Guys, I'm trying to get high. But, I can't use anything that would show up on a standard 5 panel...

Guys, I'm trying to get high. But, I can't use anything that would show up on a standard 5 panel, or anything that might create a false positive. Wat do?

>inb4 mushrooms
>inb4 lsd
>inb4 rc
>inb4 kratom

Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 dmt
>inb4 nitrous

Strong irish coffee with hella caffeine

Perpetually consuming caffeine, although I am more of a downer guy.
I wish I could just drink, but there's always the looming thought a random send out to test for alcohol

synthetic weed? dangerous af
cigarettes? impotent "high"
LSA seeds? could be fun

Just go buy a bottle of bourbon OP


pure nutmeg, careful with your portion tho and you'll have a fun time, if not you'll have a fun meeting with poison control.

I've always heard that was a potent flu-like experience. Have you ever tried it?

>Guys, I'm trying to get high. But, I can't use anything that would show up on a standard 5 panel, or anything that might create a false positive. Wat do?
>>inb4 mushrooms
>>inb4 lsd
>>inb4 rc
>>inb4 kratom

Runner's high is pretty intense. It's like you're floating in clouds, both physically and mentally.

i have a story for you OP
when i was 12 years old I went and visted the ghetto I grew up in. I went to an old friends house.

He no longer lived there. Now residing inside his residence was a fat white guy with a blonde jew fro. He was kinda weird. He wouldn't let me leave, just kept talking to me at the door. Eventually I told him I had to go, but before this my friend comes out and invites me in, and im just mind fucked.

so this kid was like homeless and they let him sleep in one of their large closets upstairs. My friends family was weird anyway. Odd type of Christian that was overly sexual nudist.

So I visit the family. Turns out this guy has a sister that's lost in the city. Dont really fucking care about his schizo adventure. Ask me if i want to go to his room and get high I say sure.

>Go upstairs to his closet room
>walk in shut door
>hands me an orange peel with fungas on it
>wtf man
>this is how i get high
>scraps fungus off orange with thumb and sucks it off his hand

I wtf right up out of there and that was the end of my friendship with my old friend. He showed up at my house like 10 years later to install cable and he invited himself in while i was asleep (i guess cause we where childhood friends) I woke up that day to him hanging on a scaffold outside my bedroom window

Raw cocoa powder. Sniff around 100 mg.

If you eat a bunch of super spicy food the intense pain begins to release endorphins and can turn into a euphoric experience. It's a shared experience that many fans of super hot peppers talk about.


what's your time frame?
weed and booze are fat-soluble, so they'll stick around
basically anything else is water-soluble. just overhydrate for the few days afterward. if you get tested, they'll make you retest if you were too hydrated, but by then it should be out of your system anyway

Oxycodone or Opana IV. Or find crushable Opanas and snort em. You'll get high, swear to god.

Op here. Top kek.

Nice bait m8

Poppy seed tea? I'm pretty sure that will turn up on a drug test, but it burns out of your system real fast.

False positive if anything.

i think ive experienced this

It will show up, then they'll probably send it to lab to further investigate.

Op you want to know how to pass a drug test? Do all the drugs and then it'll look like their machine is broken

thts what id do

They get pissed about dilutes and sometimes will even count it as a positive result. I get tested about 3x a week.

get drunk and stay off drugs you dumb fuck.

if you can't afford to do drugs because you might have to take a piss test, grow some balls, and don't fucking do drugs. unless you want to get butt fucked by bubba gigga nigga

that's ridiculous

unless youre a hardcore addicts whose on parole lol


In college a friend ate two cups of morning glory seeds and disappeared for three days.

Tried rat piss?

Believe it or not thats kind of what I needed to hear. Thanks.

Sometimes I just get stuck in a thought process where the end result is me getting high. It just takes a little something like this to derail that.
If I really need to get high, it can wait

Dude you can't just take opiates? So many people have legitimate prescriptions, why couldn't you be one of them?

Not allowed. That's why I got in trouble in the first place. Got hooked on heroin.

I've had friends that were on probation. And continued to smoke throughout the whole process, and guess what? Probation violation after probation violation until they spent time in jail. They're in their early 30's, live with their parents still and both work at Costco. No hate to Costco, but I'd an hero if I was in their position.

You don't need to be high to enjoy life or "deal with muh problems". I don't know how old you are but it takes some time for that to really settle in with people that enjoyed drugs.

You can do it. No one said it was gonna be easy peasy. But you'll thank yourself later when all your shit has worked out,

My two favorite options (couldn't get high for quite a while, random drug tests at job. now manager that schedules tests kek) were these:

1: (this ones the better of the two) Go to local gas station and pick up either a can of copenhagen snuff or kodiak wintergreen. any dip will really work(or snus if you're not an amerifat like me), but these two are the best and have the highest absorbable nicotine content

get home, grab a beer, and pack in a nice fat pinch. there is youtube tutorials on how to properly do this. and sit back with a bottle for spitting. Dip has much more nicotine than cigarettes and since it absorbs and hits the bloodstream differently even people with nicotine tolerance from cigarettes will usually feel buzzed out. The buzz is less of a headrush and more of a light body buzz with a headrush, if you wanna make it better get up and start walking/jogging around with it in. it should last up to 45 minutes (if you can keep it in that long) and if you wanna do it again keep bumping up the pinch sizes.

Option 2 is the cigarette method, but not just any cigarettes: Again, go to your local gas station. ask for any of these four: Lucky strike non filter, Camel non filter (most gas stations know them as camel studs), pall mall non filters, or american spirit non filters. All will be in soft packs except for the american spirit, which will be a hard pack.

Go on youtube, and look up "driverrob73 hard smoking" and watch his video on it, copy as best you can. make sure to smoke fast with hard draws and deep inhales as quickly as possible.

Combine the two for the best possible nicotine high, but be prepared to vomit.

add alcohol for more fun. There is a reason even crack heads drink alcohol, it is still a fantastic way to get "high"

Not that guy but I hear you OP. addiction to alcohol is turning me into a weird person
Try and find something else to pour yourself into. Sleep, Video game. Or actually, drink a bunch of zzzquil so you don't have to be awake sober

you could also always try jenkem kek.

Quick question though OP, why not whippits? they are a great option.

I think I would an hero too.
I'm 23, been drinking alcoholically/using since 13. It's hard to cope without some crutch. Hasn't gotten any easier. Put the needle down a year and a week ago.

Simple answer: Run

Runners get high that is only enjoyable after fair conditioning. Though comparative results can be achieved by an endurance run on a treadmill.

Or huff paint

Benadryl could be an option, haven't seen it give a false positive on one of our tests yet. be careful though user, it can be an absolutely terrifying trip.

nah. kills too many brain cells. most inhalants are shit.

Been doing whippits and lsd recently. Not my favorite.

- me
- me
Not trying to harp on you at all. I used to date a chick that went downhill slowly after we broke up. I couldn't see it at the time, but she became a sever alcoholic with an opiate addiction from a legitimate injury she suffered a while ago. We had a kid together and he's the one that found her blue, blotchy, and ice cold after she OD'd from that shit. When we had to go through her place and clean it up, there were empty pill bottles and empty vodka bottles hidden everywhere. Was really sad.

Just kick yourself with bathsalt or smoke black tee

Some people just can't get out of it.
I couldn't, until i was forced to kick in s jail cell.
And forced to stay stopped unless willing to go to prison. Shits got me.

Jenkem... cheap and easy. No one test for this.

Sorry to hear about your loss man, every day all I hear about are people I know from HS or around my way dying from drugs. I can tell my friends (that still talk to me) are scared to death I'll be next


Produces false positives

This, good fucking shit. I remember hearing rumors that it could test positive for PCP but I doubt it.

Read up before trying DXM (active component in benedryl). You can kill yourself if you get the wrong stuff. Some DXM has tylenol, and an overdose of that will kill you dead.

DXM and whippets, the whippets effects will last a lot longer.
Alternatively, Kratom (I find red Bali to be the best for this) followed by a few drinks and some nicotine is a good way to spend a night.

Good luck OP

You can get rugby brand stuff on amazon, has only dxm in it about $10 for 3 bottles equating to 900mg , I would suggest breaking this into 2 doses of 450. Also don't eat for 3-4 hours before for full effect and less nausea

Are whippets somehow different than Dust Off?
Also, kratom dosage for powder/capsule/extract (whatever you have exp with)?

Enjoy your permanent liver damage

Not even close to dust off, whippets are N20
Also I would use 00 capsules of red Bali kratom anywhere between 8 and 16 (roughly 4-8 grams) you can buy kratom anywhere online and the capsules either online or in your local vitamin shoppe

Also you're gonna want to buy a whipped cream dispenser if your gonna do whippets, one like this

Find a woman you are interested in, and dance a viennese waltz with her. The constant turns will make your head spin too. And dancing with the right girl will get you into the right mood.

How can I not get nauseous from kratom?

The capsules help a ton compared to any other way I've taken it, which is pretty much every way possible but I would suggest not eating a lot a couple hours before maybe a couple crackers or have a piece of bread but I usually do it with nothing in my stomach

I got a cracker and some balloons for like $5 total and it works just fine. Probably takes longer to prepare each cartridge with a cracker which is a positive since it's so easy to burn through them as is.

I just prefer dispensers as you are less likely to accidentally lose a bunch in your nitroused stupor and don't have to worry about it being super cold

DXM if you're into tripping, although I'd recommend taking a lower dose. It's cheap, but you'd need to get stuff with pure DXM and no other additives.

If you're recklessly stupid, large doses of Imodium can cause a relaxed euphoria. Imodium is an opiate that normally crosses the blood brain barrier, but it gets kicked out immediately. However, large doses of it overwhelm the brain, and it starts having opiate-like qualities. You won't feel super euphoric, but it's a decent body high. You'd need to take about 15x a normal dose, so about 30mg. As a chronic pain patient, I'm addicted to oxycodone, and large doses of Imodium kill any opiate withdrawal I might get if I run out of medicine a few days early.

I DO NOT RECOMMEND it, but I bet no one else will mention this. It won't show up as any opiate on a test, either.

I got a batch going I'm drinking in 2-3 days because I'm impatient I'll post a live stream of it so if I die

At that rate just get bodied off grain alcohol

Buy San Pedro cactus cuttings online and make mescaline tea. Any idiot can do it, there are plenty of videos online, and it's the same active chemical as peyote.