/bb/ Big Brother 18

Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): TBD
Veto: TBS
HoH Nominations: TBD

Most likely going home: TBD

Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks Rachel.


Reminder that Keesha a shit

xth for adora borealis

how will paulie handle the jury house?

Zakiyah will climb on his dick the microsecond he shows up, while Day and Bridge glare at him.

He'll be fine.

Cant wait for Adora and Devin's daughter to lez out on the feeds in another 20 years.

Fuck keesha!

>they have a parents and children season
>Brenchel, Devin and their kids become the new bomb squad

>tfw you will never be as alpha as Paulie
>tfw he will probably fuck our eternal waifu Bridgette at the jury house

why live

is that Robin Williams?

its the lead singer of sum 41

Why would they announce that the feeds would be back up around 1-2 hours ago if they were going to be dirty liars? gotta be some kind of concentration/endurance comp combo like the slippery water filling one nicole and corey were talking about, or the egg one





Keesha's birthday was pretty great desu

Only cus she's a beta

I had sex with another guy today.


Are you the Devin poster?

>tfw you're so fat your thick meaty neck keeps you from being able to even kill yourself

How are you posting from inside the house Corey?


Why is Jessie so based?

He got handjobs from two girls on the same season. Also he's Mr. Pectacular.


You just know this is a man capable of being a serial killer.


Is Jessie natty?

>tfw this cast rarely hangs out in the BY at night

fuck no

only daddy austin and daddy frank are naddy

they barely even get the backyard.


>visit brother in North Hollywood, CA
>go to grocery store
>pick up some crab legs and snacks for falcon
>head to checkout
>Keesha is in line, in front of me
>mouth goes dry
>start sweating
>attempt to think of ways to say hello
>she is having a conversation with some guy
>I guess they are friends
>can't think of anything to say
>armpits are moist
>decide to just make eye contact and smile
>stare at her
>she turns her head in my direction
>immediately avert gaze to front windows
>act as though I am focused on something outside
>she grabs her receipt
>she walks away with her friend
I can't believe I met Keesha from BB10. She was pretty. And I was one degree of separation from the mist.

so are we talking about bb10 right now?

Fuck Libra and Keesha senpai.

I like this Michelle too bw.

> Feeds aren't back yet

for ian, our big guy

Time to fap.


>tfw you see a butterfly type thing


>you see TWO butterflys

>feeds down for over 5 hours
It's probably a fucking endurance comp isn't it? the asian cucklet probably has HoH. I have to endure another week of smug Gnat and lifeless James.

> Your daughter won't respect the way you played the game


Nah it's cool, Big Dick "El /fit/" Vic is going to win co-HOH and get either Cory or Nicole evicted.

>James tosses HoH to Natalie after she whines for 30 minutes about wanting to get a letter from her mom
>Reddit wins co-HoH
>they are platinum smug the entire week as the estrogen fills the house
>breathe in the cyanide


>This is what she looks like while being fucked

that'll mean the edgelord paul will go home

that's good

you should probably just go back to /r/the_donald or /r/redpill if you like paul

I stayed up til 3:30 just to see who wins and they still haven't showed me. fucking jew faggots this is the second endurance comp we're not watching

>this is what she looks like after being fucked


just come watch bb10 with me pal im like on episode 10.


I wish that were the case, brother. Paul has been at the top of my shit list since week 1. but I fear that Gnat and Korea are blinded by Paul's retard act and will actually vote out Corey/Nicole if one of them gets HoH instead of going for a real target like Paul/Vic(Vic is a total bro though).

took out the contacts already I'm going to bed. fucking jews

I'm in the early stages of casting for bb19, is the move to always wear cargo shorts so that devin has multiple options in which to put the cash?

>4+ hours

what is this keesha maymay

If Bridge doesn't win the buyback I'm throwing myself off the roof of my house.

She evicted Proto-Bridgette

gnat and James said before the jeffish that Paul is their target and they're going after him and Vic with Nicole and Corey. Paul's game is completely blown up and they really want him and vic going this week since vic can't compete in the HOH

I saw her evict my waifu Angie 10 hours ago. I hate her.

Isn't Paul a $hillary supporter?

her reaction when they tell her she is getting another chance is going to be too much

does anyone have or can post the clip of zingbot saying oh zing can you zing desu

they actually like and trust Vic. They mentioned making him their final 3 lel.

T-They decided to stop being retarded? They're actually going to play the game? Holy shit.

Do it like this instead

>mfw it's Tiff in the battleback all over again

Queen Nat making moves and showing she's a true mastermind.

So jury buyback has to be on tomorrow's episode. They haven't had the backyard since Monday so so much construction out there and no feeds.

plus this week is the co HOH and how are they going to handle them sitting out in the next HOH comp? making them both sit out would be unfair since they only had half the power so the solution is add in the buyback member at the same time and let every single person compete individually for the HOH

>James(after Bernie got rekt)
Bernie/Not voting/Third Party

There's no jury buy back this season

There's only a little over a month left. They're going to need another double eviction as it is.

They said "Paul is playing Paulie's game now" and started going in on him. talking about how paranoid he is now that all the info about him is getting spread and shit and James catches him hiding around corners eavesdropping on people.

He was freaking out about who told Paulie about the plan to get Paulie out for some reason and James was just like, his doesn't matter he's gone man. And then Nicole get fed some info about Paul that he was going to do some shit and that was that gnat and James hate him now but are gonna pretend to like him

Julie announced it bro.

The last few weeks generally have 2 evictions per week to trim it down to the final 3.

alarm is 4 hours and 30 minutes from now

show us who won the damn comp please

julie said 5 jury member will compete. this would require an eviction tonight.

>tfw both halves of PP get BTFO by fucking Nat Nat

fuck I missed that. Then what the fuck are they gonna do with the HOH shit? I'd be pissed if I couldn't compete next week but only had half the power this week.

guess it'll just be another fuck the rules you can both play thing

>James(after Bernie got rekt)

Bernie: "I want my supporters to vote for Hillary"
James: "I know I supported you in the primary, but I've got to go with what the house wants right now, which is to make America great again."

this shutting off the feeds shit is shady and only proves they rig the games

gnat still has a chance to ruin it, she wants to try to get Vic against Paul by telling him all the things Paul says about Vic.

Vic won't believe any of it but I hope he does

friday is a recap ep
next thursday is the battleback

>Paul gets evicted the week after his round trip ticket expires and then loses the buyback

"I'm clippin yer gerl, I'm nixing my vote for Hillary"

It is pure bullshit

pretty sure the jury thing is next week

what are they possibly going to show us tomorrow that's still relevant? it'll be half the carnival and then half ????

yeah, the entire season is a disaster.

>tfw bb is rigged af for Gnat James and Nicnose

>nd then half ????
whatever they are filming right now?



don't play with my heart

oh god then Sunday will have nothing to show