Reminder that THIS is the show is replacing Eric Andre and World Peace on September 2nd
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off and die, sam
They're being replaced by a better show?
>this crap
>janene garafolo does a set about gustav lebron's famous treatise about mob mentality
>"where are the jokes? this is just left wing pandering."
>sam hyde does a set where he just lists off various statistics he read on Sup Forums
Home Movies is a classic AS cartoon, man.
inb4 hundreds of butthurt faggots commenting on how much this show sucks instead of ignoring the thread and going back to their dc vs marvel and eric andre threads
yeah. fuck off
It's fucking dogshit though
who can be this pathetic
Sam Hyde.
Sam Hyde.
>who can be this pathetic
The people who post here:
so adorable
Yup. They've also been spamming the adult swim subreddit (inb4 ">reddit", it's a decent source for adult swim news/discussion outside of Sup Forums or Sup Forums or god forbid, the ASMB) with World Peace posts and commenting "World Peace is the best show of all time" everywhere and slagging off Adult Swim and it's other shows and calling people kikes and niggers and faggots.
Sam Hyde
i'm not going to not watch eric andre just so mde can "win"
>not appreciating Coach's life lessons
How did you even survive Middle School?
It's hard for me to fathom that anyone above age 15 actually spends time thinking about DC vs Marvel.
Yeah, it's good for 5 minutes when you first discover AS and then you never watch it again and every time you try to remember why you liked it for those 5 minutes you can never figure it out ever again.
Someone explain why the kiddies are so butthurt over this show
Holy shit it's real.
Only good thing about Home Movies was the Coach... sometimes. Everything else about it was glorified boring ass kids show crap.
You're a real dumb nigger.
I don't get it, they're replacing eric andre with a 20 year old show?
They don't understand its themes, and just think it's being 'oh so randumb'. Doesn't explain why they like Eric Andre, but hey.
classic doesn't mean good nigger. take off the nostalgia goggles
>you just don't understand it
The most quoted comment of those that aren't funny.
Name three better AS shows.
Please take more ESL classes, friend.
The Venture Bros.
Aqua Teen
The Boondocks
Home Movies had a few decent episodes in the first season, but in 2 - 4 they got to "kiddie" where every episode hade singalongs and lame forced pun humor and cutaway movie sequences.
It really doesn't
Stop fucking shilling your shit sam, nobody cares.
>The Venture Bros.
Literally never cracked a smile. Nope.
>Aqua Teen
About equal. Lots of pure shit here.
>The Boondocks
It's more political than funny. Just no.
Enjoy your literal boring childrens show. That shit aged like fucking milk. Take off your nostalgia glasses.
You have shit taste.
You're not funny sam.
I understand Sam's politics. Still not very funny though.
no u
This thread is not about Sam or MDE. Please research 'exit bags', and get to making your own tonight.
no u
if you think home movies is good and you're over the age of 13, you need to re-consider your life
You shilling your fucking show here is enough for me to completely ignore any fucking thing "MDE".
If you think Venture Bros. is funny, you have severe brain problems, and should probably get electro shock therapy.
Literally what?
I was responding to a comment addressing the show's themes. Not the OP, retard.
Yeah, that was me, and I was talking about Home Movies, because that's the topic of this thread. You're an illiterate retard ultra nigger.
>If you think Venture Bros. is funny, you have severe brain problems, and should probably get electro shock therapy.
lol okay senpai
I mean if you had said Mr. Pickles or Cleveland Show, I might have agreed, but come on.
Post the funniest clip you can think of from Venture Bros.
Also leave Sup Forums forever.
His comment made perfect sense. Maybe you're just mentally handicapped.
The humor is referential (especially towards the classic super-hero genre and 60s HB cartoons) and the show has continuity so a lot of the humor is derived from callbacks to previous episodes.
I'm not going to spoonfeed you.
>The humor is referential
Yeah, you're just a huge fag. Into the garbage it goes.
No it didn't. You're an ESL super hyper nigger.
actually pure kino
>super hyper nigger
This website is for people aged 18 and up.
Nigga, I'm 28.
Sorry if something lowkey like Home Movies triggers your ADD, Sam Pop some ritalin and do 30 sets of squat thrusts. I want you HUGE for season 3. All natty.
800,000 Viewer Extreme
How's it feel to be beat out by Dance Moms?
>800,000 Viewer Extreme
They got over a million the first episode
You'd reckon a Sam Hyde fan would be able to recognize a bit.
And yet you express yourself like a 13-year-old shithead. Sad.
>literal redditor
fuck off
And scared off 200,000 the next week.
gotta love the shitting on home movies like it was some new show coming on. i like mde but this is fucking retarded. Mcguirk is the man and Dwayne is a rock star. dont stick marvels up your nose op
Pats on the back for being so subversive and edgy.
>le supreme reddit gentleman
>Hating on Mcguirk and Home Movies
Sam Hyde is an unfunny faggot who needs to learn how to be an actual comedian instead of being a Louis CK 2.0 who panders to NEETsocs and "im so ironic" niggers.
Sam stop shilling
i mean most of the posters who like MDE are 13 year olds who only know Adult Swim as the McFarlane rerun and Rick and Morty (xD) network
Sup Forums is real fucking bad, and I just realized why I check it once a month. You're worse than Sup Forums and Sup Forums shippers. You stupid niggers like Bojack fucking Horseman.
Just DVR the fucking series already, fat ass!
the mde fans go too hard for their boy. Cult like following
It's because there's been nothing else like him in modern history. He says the things we're thinking, and spins it with really tight humor.
>inb4 T&E or Andre or whatever
fuuuck remember the get out of the pool! bumps when it was sealab aqua teens space ghost home movies and then anime at late night. good times
where can i watch World Peace tonight if I don't have cable?
Wait for a YouTube upload. They usually come shortly afterwards.
It's on tomorrow night
it'll be on the adult swim site eventually
He doesn't have cable, cumlords. You specifically need to login to your provider to watch on Adult Swim.
It says Friday at 12:15 AM
>I've never watched Adult Swim before
it is better, it's a fucking classic
I'm pretty sure you're just a fucking retard, the dudes comment made perfect sense
Outta your league kid
>tfw this is true
>He says the things we're thinking
maybe if you're a fat, white, virginal racist. to most people mde come off like a bunch of edgy hacks
>It's because there's been nothing else like him in modern history
Are you 15? do you not remember the 2000s comedy scene?
What is this? This wouldn't even fit you. Look at that, this is -- You're just way too big for something like this. You're big. This is for a tiny little girl. You're big. How could you wear something like this -- You're big.
Frisky Dingo
Xavier: Renegade Angel
Perfect Hair Forever
I'm very liberal and I think he's hilarious. He has a great way of teasing out modern hypocrisies that I haven't seen other comedians tackle as well. Also, it's very possible this show is a psyop to defang the alt right movement through commodification, a la Third Reich n' Roll.
>virginal racist
Woman detected. Tits or GTFO.
are you joking? how is exposing israel and juden a psyops??
Op confirmed for turbo pleb.
Now this I can accept.
>being this much of a nu-faggot
I didnt think it was possible, but here he stands before us everyone