Literally unexposable

Literally unexposable.

Other urls found in this thread:

This is the same Juve's situation repeating

>took Juve from 7 or 8 position in the league
>won league without losing a match, due to infernal pressing and physical superiority
>years later in CL loses against Galatasaray, Copenaghen and other meme teams
>get relegated in EL
>get eliminated in semifinal against Benfica with the final at the Juventus Stadium

I can already see Chelsea losing to Ludogorets, Celtic, PSV, etc. next year

I guess time is a flat circle

How does one expose him in the league?

You can't

>3-0 isn't having your pants pulled down in public with everyone laughing at your tiny exposed willy

You literally can't, he kills the league no matter what


Jesus what's this guy's secret?? The way Chelsea plays when they find themselves in trouble is so fucking fascinating to see.

Is it coincidence that him and Zidane played together at Juve?

Roman blood

>implying the Chelsea players don't manage themselves

you have a point there. he was lucky to inherit the special one's team. but without Mourinho, those players can't perform decently twice a week,

next week FA Cup elimination. Screenshot this post.

I'd bet on it too

The biggest secret Conte has is how in the everloving fuck did he grow that glorious hair.



it's quite curious, isn't it? all those involved in the great days of the late 90's football in italy now have hair issues..


Its literally a toupe

Do you even hair transplants, bros??

Forgot pic

He was literally exposed before he even went to Chelsea.

>WC-winning Germany team vs. one of the worst Italian teams in football history
>still required benuldies to advance

alright Hans

He ain't no falling to the same hole twice. He's learned something from those defeats.

dump phoneposter

He only got exposed because of the Zaza meme la

neutrals want pep to lose but conte gets a free pass. why?

I think it's about personality: pep looks like a smug cunt while conte looks like a nice guy

conte has hair plugs. you don't want to spend time around guys with fake hair.

Because Poop is a holier-than-thou shithead, while Antonio is a charismatic general you'd butcher women and children for.

because the media treat pep like some sort of jesus figure who can do nothing wrong. we just want to see him fail.

Who Chelse/a/ here?


>who autism here??

>Peru (gay)

The madman said he doesn't coach tackling.

His idea of defending is keeping possession.

It's nice to see him lose.

Now that was pretty rude.


Did you see him on the sidelines during the Euros? He will fuck your boipussi up if you have a shit half, half the reason Roman brought him in was to sort out the locker room bullshit.


>Pep was supposed to make the PL a one team league
>It's actually based Conte who does it

That's just Juventus being shit in europe like always. The eternal second.