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Suck my dick

>I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.
John Adams

Okay... well... I s'pose you got us. Looks like we best get back to building clocks. Keep fighting the good fight friend!

>i have a job
>i have thoughts

2/8 b8 made me reply

>building clocks
You misspelled facsimile bombs and claiming others work as your own

I used to be a STEM major before I read this, now I'm a #humanitiesmanatee

>how to build a clock
>how to take a cock

humanities must be a really easy course. all you need to do to solve the equation is subtract people of color.

Cool tweet Ghengis. Want to email it to thw Whitehouse? We should teach more mongs to read like you.


Humanities: How do redefine manliness so that cucking can be acceptable for liberated women everywhere.


STEM: Build useful shit
HUMANITIES: How waste useful useful shit by giving it to niggers

>mexican """intellectuals"""

>wow really makes u think

Maybe they should move to a country of colour where there are no arrests and no clocks


So humanities is basically open SJW indoctrination. It's kinda unfair when academia is openly working towards one cancerous political position and openly opposing the other. On top of that you will never get a job with an SJW degree so they are just generating left wingers who are poor, bitter and are programmed to blame all of their problems on capitalism and white men.

Humanities: How to get laid and have fun during your youth.
STEM: How to waste your 20s working as a slave and marry a washed up whore at 30.

That's a great quote and totally spot on.


How the fuck is "people of color" any better than "colored people"

wow. its like i know you in person

>unemployed STEM welfare nigger detected
Humanities, if done right, is the observation of multi dimensional rooms and the 'calculation' of probabilities for certain phenomenas to happen.

Unfortunately, most students prefer qualitativ Methods before quantitativ ones (or better no method or theroie at all and just pulling shit out there asses and quoting 'Huffington post')
Never become an undergrad teacher if you like your field of studie

Thing is, humanities SHOULD be important.

It used to be about preserving and enhancing the Western cultural legacy and understanding humanity as a whole.

Classics and cultural anthropology are pretty red pilled subjects.

Imagine if the humanities embraced the reality of biological race and sex differences and studied how Jews get so much power in society. That would be fucking valuable.

>Gutting an alarm clock and cramming it into a box counts as 'building a clock'
>Suspecting a box filled with wires and a fucking timer is a bomb now counts as racist


My bachelor's is a liberal arts degree and my master's is STEM

Eat my ass

Is this in reference to that Ahmed kid? That fucking bastard implemented taqiya to get free shit and he's on good terms with Omar al-Bashir, Ahmed the clock kid is a madman and is a sign of how dangerous Muslims can be. Imagine if the clock was, in fact, what the teachers thought it was.

Lol I love how Sup Forums shits on the humanities but it's the humanities kids who control culture and ultimately politics.

Wow, it really makes you think

Shit, Brian Butterfield is real

I'd prefer having a clock to a world of niggers

>STEM: how to build a clock
>HUMANITIES: how to bullshit as an expert in clock building



>It used to be about preserving and enhancing the Western cultural legacy

Yes it used to be when only the rich aristocratic types where able to do it. Now we are in the social democratic era where everyone with and 85+ iq needs a BA

(log n on any array)
Niggers full of shit, worst case scenario for any algorithm is at BEST n log n

It's very short sighted, I agree. I suspect Sup Forumsacks don't understand how important the humanities are in determining who we are as a society and our values.

You can see all the damage SJW types and post modernism has done by taking over the humanities. These ideologies control our political destiny now.

If I was wealthy I'd be funding a conservative humanities institute with rigorous scholarship and critical thinking.

>cultural anthropology

You've never set foot in a humanities department in the past 60 years have you.

>muh cultural relativism

The humanities kids have a blank canvas for a brain and professors will take any opportunity necessary to paint their minds a bright shade of red. They are incapable of individual thought.

fucking shitlord, Ahmed al-Clockani INVENTED that clock


Someone post that I actually built a bomb but it just didn't worked and they believed it's a clock plz...

I've never set foot in a humanities department in my life. But understanding how varied and weird different human cultures and beliefs are is the biggest eye opener. Everyone should do it.

>and once my grandchildren study art and painting and all that other shit they will be completely unprepared when uneducated barbarians tear down their homes and don't care about their sophisticated art

Of existing algorithms. This nigga invented an algorithm that's universal.

Or he would have if it weren't for HUMANITIES

That's a fake tweet I just made by the way, nobody is claiming they made a n log n sorting algorithm.


Good good goyim those marxist ideas arent going to indoctrinate themselves hehehe stupid goy.

Oh shit

Kekt and shrekt

right here

This might honestly be the stupidest tweet I've ever read.

> But understanding how varied and weird different human cultures and beliefs are is the biggest eye opener.

You don't need to do go to university for that. Just take a walk into your local sharia controlled zone in London and you can appreciate that for yourself.

STEM: how to build a clock
HUMANITIES: how to be pic related


Jews have so much power in society because of in-group preference, valuing education, and dominating fields like finance, law, media, medicine and psychiatry.

Where does one learn that you shouldn't build clocks that look exactly like bombs and not listen to your teachers when they kindly ask you repeatedly to put it away?

I would've thought it was common sense, but every day I'm learning just how uncommon that kind of sense has become, especially when there is the potential for a race-baiting story.

someone post a picture of the "clock".

btw, he set it for the alarm to go off and disturb the class on purpose. Fucking scam.

Cultural/social anthropology is by far the least redpilled subject in all of the humanities..... which is saying something.
The ideas that float around in anthropology departments are far more influential to sjw's, multi-culturalism etc than frankfurt school/cultural marxism or any other ideologies blamed by Sup Forums for the downfall of western societies.

Muslims and Christians are not that different if you take a broad perspective. You should read about how life is like in Hawaiian or New Guinea tribes. Fucking astonishing the varieties of ways humans can live and believe successfully.

The system of choosing Majors and Minors was originally intended to allow students from faculties to broaden their intellectual horizons. Nowadays it is just used to reinforce autistic subject-based tunnel vision. Frankly if you're the most brilliant engineer on Earth who knows everything about his subject, but you don't know when WW2 started, then you are in no short terms: an utter retard. Likewise if an arts student couldn't explain natural selection or the scientific method. Specialisation is the death of the intellect. Humans are not insects, it speaks highly of your character if you know shitloads about anatomy, nuclear physics and 16th century Dutch painting.

Are you sure about that?

It wasn't even a subtle scam. His dad is a wackjob political activist who tried to run for president of some middle eastern shithole, and his sister previously got suspended for a bomb threat.

humanities: Build a world in which people who do nothing but complain all day can leech of the accomplishments of others.

You're welcome for the flag

Ahmed mohammed ripped off the usa for 20 million because the usa were so scared of looking islamophobic

What topic in humanitites covers that?

>go to Sup Forums
>want to study politics or law, probably the latter as it will get me a job

It's enough that the UK government expects everyone to have their GCSE Math at a C grade, and that took me two fucking years to get. Stop insisting I need it for anything other than entry requirement.



Yes yes thats a very interesting point very classy sweeping generalisations coming from someone living in a country grounded on a Christian heritage.

The problem started with Boas using ethnography to "prove" that race didn't exist. Using humanities to push a social justice agenda pushed it from science to propaganda.

But anthropology proper is the most important of the universal humanities subjects.

Oh come on, like Christians didn't do that a few centuries ago. You need to broaden your perspective. There are tribes out there which think sex has nothing to do with procreation and have no concept of number.


>That's a fake tweet I just made by the way, nobody is claiming they made a n log n sorting algorithm.
Fuck you

>study politics or law
Politicians do not study politics and lawyers do not study law.

You learn both on the job.

Aerospace engineer master race here

We're just trying to stop you from turning yourself into human trash, is that too much to ask?

Why is there always a false dichotomy between the two? You can study both. Do stem in uni and read history books for fun.

I think that's why Christians and Muslims are antagonistic: they are not that different. Britain is a formal theocracy, and we naturally hate the idea of a different kind of theocracy.


Fuck off you degenerate weeb

The West's obsession over People of Color (and only certain types of People of Color, i.e. the darker shades) is sickening.

Fuck off, inferior intelligence trash

>how to take clock out of the case and pretend you made it
>how to try to prove that the kid didn't deserve to be arrested despite being warned that his thing was looking suspicious and was asked to put it down several times.

There you go mate.

It's the same as with dindus that don't cooperate with police officers, he was just asking for it.

STEM: How to build a better world
HUMANITIES: How to complain that the world is fucked because my feelings are hurty

The fact you're a weeb suggests you're of inferior intelligence. What sort of fully grown man watches sexualized cartoons? One that is mentally stunted.

I seriously don't know how anyone could not realise instantly that this was just a clock taken out of the case...
The circuit board looks industrial as fuck, there is no way in a fucking hell a random guy at home would be able to do this(I'am not saying that making a clock is impossible, just if you look at this making THIS particular clock at home is impossible)

>not that different
In terms of what has been achieved/blessed/rewarded they are worlds apart.

Even in terms of governance we can see a progressive evolution of the exercise of power and relationships in Christian States. Can one honestly say the same in Muslim ones?

>formal theocracy
If you want to be technical the UK is not a theocracy but a province in the greater Christian Theocracy formerly governed in Rome and before that Constantinople and Jerusalem.

But of course we all know that the head has abrogated her duties as the head servant of her flock. Having said that it is what the people have wished as Samuel so saw more than 2000 years ago.

I don't get it, why'd you post the same image 3 times?

Blowing up people -> No comment

Trying to protect people by investigating something that looks like a bomb -> Outrage

This is how OP rolls

>in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.
And then the barbarians drive in, tear everything down and set you back a thousand years.


all the feels.

btw, I started the > Fact. meme. True story. Fact

They couldn't care less about "People of Color". They are just useless hacks who want to use minorities as their weapons to gain power

I could make that clock at home, it is far from impossible. I wouldn't want to, but I know how to do it. That board would be fairly easy to make by hand, it isn't nearly tight enough that it would start causing problems. However, in the context of what happened, yeah it was definitely a ripped apart clock put in a different case.

Granted it still isn't hard to go from that to a bomb. Though, there is obviously a lack of explosives to make it such.

STEM: How to build a clock
Humanities: How to be a cuck

Stem: Progress humanity

Humanities: Complain about the progress

>comapres things centuries ago with events today
holy shit you ARE an arts student

Do you put that on your resume?

>mentally stunted
If you really believe that, don't fly Airbus, since they rely on my expertise to make sure they're safe

In a few more centuries this will all have changed again. Like I said, you need a broad perspective before you can make broad claims.

>how to build something extremely useful
>how to have gay butt sex because all off the people who study this are gay xDDD LMAooo

This is how Sup Forums argues

I think you're a good guy.

I'll remember this so if Airbus ever crashes, I'll know it's because they put their trust in a man who jerks off to animated 13-year-old girls.