ITT: Actors that probably browse Sup Forums

ITT: Actors that probably browse Sup Forums

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Not an actor but Trank almost CERTAINLY was here while Fan4stic being made

Seth Rogan

Not an actor, but I'm a fairly famous club comedian in the UK. If you've been to a comedy club here you've probably seen me.

Agreed. That's the reason why he's losing his hair. DCfags are dumb and Marveldrones don't take it easy.

He's a 100% redditor

Where's he gonna find more memes for the sequel?

goddam i love him so much

>“You’ve got to enjoy life! I mean, you’ve got to,” Cavill said. “When I’m making money I’m spending it on nice stuff, whether that be lavish holidays for me and my friends or just seeing something and going in a shop and saying, ‘Yeah, I want that for the house,’ and buying it.”

>He stressed that the money isn’t spent on himself alone. He likes to splurge on his friends. He also pointed out he is especially grateful for his money when it comes to long-distance travel.

>“Spending money on my friends, buying dinner for everyone, drinks for everyone, it’s a nice place to be, and I like people to feel cared for,” he said. “People will be calling me a cuck as they’re reading this, but travel’s great as long as you’re going first class. I mean, traveling to New Zealand in economy, it sucks. Especially if you’re over six feet. But first class? I’m not going to ever pretend to be coy about that. I love it.”

>Chad browses Sup Forums
do you actually believe this?


Henrey isn't a Chad

He had to earn it

He's /ourboy/

Pic Related:
Amy Sedaris

I love her but i'm not sure why you'd think that? In any case she's beautiful and a great talent.

Reddit is basically tv right now

Well it sure is confirmed.

Paul Dano


>any celebrity browses Sup Forums
Do you actually believe this?


Trashman give his thoughts on TEE VEE


>He had to earn it

You can't possibly be this delusional

Ricky Gervais is that you? I like your TV shows.

Sam Hyde probably browses Sup Forums. He for sure browses Sup Forums.