What are some performances in movies or tv shows that changed your life?
For me, The Joker.
What are some performances in movies or tv shows that changed your life?
For me, The Joker.
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If your life is easily swayed by a character in a movie, then you're a retard.
I'm guessing you're not a fan?
I reanact the plane scene every day
I drink nothing but Paul Masson champagne now
that must get expensive
I wish I had an aircraft and a flight plan, I'm happy for you user.
>my sides
really tickles the ol' noggin
Honestly the best part of this movie would be Harley and Joker but they fucked it up and cut out the best parts
that wig is so fucking bad, makes her face look like an upturned egg
I forgot how cringey these facebook memes were
real niggas know
I couldn't handle the madman desu. he needs to be locked up NOW
When I was a kid, I wasn't even sort of scared watching JP; all I could think about was how fucking cool the dinosaurs were. Watching it again in my 20's I realized it was terrifying because lives, especially children's, were in danger.
Salma Hayek when i was young, in this scene.
It was the first sexy scene i ever saw.
Stop posting that terrible fucking madman meme on every board. I know it's you guys.
Sublime taste
>Adulthood is when you realize that Joker [sic] makes more sense
Dude. That's called "adolescence," and it's a sign that you're not done cooking.
Adulthood is identifying with Commissioner Gordon.
One of the few instances of acceptable footfaggotry
Saw it on opening night with my aunt when I was kid. There was a huge thunderstorm and I was terrified that the T-Rex was coming for my ass.
I got beaner fever pretty bad
Haruka Nanase in Free
I've become a swimmer because of him
It's not like I would have played basketball if I watched a basketball show instead. Rather, watching the show awoke an interest in me that I forgot I had
Why do people always use Heath's joker like he's the only one? The image make more sense if you swap it around, for example:
When I was a kid I would never gave wanted to give my girlfriend away to a black man. However now that I'm older... HONKA HONKA
>Why do people always use Heath's joker like he's the only one?
Because Millenials.
Because TDK Joker is a meme.
the picture in OP drives me nuts. i see it all over facebook and stupid ass normies agree with it as if it made any sense.
Adulthood is realizing both characters are fucked in the head and both men need to be locked away and given extensive mental healthcare.
have some variety my dudes
lmao truuuu
And then Leto turned out to be the cuckold
>childhood is when you idolise batman
>teenhood is when you realise that joker makes more sense
>adulthood is when you stop giving a shit about superhero rubbish
user please
But it's true. Look at this place. Everyone has the mask of anonymity