Any photoshop master here?

any photoshop master here?
make me look more attractive Sup Forums

Best I could do.

Best I could do.


Hahahaha i kinda look like him in 10 years
Fuck off


You would make the world's best comedian! Oh my god I would even pay $60 just to get a ticket!

You sir, are a God

no need, you're already hot

lose weight. that's it.
you're welcome.

Best I could do


but like his setlist consists of reading b posts


Maybe start with a better fucking photo of yourself, in that you look like a potato, no amount of ps will save you

He just needs to submit his soul to Satan desu


That's actually pretty cute

bolbi is that you?

is OP his own free bitch?

He knows you touch yourself at night. Repent.


Quite clearly out of ideas for Juan the cuck.


hows this?


Are you the fucktard in the vans hat from yesterday?








You will never look attractive user, unless you kill yourself and behind barely intelligable racist ideological writings. Then maybe some 4/10 chick would find you passably fuckable just as a novelty.

top fucking kek


Yo this one's pretty fuckin clean

Don't know about you guys, but so far this has been some of the best work I've ever seen