Character's head is in the bottom corner of the screen

>character's head is in the bottom corner of the screen

Is this show the best pleb filter ever?

>character's head is in the bottom corner of the screen

What are you on about?

Who are you quoting OP?

Shitposting General?

Why would you comment if you haven't seen the show?

The first scene of the first episode

Are you retarded then?

Someone actually had some kind of 'explanation' for that, it was so pretentious, literally gave me a headache.


It kinda does make sense though.
He lives his life hidden. I think that's what the camera angle portrays.

>lives life hidden
>literally a tv show
fuck off

It's called negative space. Depending on the context it can make characters seem small or trapped in their situation.

The main idea behind the framing is to evoke the characters feelings of marginalization and anxiety in a society that is very large and machine like. The imbalanced framing (putting the characters in the corner or sides of the frame) imply several power dynamics. First, it indicates that the characters are small figures in their large surroundings. The negative space is not really negative space in this context as the background will often be of an office workplace or an exterior of NYC. This composition would likely evoke a sense that the characters are almost being swallowed up by society. If you look a most classical framing in feature films or tv, you'll notice that the characters are generally positioned in the middle, or the left or right thirds of the frame. This creates a more balanced frame, and visually elicits a sense of stability in the narrative. Conversely, an imbalanced frame (where the subject not centered) creates a sense of anxiety or uneasiness. This is especially motivated composition when showing Elliott b/c of his social anxiety.

The other thing is it's not just the individual shots, but the edit b/w two of these types of imbalanced shots. You can see (really in first episode) who is dominating who in the shot-reverse shot during dialogue edits.

this basically

putting the focal point in the middle is pleb tier


what does it being a tv show have anything to do with that? It's not like there are actual cameras following him. No, the viewer's pov is that of his imaginary friend

I'm a retard with poor memory, so osomeone please exaplain to me, why is Eliott in prison?

He volunteered

>joey bad is all of a sudden an assassin

me and my wife's boyfriend were cheering when he killed those evil white men who said the N word

Smaller minded

You watched it. Guess you're right.


>muh golden ratio
am i the only one who believes this is total bullshit?
i mean i do agree that shots like this generally look good but there's also plenty of examples of great shots where the focal point is in the middle

I wasn't here on Wednesday how crazy was everyone over the fact that the prison theory was true?

>why is Eliott in prison?
Hacked that dude and stole his dog

its pretty obvious. If you knew literally anything about cinematography and how it can be used to reflect mood or themes of it's content then you should be able to figure it out.
Elliot's life is very detatched from reality, he's a social outcast. The cinematography reflects this with it's unconventional shots, often forcing the characters into the corner of the frame in an almost claustrophobic and anxious manner.
In fact this is so blatant that it's quite embarrassing that anyone can even think they have anything worthwhile to say about the medium without understanding something as elementary as this.

So, what, he got a ton of pills, threw it all up (without making anyone suspicious), RECEIVED phonecalls, had access to a computer, and was thrown in a basement...inside of a jail? Am I getting this dumb bullshit right?

literally meme tier and doesn't make a film good

why do you feel the need to post on the film board if you don't know anything about film

why do you need to shitpost?

>I know more about ratios than every mathematician and artist in history

Not an argument, kid

the irony

Can't believe people enjoy this bullshit.

Oh, so you're just another meme shitposter.

Can't believe people enjoy your mother.

Ray was a dirty prison guard who was running a darknet market in cooperation with the prison gangs. He found out that Elliot was serving time for computer hacking, and recruited him to fix their website after it went down.

That's being generous. Usually you just get the actors head dead on the bottom right corner. Like you see no neck and their ear is almost off screen

>posts on /r/hacker
>googles 'how to hack government'

what the hell, Sup Forums


>mfw dont understand this prison shit
>forced to look at reddit
>see a stupid prison theory meme
>"GEE GOLLY that sir redditor was spectacularly correct!"

can reddit seriously fuck off from this board i just watch tv to pass the time in my shitty life and not take it like a fucking sport and analyze this shit, i just come here to see what people thought about the episode and if they like it or not

do yourself a favor and just stop coming here. there is no 'last bastion' unpolluted by reddit, as sad as it is.

I thought the prison t heory was from Sup Forums since like episode 2 people in threads were saying it.

Fuck off with your reddit boogeyman trash

It's like I am really back in that elective film class I took in college.

what program did you graduate with

i dont think you know what pleb filter means guy

In real life i like to pretend i am Mr Robot by wearing a hoodie, talking to an imaginary audience and conversing with my tulpa when nobody is around.

is that like some weeb word for imaginary friend? go see a therapist


he's just giving an example. Almost every other shot is like that. It looks stupid.

>Is this show the best pleb filter ever?
Pleb filter means plebs won't get it and won't watch it.

So yeah. Agreed.

It allows me to filter plebs out.

It's a /x/ thing.

Lonely gullible anons voluntarily make themselves schizophrenic to feel like they're having a paranormal experience.

It's not top tier cinematography, but it's got effort put into it at least.

does anyone even actually claim the cinematography is like 10/10 epic and perfect, or is this a shitposting thread?

>character is secluded, social outcast, etc
>"putting him in the corner of a frame doesnt make any sense he should be dead center!!!!" - t. Sup Forums shitposter

like if you dont understand basic cinematography, why are you even on this board?

every character gets put down in the corner

your argument would make sense if only elliot got the corner shot.

>can we get her more out of frame?
>yeah, yeah, that looks good, yeah, let's go with that

pure digitkino

looks like tryhard garbage

>It's a /x/ thing

It's been a concept for thousands of years you stupid cunt. The internet just provided a place for like-minded people to create guides on it and share their experiences.

actually i got the word from the Tokyo Ghoul manga.

the MC has a tulpa who makes him go insane and eat other ghouls against his will for more and more power.

he has like 6-9 tulpas

You are a complete retard. What the fuck would the purpose of showing the back a computer screen?

>actually i got the word from the Tokyo Ghoul manga.
Fucking weebs.

>the MC has a tulpa
the MC has an imaginary friend

>he has like 6-9 tulpas
he has like 6-9 imaginary friends

people are always so nice in the live threads but after two days the people in mr robot threads just seem to turn into the angriest motherfuckers

just something I've noticed recently

>you are a complete retard. What the fuck would hte purpose of showing all that empty space in the background?
also, they don't have to frame it so you see the back of the monitor.

people dont stay perfectly centered when they walk down a hall retard

People who partake in live threads are fucking losers. No wonder they're "nice".

yeah but what does that make you?