Mike > Rich > Jay > Jack > Phil from Canada > Josh > Collin from Canada > Jessie > Max Landis
Mike > Rich > Jay > Jack > Phil from Canada > Josh > Collin from Canada > Jessie > Max Landis
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None of these people are especially insightful, interesting or funny. There is absolutely no reason to watch their show unless you yourself are bereft of insight, interest or humour, and you know nobody personally who is insightful, interesting or funny. RLM is for pathetic, lonely dullards.
you got that part right LOL
Meh. They're funny and entertaining. While they aren't exactly good film critics, when it comes to reviewing movies their discussions are decent enough, at least relative to 90% of youtubers.
They're fine just as long as you don't take what they say for gospel.
Mike > Jay > Rich > Canadians > Jessie > Jack > everyone else
Mike > Rich > Jay > Colin > Jessi > Phil > Jack > Landis > Josh
WHo the fuck is phil? it's Jim you fucks
Mike > Rich = Jay > Jack > POWER GAP > Jesse = Josh
jay is the best
Mike > Rich > Jay > HUGE POWER GAP > That bald skinny Canadian guy > small power gap > Beardfat > Jack > Obnoxious Metrosexual.
Anyone not included is irrelevant.
Jay>Mike>Max>Rich>Aidsmoby>the rest
Look Mike is good but suggesting John Carpenter films needed orchestral scores was a close to unforgivable pleb statement.
Jay is a pleb filter. Anyone who ranks him lower than anyone other than Mike should go back to rebbit
I don't know majority of these guys, but Mike all the way
Why is everyone saying jack? It's AIDSmoby
Mike > Josh > everyoneelse
Max Landis did nothing wrong.
>Josh above anyone else
I'd maybe understand putting him above Landis since Landis annoys everyone to some extent, but Beardfat has zero charisma and he brings absolutely nothing to the table. Even in terms of being a boring buzzkill Jim is more entertaining.
It wasn't right, it wasn't wrong either.
he exists
At least he seems less full of himself than Jack
stop harassing jack
Mike > Jay > Rich > Jessie > Collin > Jack > Josh > Jim
At least the Wizard seems like a fun guy. No offense to Jim, maybe he'd be fun once you get to know him.
>Higher than anybody other than beardfat
>Shitting on Landis that much when he at least has the balls to defend himself in a non-autistic way and roll with the punches
Shit thread.
Jack get off of Sup Forums
Rich > everyone > lard ass cunt that joins loser group just to be queen of attention
>Britfags knowing anything about humor
He actually said that shit?
You picture those films in your head and you hear their unique scores which embody the tone of each movie the way the score for Godfather does.
Jack>Rich>>>>>>Jay>>>>>>>Mike>>>>>>>>Josh>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>POWER GAP>>>MIke
Yeah in a review of Escape From New York him and Jay did recently. I honestly had to do a dramatic double take at that shit and whats worse is he kept trying to belabor the point.
What a tit.
This is the only objective chart
the wizard guy is probably the biggest cuck i've seen, he should just get a sex change already
Jessi isn't funny.
Jim is very funny.
>Jack, not Aidsmosby
>Wizard, not Beardfat
If you don't already hate that fat faggot Wizard then go read his Twitter. Nothing but posts about wrestling and fucking social justice shit.
>That fucking twitter handle
Jessi was a big reason everyone went insane during Santa Claus, and she brought everyone back after they were initially done with it. That alone is more than Jim has done.
Mike is too op specially with alcohol buff, its gg, if you play as rich just alt f4 becoz u re in for a bad time, only cheap ass niggas play with this broken ass character, until next patch nerf it will be mike every time you join a lobby.
This. That is the best episode they have ever done and it's largely in part due to Jessi. I wish she didn't have such thin skin and would come back and say fuck the neckbeards that creeped her out.
Mike>=Jay>Rich>>>>literal dogshit>>>>everyone else>>>Landis the spastic
>beardfat really, really wants to be harassed on twitter so he can get the nu-male victim badge of honour but nobody gives a shit
What went wrong ?
Imagine stripping her naked, bending her over the arm of your couch, and pounding that thiccness while Mike watches and masturbating his tiny Stoklasa kielbasa with two fingers and sobs waiting for you to deposit your hot syrupy load deep inside of her so he can clean her up with his tongue.
Mike > Rich > Jay > small Canadian > bigger Canadian > Jack > Jessie > Landis > Josh
>I wish she didn't have such thin skin and would come back and say fuck the neckbeards that creeped her out.
That's not the reason she left. She's taking a break to care for her daughter. She left before her pregnancy got noticable. Mike and Jessie, learning from the way we treat Jack's children, are trying to keep the internet far from their family life.
>dem hips
Well it's really nice of Mike to help raise her and Jack's son while she stays at home and fucks the mailman.
>the way we treat Jack's children
just dont name her jessisdaughter or harley quinn stoklasa and Sup Forums will be fine
>ywn creampie prime jessie
w-why even live ?
>mfw I know a guy who named his daughter Harley Quinn
>mfw he's literally a cuck and his fat wife has literally asked me twice to fuck her while he was standing right there
>mfw I'm gonna do it if she asks again and this dry spell hasn't ended
I think Jacksmydad Stoklasa was a great choice to name Mike's wife's son.
"daughter" is the canonical fake stoklasa spawn
Not anymore, they got xer a strap on dick because Wizard said xe told him that xe identified as male in a vision he had. This is all true by the way trust me I'm Jay Bauman.
I really hope Jay fucked Gillian. Seems like she wanted it.
Jay is virgin
Mike > Jay > Rich > that one Canadian > that other Canadian > Jack > Max Landis > everyone else > Wizard
>that time when Mike calls romcoms stupid and Gillian gets all emotional (probably on her period, her vagina bleed) and says IM NOT STUPID and Mike gives her a yeah whatever cunt look
so based
Jim should be above Colin, but otherwise yeah this is spot on.
If I don't like someone, why would I pay even more attention to him? Sounds like a big waste of time that only pathetic lonely permavirigns would do desu
Mike "The Street Brawler" Stoklasa > Rich > Jay > AIDSmobi > Max > Phil > Collin > Jessie > Josh
>59 minutes
sorry I thought this was favourite Plinkett quote
Mike = Jay > Rich > Jim = Collin > Gillian > Jessie > AIDSmoby = Landis >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wizard
You have better things to do? Well excuuuse me.
I'm dreading the upcoming landis things. unless they confine it to another show with just him and rich circle jerking each other. or maybe a botw featuring all of landis's flicks
>I'm dreading the upcoming landis things.
Why? You know you don't have to watch it right?
Mike "Aryan Annihilator" Stoklasa > Rich = Jay "The Amish Sailor" Bauman > Colin = Jack = Jessi > Max = Len = Jim = Gillian > Guy from Exploding Varmints > Beardfat
And to think one time beardfat and Jack were reversed *chuckles whistfully*
>AIDSmoby = Landis
max is as annoying as aidsmoby but at least he has a functioning brain
What?!? No. I did not know that.
DAE women are dumb xD
DAE love this movie
I assumed you didn't by your whiny entitled post. Just thought I'd give you the heads up.
This 2bh
Thank you!
If they just had a chat about the biz, that could be interesting. If it degenerates into a botw style riffing mutal masturbation session that would be painful
max is coming back?
>implying the Landis episode of BOTW wasn't one of their funniest
Rich > Jay > Canadians > Jessi > Mike > Jack > Wizard > pretty much every other special guest >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Max "get to the choppa" Landis
What happened to Jessi?
max landis was unbearable. It was like hanging out with someone has never drank in their life. He wouldn't not shut up. He thought everything he said was gold. I can only assume he watches that with as much disappointment as a regular viewer.
>tee hee I fell off the couch.
>look at me!
>linking to the Machinima version
What is it like to have sex with Jay?
It's the only botw I had to ffwd through from cringing so much
warm and soft :3
first on google faggot
im not a librarian
Check his twitter and see if you feel the same.
Everybody is better than beardfat.
>tfw you find out Colin is almost 50 years old
objectively correct rating:
Jay > Rich > Mike > Len Kabasinski > that Texas girl who was into Jay > Jessie > Colin > > Aidsmoby > the other Canadian > Max Landis > Wizard
So have you never seen any interview with Max landis ever?
>I'll go watch Nostalgia Critic and ComicBookGirl19 instead
>ywn stay up all night with Jay, alternating between tender fucking and talking about your favorite horror and schlock movies, sleep for a little while, and then wake up and get a full English breakfast with him
Jim ain't proved his salt yet. The first appearance was just so fucking bad bruh.