive either
the coffee and computer would be a good reaction image
Kinda this. Also a general depiction of rage. Those million cuts during the part where his assistant tells him about the $3 fee not being paid were a good portrayal of what it's like when being overwhelmed by anger.
Sam's written about punching holes in walls before and stuff like that, so I'm betting he's dealt with some anger issues.
As someone who is a manager in an office and is also easily angered I found the scene hilarious and relatable.
>humanities degree
kys sociology cuck
>sperging out because of typing mannerisms
Didn't all you fags go to cripplechan?
You'd literally be better off saying 'kek' or 'lel' but even then that would be gay. This is how a foreign social media user types. You're not fooling anyone.
Oh fuck. Shit is going down.
So what do patricians like yourself say these days?
Jesus Christ get over yourself you raging autist. You care way too much about this shit, something that most people stop doing after browsing this site for 2 or 3 years.
i say lol and i use Sup Forums like 7 hours a day. tho it's all about lmao nowadays.
Nope, go back to Plebbit/Kikebook/Twitter.
lmao is even worse. Neck yourself.
not him but you are seriously incredibly pathetic
i actually bet you're still lurking in this dead thread terrified that someone else is going to insult you for how autistic you are
come on, respond, i know you're here
My interpretation is that Erick Hayden is the kind of guy who was an alpha in high school and college, but now he's trapped in this white collar world where's he's the CEO of a tiny landscaping company and spends his day in a messy little office. The only power he has anymore is mistreating his employees and his property and it's driving him insane.
I don't take offense to the autism meme, because that's some real basic shit. You are an invader from social media, and you should hang from a short noose.
ANYWAY, anyone got the vid where Sam picks up a smoking Charls at a corner store, and it ends with "GONNA GO FUCK MY BOY"?
It's not about the money
Is that the title? I seriously don't think it's on his channel anymore.
lol ok
>Tha Haterz
I should've known that was part of it.
Thank you, based user.
>Sam's low effort videos like this are much better than the ones he actually puts a lot of work into and thinks are good
probably because there was no real plan with those videos, they were literally the ramblings of a desperate, broken man. He was clearly depressed and hated his life and lashed out through making videos making fun of his own life and the people and groups he would often come across or who annoyed him.
How did you get that from the sketch?
>lmao is even worse. Neck yourself.
If this is all you've got, you should probably go right the fuck back to social media.
He's not a redditor user, hes just autistic.
It did used to be taboo to use Facebook language on Sup Forums.
Only in the last year did using lmao, Lol, etc unironically take off. Shortly after ironically using black twitter language was the hippest meme around.
As per usual newfags come here, misinterpret the culture because they don't bother lurking and then throw a fit when they eventually get called out.
>Only in the last year did using lmao, Lol, etc unironically take off. Shortly after ironically using black twitter language was the hippest meme around.
Literally none of this happened. Now stand against the wall so I can destroy you with shotguns and rocket launchers.
shut the fuck up you fucking nigger faggot half the thread is you complaining about social media Sup Forums IS SOCIAL MEDIA YOU FUCKING RETARD. kill yourself you are the most pathetic fucking person in the world, you're trying to protect your "sekrit klub" from da big badd social media kiddos even though the very site you're using is by definition a social media site. You're so fucking stupid that it hurts. You're so fucking stupid that I think you're mother tried to smother you with a pillow when you were a baby but with a sudden surge of sympathy (and the fact that she would be in prison forever) hit and overwhelmed her she laid off but she kept that pillow of your face long enough that you were permanently brain damaged forever. That's theory 1.
More likely though, you were just born this stupid.
>Only in the last year did using lmao, Lol, etc unironically take off.
Why do you think kek, Lel, etc exist moron
The guy works hard, he's a job creator, he pays all those useless fucks in his office. He is ruining his life supporting society, and what does he get for it? Garbage slut trash and a bunch of shit for being a successful, working, white male.
He's taxed out the ass. Women are after him for his money. All the women out there are used up sluts. He has to work harder than everyone there, because they all just leech off him.
He is the hero we need, not the hero he deserve. He's the working white male.
kek is from WoW you wannabe oldfag
Except he's a CEO.
This is more accurate:
I know this post is sarcastic, but this is the kind of person the sketch was making fun of
Because of outside influence. Any regular, on any board, will call you out as a faggot for using them.
You're not supposed to say 'DAS FUNNY' on Sup Forums, you just engage in bantz. Literally no one that takes themselves seriously here uses any variation of lol.
I'm not even an oldfag as I said anyone that was here longer than a year would know.
I don't know what point you are trying to make with the origin of kek
Yes. I don't know why, but I can't get enough. It's not even really humor. It's just...I don't even know.
No user, they will call you out for just saying kek and nothing else because it's not adding to the discussion.
>everything needs to be hostile
i think what it's saying is more along the lines of "this guy has a decent but meaningless job, terrible anger issues, a stimulant addiction, and a car that can shapeshift manufacturers"
>>everything needs to be hostile
Welcome to Sup Forums, faggot. You can go back to your safe space at any time.
>cutting off the credits
come on now
lol is older than all of those sites; I'm not going to stop using it because of them. get over yourself, sperglet
>anyone that was here longer than a year would know.
would know that you are full of shit, yes. I've been here for 7 years now
What's that, you wrote a computer program, made a little website, you uploaded some videos to Youtube? Well, let me take this opportunity to congratulate you, the monkey learned a trick. Look at you, uploading comments. You're already spewing your vile filth all over the computer, huh? Congratulations! You must have an IQ in the double digits!
Here's a little piece of advice. The next time you're gonna unload your jealousies and inadequacies online, here's a little piece of advice. Here's a little piece of advice, slick. Next time you're gonna go on the computer (mommy and daddy bought you a new computer!), you're going to unload your jealousy and inadequacies on somebody else, on a stranger? Just make sure you don't pick Sam Geno, the son of the Papa Geno Pizza empire. I've bought people like you. I've destroyed people like you. It's nothing for me to call up my father, and have every pizza jockey in the nation have a photo of you, right above their oven. Thinking about you, my personal army of pizza makers.
They'll put sauce on you. They'll lay you out. Swing you around in the air just like in the old movies.
Then they'll destroy you. Piece by piece. Piece by delicious piece. Cheesy piece by cheesy crusty piece. They'll destroy you.
That's option one. Option two is you can apologize to me. Just say you're sorry. Takes a big man to apologize, don't it? Humble yourself before a god, a pizza god?
Anyway. That's about it. Go fuck yourself.
>Yes. I don't know why, but I can't get enough. It's not even really humor. It's just...I don't even know.
There is something asthetically pleasing about it. Just the way it is shot, the music, I dunno.
Yeah, it's also an incredibly tired thing that is used almost exclusively by women and social media users. Are you a woman, user?
>Literally no one that takes themselves seriously here uses any variation of lol.
well there's your problem. You take yourself seriously as a Sup Forums poster. How pathetic can you be?
Actually, it began with Starcraft because it meant the same thing as "lol" in Korean.
Can you stop trying so hard?
There are plenty of decent discussions that don't devolve into shit flinging especially on smaller hobby boards.
>meaningless job
"Meaningless" jobs are what build society and make society run and allow "meaningful" jobs to exist. "Meaningless" jobs are the most meaningful jobs there are.
This is the guy that creates jobs, this is the guy that pays the tax dollars so that "meaningful" work can be funded.
And it gets NO CREDIT. Instead, it gets HATE.
Tax them MORE, ostracize them MORE, regulate them MORE! Yeah, do it! He's just a white guy!