
Wrong board shill

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Fuck Donald Trump.

Fuck Hillary Clinton.

Fuck Gary Johnson.

Fuck Jill Stein.

But most of all fuck you OP, you useless pile of shit.


>news isnt on tv

>im so enlightened

Really makes you think (aka vote for hillary)

The fuck is wrong with this guy's mouth and accent? Is he autistic?

>you need to be enlightened to realize its all a show
>actually believing any of them care about anyone but themselves

>all politicians are corrupt bro, haha, smoke a big fat blunt

Trump is literally going to win and free the millennial generation from economic slavery


Anyone who uses polls as an argument is too mentally infantile to even remember the previous election, no mater what the previous election was.

So you're saying there's no connection between the change in campaign leadership and slumping poll numbers?

>implying people polled know anything about whose running what campaign
There is hardly any connection between polls and anything.

>Trump is going to win

Denying statistically significant polling put out by non-partisan organizations is a quick way to look like a colossal idiot. Polls are tools to be used to adjust your campaign. This isn't SJW-land where just denying that problems exist somehow makes them go away. Just because you don't like something that doesn't invalidate it.

What are Trumpettes saying now that that his campaign has been caught red handed of being paid Putinshills?

Blaming jews and space reptiles.

So you're saying the campaign leadership has no effect on the effectiveness of the campaign in reaching voters?

But they love Putin

*epic pic of him riding a bear and killing gays*
Haha so based xD

He's right.
Says who?
Says the polls.
What polls?
Those polls.
Who runs those polls? Who are they polling?
Sh-shut up!! That's bigotry!

Sup Forums will defend this

Trump is the only person who would be able to STOP idiocracy from happening.

You're the one literally giving MONEY to people with BAD GENES to BREED

I bet you're a bernie voter too, go move to Venezuela you religious fundamentalist.

Oh yeah, a jew with a victim complex very original

>Uranium One
>Hillary is literally a paid Putin shill

Isn't Trump tied in recent polls?


Bernie was our guy.

>voting for someone with no chance of winning

Do you really want to be on the losing team?

I like Putin better than the people funding Hillary, i.e. fucking George Sorros and Saudi fucking Arabia.

um Trump is the one with the antiabortion platform, m8

Not him but see Brexit. Every poll post-Cox showed that Bremain was going to win. It had a significant lead. But then Brexit won, despite polls. Why? Because polls are always either a) more metropolitan than the majority of population or b) are internet polls and thus significantly reduce the impact of the most active voting base, the elderly.

Young people are also overrepresented in polls, as they are willing to do polls but are very lazy when it comes to actually voting. People also vote more freely when polling, and when they actually vote they remain more traditional. I.E a person might say he'll vote for the green party when polling, but when he actually votes he'll vote for the democrats.

Following the betting scene is much better.


not everyone is a loser neet like u

>Every poll post-Cox showed that Bremain was going to win. It had a significant lead.

That's a lie. Within the statistical margin of error is not a significant lead.

Sorros and Saudis have some stake in holding the u.s. together and the dollar value.

Putin would very much like to see the u.s. crumble into a 3rd world state.

It isn't a lie. True, the difference is not as much as some of the polls between Hillary and Trump but it still stands:

Most predicted that Bremain was going to happen, but brexit happened.

Trump isn't a "gas the kikes race war now" type guy. He's simply the closest to Sup Forums in spirit and attitude, of all the candidates; no candidate can survive by being 100% Sup Forums.

>He's simply the closest to Sup Forums in spirit and attitude
>literally sold his daughter to the Jews

Whats wrong with that? Abortion should only be legal in the case of rape or incest, or if the mom/child is at risk of dying.

Hillary can't win, I don't want to die because of a ban.

Because it encourages stupid people to breed? Like your original point? Or your parents?

2% more predicted Bremain than Brexit. Over a period of six goddamn years. In the weeks leading up to the vote, polls were neck in neck with a slight edge towards Brexit. See your own source.

This is not the situation Trump finds himself in right now, stop lying to yourself.

>encourages stupid people to breed

Niggers are the ones who get the most abortions actually. Maybe its not so bad

So banning abortion increases black population tenfold

There is a reason racists are considered the stupidest group of people

Not him.

But why are you stupid enough to believe all human races are perfectly genetically equal?

Are you actually this delusional and scientifically illiterate?

>everyone is corrupt except the one I blindly support

>libshits reveal their racism

Banning abortion is like banning alcohol, it doesn't work because it's a service that is in high demand that is relatively easy to accomplish and all you would do is push it underground where more crime can result from it. Legislating vices is a waste of money and you can only really get a truly "moral" society with a theocratic dictatorship which no sane person wants.

Yea a dumb nigger like yourself might think that

I judge people on an individual basis

There really hasn't been a long term study on the breakdown of human intelligence across ethnic groups that has been accepted by the scientific community at large. Now you can blame that on some kind of mass jewish conspiracy if you like, but without hard evidence it's all kind of moot.

And what evidence we have just shows jews and asians and smarter and less prone to crime than whites. In fact whites should be killed alongside with blacks and mexicans

>the scientific community at large.
Most of these "scientists" don't care about real science, they only believe what's politically correct

Deez Nuts 2016

>The With Situation Wolf Room Blitzer