>lose 3-0 at home Mememoth
Maybe the players really are dog shit.
>lose 3-0 at home Mememoth
Maybe the players really are dog shit.
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Hence, joining shit players with shit manager is not a good idea.
Get over it, he should be glad to haven given an opportunity in the developed world.
>having no manager is exactly the same as having an american manager
so they're just going to get a new manager every 10 games? because no one is saving this team.
Who put together the teamsheet then, Giuseppe?
Brits will not allow a burger to be their manager no matter what.
>le 40 quid watch man
Could it really be any worse than a British manager? Has a Brit even won the PL?
i think the solution is getting a manager. could work or not in the end of the season. but hiring pic related is just silly
Sir Alex Ferguson is the most successful PL manager ever. You could at least have asked "has a Englishman even won the PL?"
they had a italian manager, who are supposedly the best managers in the world. the italian wasn't doing any better than the american. and the italian got to pick his players.
Sorry, Ahmed, I meant English.
a lot of americans don't distinguish between english and scottish. both have terrible accents and terrible teeth.
Let's be clear. Bob Bradley is a mediocre manager. But Swansea is a mediocre club. He is about what they deserved.
What I find hilarious is how the English are proud of guys like Big Sam who play hoof ball to keep a team from getting relegated. It's like they don't realize that's part of the reason they are so shit. In places like Spain and Germany, teams play actual football, even if it is going to get them sent down.
I bet Bob Bradley wouldn't have lost to Iceland
this is also why england is so shit internationally. all that talent on the english team and they get run off the pitch by iceland who have even just a little bit of tactical awareness.
just being a pizza is not enough. don't be a burger. it actually has to be good.
Not all pizza managers are decent.
All burgers are retarded.
Portugal BTFO by Bruce Arena team. Whatever you say, Jao.
In the Great 2002 World Cup that definitely wasn't fixed against european teams?
referee of USA vs Portugal
USA got put out by shit refereeing against Germany. Point moot.
>>USA beats Portugal
>ref was crooked, world cup was fixed, everybody knows and ref is now in jail
>>but, but muh germany
what a loser you are.
Oh he's miles better than woy the cuck
usa drew portugal in 2014
Should have never sold Williams desu
Their main problem is their defense and he was their anchor
And the US got out of the group and sent Portugal home. Portuguese BTFO again.
People underrate the quality of American soccer talent because the MLS's structure is kind of fucked for creating superteams with all the world class players focused in a couple places so they can btfo other countries. It's both a good thing in that it creates parity and a bad thing in that it disperses talent
Swansea probably thought "This guy can manage under talented Yanks to over perform, our team is under talented"
that match wasn't lost because of bad refereeing though.
which means Portugal wasn't beaten. Loser.
most soccer fans are casuals who just want to clap and cheer as messi runs past 6 scrubs. they couldn't care less about the fact that their leagues aren't competitive.
Portugal was BTFO in Germany's match, you loser. It was only goal difference, thanks to the referee that sent Pepe off because of Muller's theatrics.
you lose again
the usa got further than portugal in the same competition, playing the same teams in the same country.
read here, loser