Sup Forums what are your thoughts on removing all rights from women? they would become nothing more then property

Sup Forums what are your thoughts on removing all rights from women? they would become nothing more then property.


Sure we can become the next new third world country

america was just fine before women joined the work force

no it wasn't, it was a land of poorhouses and misery

I like these threads because I know nobody on Sup Forums will ever have any authority

If it was then what's changed?

Or girlfriends either

Almost half of the world operates like that already. It's fucking awful. Unless you want to follow Islam or something ridiculous like that.

implying most of the world dont already do this

hmm lets see I could have an argument with a male chauvinist or i could tell you to go fuck yourself

go fuck yourself shithead

>It's fucking awful
not for the men

first of all I'd remove all rights from b/tards to rid the humanity of garbage

go fuck yourself

nobody will ever touch you, why don't you move to one of those countries you're talking about

actually the reason why the feminist agenda was pushed so hard after the war was becaus only half the population could be taxed. By enabling women to work would alow them to be taxed

>I could have an argument
no you couldn't. the only reason women are allowed to vote, work or anything is becuase we needed them to make weapons for us during war

I'm a man, and from first hand experience I will say it is awful. Yes, better for men than women, but still shit countries for everyone.

post a picture of yourself with a timestamp, let's see what a big strong man you are


thats what i thought

i dont know, ask a muslim

Someday its going to happen. its just as matter of time.

well, they are already taking over every country they have touched so maybe its sooner then any of you think

USA, Western and North Europe are already filled with "multicuturalism". Asia doesent seem like a nice play to live, maybe South Koreea or Japan. Western Europe is as you know, a shithole. But you can manage to live there away from all this shit. Australia is also on the falling into the muslims land, maybe they can repel it, but who want to live somewhere that everyting is trying to kill you?

I ment Eastern Europe is a shit hole.