/heem/: Schaub giveth and Schaub taketh away

Schaub bless

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Fuck off idiot.




Schaub is God


>tfw no RENA to body kick me into humble submission

>webm user is still here
you are awesome


>They will spend new year's eve shilling for a failed fighter


>I think Cruz won round 1


Is there a better angle? RENA has potential, I like here.

Don't agree with the 48-46 at all desu

I had Cruz taking 2 and maybe 5
Cody took 1, 3 and 4

Round 1 was close though, I could honestly see it for Cruz

On the scorecards I think this fight was actually much closer than most seem to recognise, isn't it?

Look at the scorecard One judge gave Cruz Round 1, the other gave him Round 2 and two of them gave him Round 5. I don't think there was a 10-8 round, with different judges he could have arguably won this fight.

*leans in*
i agree, 100%


He's right, though. Dumb people don't like poetry.

Nunes threw 47 strikes in the 48 seconds she fought with Rousey.

That's insane.

Spain on suicide watch

How he can embarrass himself so much.

The monkey dances and dances for us.

Ronda is a pretty awful actress.

What will she do now? WWE? Suicide?

she's still green but damn she's good

>One judge gave Cruz Round 1,

That judge was right cause there was no way Dominick won round 1. Even then he didn't win round 2, it wasn't a robbery, he got worked and pieced up.

>It was a close fight

The only round Dominick won definitively was the last one, and even then it was iffy.


CodyFan is just RoryFan under a new name yea?

First sequence is a bit extraneous, here's the juicy part at native scale.

But remember what the Australian sperg said, that she's a can who can't land clean strikes.


God Damn she has so much potential.

Imagine being stabbed in the ribs by someone's foot

Green in MMA, but I think she's been a professional kickboxer since 15.


Cruz only won 1 round lol.

/Alexa Grasso/

Just woke up, Dillashaw goofed my picks but holy fucking lol I need to see this card

the way I see it cruz won round 1

Oh, yeah she has a legit background. But she basically fights MMA like a shootboxer.

This has to be false? I feel like she had it done withing 25 strikes

What's the average age on this card? 35?

post if you predicted rousey getting blown out

she has PTSD when striking now, she gets hit once and she quits. i'll bet she never did any sparring in training camp. she is like a war vet. when she hears the names amanda nunes and holly holm, she will have a panic attack

she needs to do a GSP and carry around a brick

my wife... I'm also fucking JoJo

TENSHIN is 18 and Erson is 20 so that probably brings it down to the mid 20s

If you dislike Cruz you can for sure lose my number.

she doesnt know how to throw a JAB

Well, you can count, the whole fight fits into a Sup Forums webm lol

Cannot believe it was this easy, she at least went to Round 2 with Holly.

Does anybody else here only follow MMA in terms of sports-watching? You couldn't pay me to sit through a football or basebore game and I couldn't even tell you how my city's apehoop team is doing, but I'll watch even a lackluster card or foreign promotion if I have nothing better to do.

>if you dislike a pretentious know-it-all douche nozzle MANLET whom has zero friends you can lose my number


>There are people who put their hard earned money on a fighter who was too shook to do interviews

I don't get it

holly is a counter fighter and nunes is heavy handed favelada

Round 1 was close. The fact 1 judge gave Cruz it proves that. Cruz did win Round 2 and you're saying he won Round 5.

Look, I'm not saying I think he was robbed or that he won the fight, as I was scoring it I had it 48-47 for Cody anyway. All I'm saying is that despite the story of the fight being Cruz chasing Cody, I could honestly see a case for Cruz winning that fight.

Rounds 1 and 2 were close, as was Round 5. You could easily give Cruz them, as some judges did

>she at least went to Round 2 with Holly.

Cause Holly for the most part is pillow fisted. Amanda has always had heavy hands.


who here ready for 2017 to be the year of joanna?

I only ever watch combat sports.


You're an idiot, mate. I wouldn't expect you to be a Cruz fan.

armbar no can defend

Threw 47, landed over half, think she landed around 27

wow erson blown out


*tips fedora*


So, Cruz is done right? He lost his speed and his point fighting style isn't effective anymore. He lost the fight against TJ IMO and he beat an old, past his prime Faber.

Find the post where I call Amanda a can.

You can't. Doesn't exist.


On top of that I'm pretty sure she got hit in the kidney so feels that shit inside her body.

>I could honestly see a case for Cruz winning that fight.

Yeah they were """close"""" only if you're looking at the fight stats and not who was landing the more accurate shots. Cody landed cleaner shots as well as nice body kicks, whereas for the most part Dominick was landing whiffy slaps and leg kicks so that it can end up looking 28-28 on the fight stats but Cody was clearly winning.

>You could easily give Cruz them

No you couldn't.

he's clearly past his prime. 31 is old as a top level bantamweight with a ten year long career and a shitload of injuries.

This dude is right, I counted 47 but many were autistic fist throwing

>holly is a counter fighter

In what fucking universe is Holm a counter striker?

>nobody remembers him losing everything

Rugby like once or twice a month on average then some international football, but MMA and other combat sports are on a whole other level of obsession

he will win the immediate rematch after making the necessary adjustments

Post some Mommy fambam


somebody needed to tell him we can still see him when he does that


this one.

There were judges who literally gave the rounds in question to Cruz, stop sperging out

dude just dive into Hideo Tokoro's guard lmao
whats the worst that could happen lmao


>Edmond keeps calling for head movement
>She never fucking did

Maybe Ronda was the problem all along and not Edmond?

basketball, but only because my family and friends fucking love it so if I don't watch it I can't make conversation

who the fat is that guy?



I believe that too, Holly clearly walked back when Ronda was rocked by that first one punch, didn't want risk being thrown to the ground that early

Amanda gave no fucks and went for it, trusting her striking power to decide the fight

Bringing Ronda back to the title fight instead of to some can was a mistake, Ronda probably didn't want it either but went for it to end her own misery and focus fully on movies.

Why the fuck are her legs so locked out?

had remigijus on his shirt


Rousey waltzing into your straight does not make you a counter fighter. She's an outfighter that leads.


reminder that Swanson should've been docked a point for that illegal knee
reminder that Kawajiri vs Swanson should've been a draw by rights

I remember a little while ago Nunes won a fight (might have been the Shevchenko fight?) and when she was talking to Joe in the ring afterward she started calling Dana White's name and asking for a title shot and Dana completely refused to even acknowledge her, even Joe said "I don't think he's listening." In light of that I find it extremely gratifying that she just utterly embarrassed Dana's biggest cash cow and probably ended her career, maybe even took a few weeks off of Dana's life.

Based Lioness.

>In what fucking universe is Holm a counter striker?

You probably never watched any other Holly fight except the one vs Ronda

> punch, punch, walk back
> cut the corner, punch, punch, walk back
> punch kick, punch, walk back

>Discussing MMA with an Ausfailian

I shiggy diggity doo

Holm doesn't lead, thats why she couldnt do anything against Meisha except land a few jabs

judo background probably.

Non ant version

Could've scored the fight for Cruz if you think about

ronda tried to box like a tool

lads im so tired from 207 but I cant wait for this cro cop vs amir main event

Now that Garbrandt is the 135 champion, where does that leave Mighty Mouse for a potential superfight? Does he avenge his loss to Cruz? Does he fight the champion?

>Holly is an out-fighter that leads

You don't know anything you're saying lol, you never do haha.

Don't lump us all in with some fucking cock smoker.

guys, i just woke up, what the fuck happened?