The Matrix

Should I watch it? It's on Amazon Prime and I've never seen it.

and so are the sequels


it would be a shame if you died having never watched the matrix. think about it

What makes it so good?

That's like asking if you should watch Alien, Terminator, Jurassic Park, etc.

It's a hallmark of great films in the 90s, the last decade with great films.

I envy you.
First one was great. Sequels were passable at best. Don't bother with them I'd say.

Stong kung-fu for a western movie, interesting premise, distinct style, close to perfect casting

The first one is nice. It has that feeling like there's always something greater than the characters happening. It feels like they're part of the world that's presented. In the sequels it feels like the characters are the whole world instead.

It's a great action movie with some entry-level philosophy as window dressing.

The sequels made the mistake of thinking people loved the first movie for the philosophical babble among other things and suffered as a result.

>Should I watch it?

Yes. It's a good movie that made lot things we see in most action movies into cliches those are now. It borrows everything from somewhere else, but combination was fairly unique, at least it was at the time. Good action, good stylistic choices, great soundtrack and decent bit deeper than average action movie story. Not best movie ever by any means, just damn good one.

Sequels are much weaker and will be most likely disapointing.

People shit on the sequels so much i've never bothered to watch them. But Matrix is good, i watched it 3 or 4 times i think.

The Matrix is now a Sci-fi classic. The special effects were amazing when it was released, and it introduced a lot of plebeians to the "brain in a vat" problem. I thought the bullet time effects were the coolest shit ever when i saw it in the theater.
It's still enjoyable to watch today, but it's kinda strange and a bit cheesy.

Not sure if Id call it entry-level. Sure its pretty basic, but the possibility that the tools you use to define reality are themselves unreal probably has some interest to anyone. It was their attempts to move beyond this basic premise that made them fall into the entry-level 2deep3u crap.

One of my favorite films of all time. Probably doesn't have the same impact today it did 15 years ago though.

Seen as a pure action movie reloaded isnt too shitty. It has one of the more interesting car chase scenes. Cant remember the last one, only seen it once like 13 years ago.

I thought the first one was an awesome scifi movie

the second one was a great action movie

the third one was neither

Yes you should watch it but it's not the same as it was in '99 or the early '00s. The movie had a profound influence on cinema so both the story nor the action sequences will be as good. As for the sequels the second one isn't so bad but the third one completely blows with the exception of the final fight.

Trinity should've been more attractive, I think.

The final fight in Revolutions was probably the closest example of what a live-action DBZ fight scene would be like until Man of Steel came out.

Yes OP

Reloaded has pretty good action sequences outside of the shitty CGI-portions of the Burly Brawl. That shit looked bad even in 2003.

dont judge its off of its sequels. The wachowskis are visually stunning and sadly they had to make both sequels in less than 6 months. They were given close to 3 years on the first one.

Eh, the fight scenes in Reloaded always felt too 'floaty' for my taste. The blows don't feel like they have any impact in comparison to the first movie and I'm a guy who enjoys the overly choreographed dance-fighting in 70's Shaw Bros. movie.

i thought this was hated?

only by faggots and because of the high standard of the first

they're all good


Reloaded really isn't that bad, it's just not as good as the first one. It's Revolutions that pukes all over the trilogy with its nonsensical religious and philosophical themes on top of the overuse of cgi.

I hear you, but to be fair the reason the dance-fighting in Shawn brothers movies looks so good despite being so corny is that theyre actually doing everything shown. The guys in those movie arent so much actors as theyre stunt men/martial artists. Matrix is completely on the other side of the spectrum with the camera pan wire-fu style. Wire-fu can be nice but they went a bit wild with it in reloaded. The biggest fault of reloaded isnt the fights though, its how badly explained and set up everything is. The french guy who's the big boss? Who the fuck is he? The random goofs with axes and halberds who gives Neo a good fight even though he's at this point powerful enough to beat the crap out non-Smith agens? Literal whos. A fight scene lacks a lot of its impact if youre being that flimsy with who the characters actually are and how powerful theyre supposed to be.
The best fight scene in reloaded is probably Morpheus vs Agent, because in that case you have to well established characters and not just some random filler guys that are super strong for some reason.

Fuck off the freeway chase is still amongst the greatest action sewuences of all tine

yeah... the philosophy wasn't really that entry level. The matrix draws a parallel with the brain-in-a-vat problem, which discusses how we determine reality and truth.
It leaves the audience thinking whether life in the matrix was just as real

Trinity is a goddess, fool.

So what's Animatrix?

No, she did not need a feminine penis.

It's a bunch of animated shorts that mostly cover stuff that happens prior to The Matrix during the war against the machines. It's pretty good.

I don't think it's sci-fi user.

>It's pretty good.
It's not.


Only just might be good if you like anime. I've only ever tolerated pokemon, and animatrix was a painful experience.

certain segments are better than others. the first part, with the actual war against robots, is pretty good. The others range from ok to meh. The one at the end with cg was especially ugly.

>not enjoying animated film because it came from a certain country or has a certain artstyle

It's all shit.
>hey let's continue on with the plot point about batteries even though it makes no sense

just don't. I remember the one time it was aired on adult swim and it was an awful experience all around