>dumb Mexinigger jumps in to defend his rabid animal a classic
Henry Perry
I agree
Daniel Brooks
Beautiful butthurt.
Jaxon Torres
Cars don't have agency.
Oliver Evans
>family dog, a pitbull These are the people that should be put to death. >Italians What do you expect from stupid shitskins?
Do you think slave owners let their children play with their field niggers?
Levi Phillips
Unfortunately no one seems to understand this ever
Christopher Garcia
>own dangerous animal >get attacked
Levi Gomez
Pets are just properties.
Christian Rogers
>owning any animal >don't training it
Landon Johnson
Jaxon Sullivan
the difference is the dog has a mind of its own and can be held responsible for its actions, while a car is an inanimate object and can't do anything wrong if not for human error
it's like retards who blame guns for shooting people
Brody Gutierrez
Logan Ward
Look at this vicious murder beast destroying the local flora.
Gavin Clark
Shoot the pitbulls and their owners.
>muh blank slate >he's a good dog, he dindu nuffin, he was going to church!
Juan Hughes
the child was asking for it!
is just a cultural difference!
Ryan Russell
I can't wait for the day a pitbull off a leash comes on my property and I can legally kill it.
Thomas Martin
>ITT animals acting on instincts and cues learned from trainers/owners are moral agents that rationally understand what they're doing
Alright, buddy.
Matthew Richardson
Is this some really complicated meta-analysis of race politics on Sup Forums, or is this just stupidity?
Charles Anderson
I hope this happens to you kek
Wyatt Ward
You can't change a tiger's stripes. A pitbull is not a family friendly animal, and I hope they continue to kill people and prevent them from breeding.
Adam Richardson
Problem is most pitbull owners buy one because it looks 'cool' or 'macho'. They don't have the mental capacity to learn how to care let alone train one.
Cameron Thomas
>Source: a Sup Forums meme
Mason Hill
Why is talking about different breeds with different aesthetics and behaviors acceptable when talking about dogs but not when talking about humans even though it's the same thing?
Evan Stewart
This reminds me of when the media posts old pictures of dindus who got shot to make them seem more innocent.
>ayo he just a puppy, he dindu nuffin, the kid was stalking him
Joseph Myers
>acting on instinct >mind of its own The dog didn't plan the attack.
Ryan Mitchell
If that's true... Hahahahaha
Pit bulls are basically the niggers of the dog world. Everyone knows they're a problem but God forbid you speak out about it!
Elijah Nguyen
Serious question to Sup Forumsacks:
If they remake the movie Cujo but with a pitbull instead of a St. Bernard, is that considered racist?
Aaron Morris
Owner's license to get a Dog? Sounds kinda reasonable.
It could be good for the dog and the owner.
Benjamin Perez
The dog ran a thought process and decided to attack, it may be confusing, but a car cannot think so it cannot decide anything.
Easton Martin
Pittbull was literally bred for dogfighting and to be as bloodthirsty and aggressive as possible. They should all be sterilized.
Not even mentioning that the only people who own pittbulls are niggers, trailer trash and spics.
Landon Thomas
Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds...
John Wright
You're precious Aryan warhounds do the same shit, you fucking retard.
Then go ahead and start an activism. start a hashtag #pitbullcontrol. Go to twitter, make an account. Then go to www.ifttt.com and set up automatic tweets.
Get riled up. get others riled up. Show photos of pit bull attacks. Pit bulls kill 1 person every 19 days.
OHHH you wanted us to do it? I have to work.
Aaron Taylor
Global Rule #7 >Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed. Sup Forums.org/rules#global
Aiden Bell
Reported for announcing reports.
Mason Evans
don't ever speak to me again you disgusting wetback
go back pablo
Jose Wright
>owners trained their dog to attack people, including their own children
Logan Myers
>oh darn I forgot this isn't reddit, instead of a downboat I'll report. That'll show those guys!
Hudson Nelson
i can't believe people own shit like this and don't think it's gonna go crazy just once one day sometime someday
same thing with people who own tigers and chimps and shit
Connor Hall
>mfw I HATE toddlers and kids, and two of my previous pits mauled one and attacked another. Doggies were put to sleep, but hey. Shit happens.
Adrian Perez
No my man, the dogs trained to attack are beated and abused, the owners destroy them. They just attack everything they see.
The real problem here is bad owners.
> k
Samuel Price
>letting the dog sleep on your bed ON YOUR PILLOW
They had it coming, you can't let these dogs have any ground, if he's sleeping in your spot it means he doesn't respect you (no matter what cucks might say muh cute duggo).
Pitbulls are no joke, they (as all terriers do) require a firm hand and even firmer rules and boundaries, there can be absolutely no leeway here. When an inexperienced owner has a potentally dangerous animal it always ends up with blood.
Being a woman didn't help her case as 99.9% of them are incapable of leadership.
Fucking retards.
Brayden Johnson
mate ... it's a source-less meme. no reason to get upset.
Luke Rodriguez
who cares man anyone that would own a pitbull is a retard and yeah maybe their toddler will get its face eaten off but that should serve ass a lesson, no reason to have one of these threads every other day
Justin Bell
Everything I said still applies..
Noah Campbell
>No my man, the dogs trained to attack are beated and abused, the owners destroy them. They just attack everything they see.
Do you have any shred of evidence to support your claim these families were beating and abusing the dog? Unless they were niggers, it's highly unlikely for that to be the case. Just face the facts that dogs are in control of their actions and these dogs consciously chose to kill 5 year old children because they're violent dogs.
Julian Cox
>Ctrl + f >no mention of anti-aggression shots >no mention of dogs being highly attuned to their owners emotional temperament >no mention how women tend to baby their dogs like their humans >mention of training
1 out of 4 Sup Forums
Andrew Carter
I have a dalmatian, apparently they're supposed to be a bit vicious if they're not trained properly but I think mine is just retarded. He's super stubby too, but he was the runt of the litter. Always getting his head stuck in things..
Camden Foster
Just carry a gun, if a pitbull attacks you just blow its brains out.
Hudson Ward
Of course not, as the same you can't prove their dog was well trained and was not being abused.
The point remains, you HAVE to train your dog and take care of him. No matter the race.
Nicholas Evans
Life is not that simple m8 The problem to crime is just not ''carry a gun dude''
You have to determine the real cause and take care of it. What's the real cause of Dog attacks? Bad owners.
kek Your dog sounds cute to be honest f.a.m.
Noah Carter
Pitbull are supposed to be banned in France, I hope those idiots learned their lesson.
Levi Parker
Pit bulls are great and if you can't learn to interact with a dog properly, don't get a dog. A dog isn't a fashion statement or something you can piss off
Joseph Jackson
I don't know man, a gun can solve a lot of problems.
Kevin Jackson
Only faggots and pussies are against pitbulls.Keep cuddling with your faggy ass dod breeds.
Ethan Martin
Pitbulls are banned in my state
And for good reason, they are fucking abominations
Elijah Lewis
Dog Breeder here.
I support this. I had 2 incidents at Dog shows where Pitbulls attack and mauled other, smaller Dogs. They are not even banned from things like that.
I absolutely love dogs and think every Human should have this companion, but Pitbulls need to be eradicated.