Now that the dust has settled, what made this so memorable...

Now that the dust has settled, what made this so memorable? It could've easily become yet another long-forgotten action fick, but it's turned into something of a cult classic.

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I liked the scorpion king. That was pretty good for an action movie.

>It could've easily become yet another long-forgotten action fick
But that's exactly what it is

>relate-able and memorable characters
>each character perfectly cast
>OG quips n shit
>captures adventure and light humor amidst an awesome setting
>first time I saw body paint
>best time I've seen body paint
>Brendan pre-JUST

And a shitload of great screenwriting. Benny is my favorite even though he's a 10/10 shitlord.

likeable characters, unique setting, good sequel

The Mummy could only have succeeded in a post (>5 years after) Indiana Jones world.

It's pretty much Indiana Jones 4. Light-hearted adventure set not too far in the past with no serious flaws, even if it doesn't do too much to stand out.

rachel weisz is hot a f

You gotta bring that proof, user.

>good sequel


It was /comfy/ as fuck.

Come on, while not as good as the first it wasn't superb shit. One can't always make a better sequel a la Blade 2 that's better than the first.

>plus that hnnnnnnnng fight seen between Rachel Weisz and that other bitch


This scene to be honest

Is there a better played scumbag in cinematic history than Beni?

Is it really that memorable? I never see or hear anybody mention it outside of this meme box. It's not a bad movie but Sup Forums treats it like it's some revered classic on par with the likes of the Indiana Jones trilogy.

Well TNT sure shows it all the fucking time.

It is objectively better than the Last Crusade/Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Is this a movie TNT played every 15 hours

>Last Crusade
Excuse me but I believe you mean Temple of Doom. That was the shitty one in the original trilogy.

My friends and I used to pretend to play this in 2002 during first grade recess. I forgot which character I was, but my friend was always JUST cause he had a vest and it was adventure looking.

It was the end of the feelgood adventure movie era, you could just spin a simple tale and not have to worry about fulfilling a stronk womyn or minority quota

> better than the Last Crusade
Come on now.

Rewatch it.
Brendan's acting is terrible.


Evie is useful, smart, and a developed character. But she also doesn't magically beat up a guy who has 100 lbs on her and incompetently fucks up the bookstacks.

Beni is also a shitheel and worse than the cis white guy Americans. He's not infallible on account of having brown skin.

honestly i think it comes down mostly to the perfect casting (especially rachel weisz) and the fact that everyone knew what kind of flick they were making, felt fresh and most importantly fun.

as these elements peeled away in the next two movies you can see exactly what went wrong and what originally went so right.

The only big flaw was that kid. Hyperintelligent kids never work.

>yfw beni wins the superb owl

At least he got all those horses.

Come on, that CG has aged terribly. I can't find entertainment value in any of the special effects scenes anymore.



Its funny and smart and sexy and is everything my wife isnt.

good writing, great cast, good set and clothing design, good quips, Brendan at his peak, Jewish seductress, spooky Mummies, good flashbacks, temples with scarabs and other traps etc

All the characters are great
This scene is both funny and fills the plot out well.

He used to be so handsome, what happened

his senpai just fucked his shit up desu senpai

every time i see his face all i think of is JUST. i dont think ill ever be able to watch a movie with him in it ever again

>i dont think ill ever be able to watch a movie with him in it ever again
Good thing he'll never be in another movie worth watching again.

Not true, just look at his IMDB page and...

>Behind the Curtain of Night (post-production) Ronay 2016
>The story of a man who sees his past lives from before he was born after being declared dead for the second time.
>Country: Czech Republic
>Budget: $8,000,000 (estimated)


it has its own ride at universal breh


It's one of the most memorable 90's action flicks and you know it asshole.

I miss Fraser desu

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