Are you guys raiding behind the meme with fluffy booru?

Are you guys raiding behind the meme with fluffy booru?

could you clarify your question? are you asking if people are raiding behind the meme with fluffy stuff?

you there?

why would op start a thread and put no effort into it?

Fluffy thread now?

fuck it, OP clearly gives 0 fucks








continue, I am invested

























this is the end of red baron

















How is he able to nut without balls?




















last comic im gonna post, i think I've done my fair share







What is behind the meme?

a youtube chanel that explains memes to normies

got anymore of these? or the artist name?

that's the last one, why would i stop short if i had more?

also it's done by a few artists, but the story is called post fluff

my fucking god, yes

glad you like it, it's a long ass saga broken up over three stories


I love fluffy shit. I wish Spaghetti World was real.

skettiland? you do know that's a euphemism for euthanasia right?

who wants sketties?

Sketti is sketti.

hey fluffies, who wants sketties?

there's another fluffy thread




