/bb/ Big Brother 18 general





First for /our/ girl/ Meech

Who /Natalie/ here

Natalie has a nice asshole

give me Big Meech

Is Ian's game overrated? I felt like the win was just handed to him.

>Thu 7:46 PM Devin broke through the front door, is stuffing Victor's pockets with cash. Production is scrambling over the PA system begging him to leave NT

She entered the house as Redditt but became 4cahn inside of it

>Fri 4:26 AM Devin parachutes into the backyard, slowly walks into the house with a bag of cash NT

>paul ruining what would have been a magnificent panty shot



>>Thu 7:47 PM Ian pacing back and forth outside the front door, unsure of whether to go in or not. "She wants me, not Paulie. She wants me, not Paulie." NT

He won only because of the super duper uber double tripled bitter jury members. Dan played the superior game.

well time to drop this show, frank gone, bridgette gone and now the main villian is gone.

theres no entertainment value in this show anymore

expect corey to be evicted next, then nicole.

natalie will be in the final 2 because of paul and will win the whole season.

take care everyone.

also deleting my bridgette folder

it was certainly more of an anti-Dan vote that it was a vote for Ian
a ton of people could have won at the end there

but Ian certainly earned his way to the end

like 3 straight weeks he was the target and saved himself

Oh no! Corey doesn't have pockets! He only gives Nicoles boyfriends the cash!

He made the right decision to trust Dan to drag him to the finals but he only won because of a bitter jury

no one cares


All these Natalie upskirts

she's already given us a deliberate upskirt in these panties weeks ago, they're here big ones to wear with a skirt on stop obsessing. she did a big leg kick at the camera and let everyone see before

no he didn't. everyone trusted Dan to drag them to the end. Dan had deals with every single person in that house towards the end there. and then HE took Dan to the end, after throwing part one of the HoH comp to him.

Ian played a decent game and I like him, but Dan ran that entire game from start to finish and deserved to win.


why the fuck isn't that a gif that's posted in every thread?

fuck off

Our n bomb Ian ain't even making it to the final 3 without Dan

>the guy that put devin in pictures likes Reddit

you used to be cool, what happened? why do you have shit taste now?

She is beautiful

>no names already turning on each other
>they'll likely go after paul instead of victor


Nat is the true mastermind of the season

because you annoying faggots don't make them yourselves? we talked about it when it happened and nobody likes that midget enough to make them

this bitch on RHAP sucks


pretty much

we got a shout out by reddit last night, pay attention


Paul's game just got blown up

Omg her face right now I need her lipgloss on my cock

Did they bring that dumb sjw ho back?

Redditt has spent the last week shit talking Paulie bro. To his dumb fucking face.

Also when she called out Nicole thinking she was going home and then stayed and had an instant meltdown.

when she puked everywhere.

she is good tv/feeds bro.

>still no michelle crotch pics

Nat deserves to win if she gets Paul voted out this week

Ian would you please stfu


idk if people are talking about reddit the site or reddit the cast member

I think I could just watch this gif forever. I'm going to try at least.

make it yourself


Some of us are talking about the site, some the cast member, and in some of these quotes they are talking about both simultaneously.

Quote me and one of the posts and I'll translate.


Takes like 12 hours for it to hit on-demand

I recorded it. You're annoying I'm not posting it


that's a nice butthole



I'm rooting for day

Nat needs to leave her microphone on one day while she's peeing

0% chance that day can beat 4 people back to back.

Imagine how tight it must be

It's not a battle back.

Imagine how loose Zakiyahs is.

>James and Nat thinking of turning on Turkroach and /fit/
>Nicorey still going after Paul/Vic
>Paul/Vic still going after Nicorey
>James suddenly wants to play now that he's in the best position to lay low
>Reddit is actually going to coast to the finals

at least we'll have an interesting last couple of weeks with everyone taking shots at each other, unlike the last 3 seasons where the big alliances just withered to the finals

is meech actually getting physically hotter or am I just falling in love with her mind and it's warping my opinion?

>she didn't like /fit/'s nomination speech last week

It'll probably just be an endurance comp type thing

She's always been a qt senpai. You just finally stopped listing to the meemers


This guy is trying really hard to bait and nobody's biting and he won't give up

he's attracted to Michelle

It's mostly makeup

Yeah I had to stop watching she's fucking annoying

and who the fuck should i fucking root for?

everyone interesting is fucking gone and we got a boring week ahead.

that's just wrong

Natalie she's hot

Paul blown the fuck up

The entire week
>don't listen to a word Paulie says, he's just gonna lie and deceive us till the end
>lets all turn on each other

he actually did it the absolute mistman

You're out of the n-bomb squad, bro.

Why is he redder than his shirt?

she was looking foxed out the other day at the pool swimming/laying out with barely any on if any at all

I thought the season was Julius Caesar starring Paulie, but it's actually Lady Macbeth starring Natnat.

World Peace is based


Meech is an angles girl that looks different based on the camera.
Probably looks like an 8/10 irl

>having a picture of Paul on the wall

Natalie knew all last week that Paul was a target as well, she just realized that Paulie was more important. She's playing an amazing game.

She'd drain me in less than 10 seconds

Mmmmmmmmmmuyyyyyyyyy dicckkkk

thats pornography level crotch shot.

James has literally no chance at all of locking that shit down outside the house.

Jesus. what is this and where do I start watching?

As long as he gets to smash one time I'll be proud of him

She won't even kiss him.
She's playing a beautiful game

Only chance is juryhouse

They want to turn on Turkroach but keep /fit/

I feel so bad for James.

The hottest chick on the show two seasons in a row has friend zoned the shit out of him.

Redditt is a Devinposter too. She tweeted a Devin shrine.

I can't tell if I'm more confused by Natalie liking James so much or by Corey picking Nicole over her and Victor straight up dumping her after a week

Nat and Vic would be ideal

I'd just rape Natalie right now

Nicole was closer to paulie so of course he'd pick her.
/fit/ has ocd and nat was stepping on her sweatpants legs in the bathroom so he irl reee'd

some of my best friends have been girls that friendzoned me

would even get occasional blowjobs from that one