Sup Forums B T F O

Sup Forums B T F O



Because that's not what's crossing the border

I bet they're all legal, though
And I don't mean their age


How do you fucking idiots not know the difference between illegal and legal immigrants already?


Because; never having sex with you, never having sex with you, and never having sex with you

All of them looked mixed

>muh dik

>the destinity of your nation should be decided by your dick

Because of economic and criminality reasons.
The argument you're so cumbersomely trying to present has nothing to do with the matter.

>implying Venezuela and DR are literal attached to the US

Why are you racists always insisting that all hispanics are border hopping illegals?

>hot women will have problems getting into the us wall or no wall

if they're legal, then it's fine

Liberals are stupid and don't know what happen around Latin America but Mexico and Puerto Rico.

Because those girls can get smuggle by jews like all other whores.


Illegal immigrants.

>let me compromise my national borders because muh dick

using the "b-but they have pretty women!" argument never gets old.

Snakes have hot girls too, does that mean you have to not feel worried when a rattlesnake is about to rattle your existence?

gr8 b8 Austardia
Everyone else, better look that pic up and tell the ones spreading such nonsense on social media your opinion.

Are these people retarded? Don't they understand the difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigrants?


mixed te mata

Those are the kind of spics that would be allowed to come through the big, beautiful gate


No, they dont

i don't want to pay for their shit if they come in ILLEGALLY. There's going to be a big beautiful door but they have to come in LEGALLY. Shitlord.

Wow a picture, nice work Scholomo.
10 shekels have been deposited to your account.

>Hot girls.
>Ever poor, homeless or unemployed.
Has never happened.

Its really ugly people that don't like immigrants. They can't spread their own seed, so they need a political barrier to prevent their women from fucking someone else.

Thank the lord jesus christ my mom was a former model and my dad comes from a farming family

8/10 face + farmer's build, I mean I'm literally swimming in pussy. Every race. I can literally raw dog any woman of any color and ensure my genes survive.

Get on my level, Sup Forumstards, you're just mad you can't fuck like me.

Hide behind your wall, don't worry. When your son comes out with curly hair and brown eyes, ask yourself, did she really love you?

Or was she fucking brazilian stud behind your back?

And was that stud me?


Girl 1: 95% European
Girl 2: 99% European
Girl 3: 85% European

Good job your fucking Neh Zehlant faggot



Ok Hillary.

because these are the beaners that get sent over.

underrated, yet 95% of pol only cares about "muh dick"

shieeeet this brit knows what's up


do you think george bush senior was okay with his son marrying a latino midget?

funny, a gaijin talking shit about others while living in Japan lel

Why do these nevertrump faggots alwayd think he wants to literally stop immigration. The wall is to keep illegals out. Judging by how well taken care off these girls look, they're probably legal.

What in the absolute fuck was he thinking. Why would his parents allow this?

a fucking dot

>Implying they all look like that

Taco tuesdays and thursdays for the rest of his life.

They all look like that. Trump is a closet homosexual. Admit the truth.

Trips of truth!

A fucking nigger.

*checks flag*
Oh ok.
Check'd, now I gotta fap