FYI newfags type :stop music: and reply to this thread to turn off the music

FYI newfags type :stop music: and reply to this thread to turn off the music.

Other urls found in this thread:

OP, I bet you don't even know how to stop the music yourself, you're just a newfag jumping on the meme-wagon hoping for some replies, right?

:stop music:

:stop music:

I don't hear any music is there a specific thread?

>says the newfag still listening to the music

:stop music:

lol you put a space so it won't work for newfags

nice one OP


In Chrome, you can right-click a tab and click "Mute Tab"


what i did. I only hear it in catalog. Has it always been there? im just now getting it

I actually know how to use adblock. I suspect some of your reasoning for this thread is for someone to spoonfeed so you can finally figure it out.

:stop music:

I was here before webms asshole

They'll figure it out.
Why are you being such an ass to our newfriends?

Only being an ass to OP

yes catalog always has muzak

:stop music

Missed mothers?

Tabs are bait

ya think

You poor bastards :(

you're missing out especially the moot soundbyte at the end. where the fuck did they even dig that shit up?

Wow a haxor!

i am legion xD

Didn't answer my question.

:stop music:

:stop music:


:stop music:

Checked and

:stop music:

There is no space in the middle you fucking new fags. Learn to hack FFS.

Or you can right click the tab and select MUTE TAB
thank me now faggots

>Mfw no speakers


>:stop music:

>he's actually dancing to the beat of the music.


You cannot stop my music newfags


>:stop music:
:stop music:

>:stop music:
:stop music:

Why would anyone want to stop this music?

Dunno could be worse.

How long ago was the Sup Forums "blackout" ?

You mean the Civil War? or the Habbo Hotel raids? Way before I was here.

Gook Moot doesn't even celebrate Austrialia's independence day, birthdays, or even christmas anymore.

The day Sup Forums was completely black to everyone who couldn't figure out how to disable the style sheet, if you remember that.

:stop music:

:start music:

:stop music:

:start music:

kek, the sound is out on my computer and i cant hear anything

Fuck that would've been awesome.

I remember Australia's independence day, everything was upside down, it was fun.

:stop music:

there's a little speaker icon on the firefox tab you can click to mute just this page

What music?

Just click on the video thumbnail to pause the music

:stop music:


Just passing through to see if i'm unbanned.

:stop music:

:start music:

Welcome back

I want the same weaboo music from last week or two weeks ago pls moot


:stop music:

:stop music:

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