Now that he's confirmed to be directing the next movie... What are your thoughts Sup Forums?
Is he the savior DC needs?
Now that he's confirmed to be directing the next movie... What are your thoughts Sup Forums?
Is he the savior DC needs?
....meh, he's not terrible
Better than a Snyder filter
After watching the new star wars I honestly don't mind even though he's a jew.
It's going to be a Superman we all want and it's gonna be comfy ayy?
Your stupid wide big cunny; get fucked.
You don't mean that shit film, the shit awakens that had rey, the bitch who could into anything just because, or finn, a negro who left his only family for a bunch of rebels then wants to leave the rebels. or poe who survives a tie fighter CRASHING from hundreds of miles, way, way up and disappears only to be seen again, fine and alive. Oh yeah, and han's a fucking smuggler again because a new hope and rey can out do everyone because she's stroink wyme---FUCK YOU.
His best film is Super-8 and even that turns to crap half way in (ending credits are cool though)
>rey, the bitch who could into anything just because
... and Superman
Is it confirmed? before I hang up the towel on this capeshit this will be the nail in the fucking coffin why is this faggtot doing it!? is there a source?
anybody is better than Zack Snyder so I approve but my choice would have been Sam Raimi or even 86 years old Richard Donner
>le epic jumpcut and lense flare man
Well that's a sure fire way to kill DC off once and for good.
Star Wars was fucking trash.
the worlds the two characters who can do anything are very different. Superman's whole gimmick is the fact that he's superior to most men, Rey has no reason to be
She's the chosen one
well.. if Jar Jar have experience making one powerful girl with out sreason why this don't found to Sup who has one?
>Rey has no reason to be
She does if she's a Skywalker. Pull your head out your ass.
Anakin build a fucking robot, was a master Pod racer and jump on a space ship (which I bet works different than a pod) and BTFO of that donut ship the bad guys were using something not even experienced pilot fighter could do and all of this when he was a FUCKING 7 YEAR OLD KID
fuck you prequels babies
>JJ is the best capeshit will ever get
Building a droid is nothing. He had the force so of course he could pod race, you fucking nitwit.
Rey's a shit character, and fuck you for defending her.
>Snyder ever letting his dark and moody Superman baby out of his hands
>This needs to be taken with a serious grain of salt, but the DC Cinematic Reddit page recently posted a leak from Sup Forums, which claims that Abrams is on the shortlist to direct Man of Steel 2
>a leak from Sup Forums
Debateble, but trash that was extremely well-reviewed and extremely profitable, which would be exactly the sort of kick in the pants the DCEU needs
>Building a droid is nothing. He had the force so of course he could pod race
I could say the same shit for Rey and all the things she did in the movie, suck my dick prequel baby
Building a droid seems kind of like building a computer. It's not particularly difficult but you need to get some basic skills and knowledge before you can do it, but it's also a great way to learn those skills.
He will fuck it up just like he did with Star Trek and Star Wars. Prepare your anus for shallow cargocult version of superheroes you loved.
Also this thread needs more lensflare.
>fuck it up
>revitalize two dead franchises plagued by horrible recent memories and badly received movies and series
>generate new interest in the franchises while also paying respect to their roots
Gee sounds like he's the worst choice for DC
say what you want but JJ is a success with critics and audiences
Bullshit, it never happened to the other two skywalkers, in fact, both got their shit pushed in. She's all powerful because she's a feminist vehicle.
Chosen one by jar jar and the rat, you mean; the chosen one to fuck up the franchise. feminist power.
Anakin never finished a race until the events of the first movie. never ever finished a race. the fighter's control was no different than that of a fucking pod racer. In fact, HE SAID IT HIMSELF. YOU FUCKING REY ASS SUCKING, IDIOT. Rey was fucking good at everything without ANY FUCKING EXPLANATION.
At least in phantom menace the sub story of him never finishing a race and of how the force only made him as good as HIS FELLOW FUCKING ALIENS. Of whom finished several races when he did not.
Rey flies, THE MOTHER FUCKING FALCON WITHOUT ANY ESTABLISHED EXPERIENCE. Anakin's fighter control was exactly like a pod control; a spit fire stick. Unlike Rey who flew THE MOTHER FUCKING FALCON WITHOUT ANY ESTABLISHED PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE AT ANYTHING. And don't get me started on how Ms perfect learned the force in MOTHER FUCKING SECONDS.
Fuck YOU!!!!!!
There's not a single source in this entire thread.
Rey is not a 6 year old stupid kid, she is a twenty something scavenger living in the desert for like a decade who already learned to survive, defend herself and fly ships like a pro (the force help like you said)
the pod having the same controls as the space ship is like a formula 1 having the same controls as a Jet, GO FUCK YOURSELF YOUR PARENTS HATE YOU AND WISH EVERY NIGHT YOU WERE DEAD BECAUSE YOU ARE FUCKING DISSAPOINTMENT
It depends if he can direct action scenes, If he can one up Synder's MoS fights then he is a better choice.
The problem with DC movies is they don't want to take risks or give the directors breathing room. I'm not saying Marvel is much better in this regard, but at least you can tell the movies are made as they're intended to be and not reshot and edited a dozen times after because some ceo keeps dropping spaghetti and shitting himself.
I dopn't think JJ is good in that regard right now, they need a risk taker someone with a bold vision to come and shake the shit up. Also they need to not listen to their fans and just scrap the abortive universe they have now, because any movie based on this current shit is bound to be awful.
Anyone can deliver with right amount of marketing. Both had so big existing fanbases that success was pretty much guaranteed.
>say what you want but JJ is a success with critics and audiences
Tells alot about modern day critics and audiences.
He managed to turn Trek into brainless action movies. Star Wars was that to begin with, TFA just feels like 2nd rate fanfic with huge budget.
>the pod having the same controls as the space ship is like a formula 1 having the same controls as a Jet
Fighters and general aviation aircraft have similar basic controls in real world.