You see this come marching down your street. What's your reaction?

You see this come marching down your street. What's your reaction?

Oh thank Jeebus the madness has stopped

Peace on earth finally.

Praise Kek

March with them.

Scream Allahu Ackbar while running into the middle of the infidels.


Close door, go back to fapping to images of cartoon lolis.

angela merkel is dead yessss

Start the resistance.

Join them!


We should be tolerant of people killing people.
Thanks for the lesson PC culture

Let them create no-go zones

Watch the nice pleasant parade, then go back to fapping to gay furry and MLP porn.
>they are no threat to me.

raise my arm and shout Sieg heil.

>Do you have a fetish user?
>Wanna share? I'll say.. I go like anal sometimes
>Uh.. i.. like furry hentai..


considering my grandfather killed a bunch of these faggots with his m1 at Normandy, it would only be fitting to grab my m4 and go full auto on as many as i could.

Start singing White Man Marches On while putting my boots and bomberjacket on


>not wanting a better world for the white man
Either you're retarded or a nigger. Either one would result in a hanging

My reaction pic related





Ask w the fuck I live in the middle of nowhere


Gay furry porn 1 u gay 2 retarded nice time in ashwas

I guess it's down to the gas chambers then.

I'd get my gun and shoot every single one of those fanatics. Might shoot some lefties while I'm at it, too. A fanatic is a fanatic. I don't differentiate in those regards.



I share my pics and share fantasy fan fics with half those guys in the parade.
I would never be taken because I could out half the fucking gang.

Call the police.
Swaying swastikas all over your head is illegal in my country (germany) and I am a law-abiding citizen.

>shoots everyone who he disagrees with

Sigh, then prepare to move to South America. Help as many as I can to escape the lunacy and coming genocide. Wait for the racist morons to lose again, then start rebuilding the world - again.

Wow, that's a lot of dumb fucking CLASS TRAITORS

All leftists are fanatics?

join in

Bring it

Would cry a happy tear, and then start marching




ask the leader if we can gas the sandniggers that are in the thread a couple of threads above this one

Sup Forumsthread/733805867

I'm in bumfuck nowhere in the South, mostly Mexicans here, wouldn't be too surprised but I'd give it a week before the military suppresses them. Fucking hell there are military blast ranges where I live.

Typical racists to be so retarded they even fail at thread linking.

Holy fuck go back to Stormfront you dumb bitch


take pics and
post in Sup Forums /pol


Pin my old nazi rifle brigade medal on and march out to join them.



you're fucked now

Heil dem Führer unserem Befreier !
Treibt die ganzen Sandneger wieder zurück in ihr versautes Land.
Marschiert Kameraden !

gotta grab my gold and diamonds and become a doctor somewere else


Something about getting your ass kicked in by the glorious Red Army?


Not quite. All I see is made up facts from both sides. Opinions aside of what your view of a perfect world is, facts are fucking facts. And both sides fail to understand this simple rule of reality.

Put them in body bags! YEAH!!!!!!

I'd instantly change my name to Drumpf and start marching!

Your helicopter rides coming soon enough :)



what i do

oh no, i never say it again. please have mercy !

go and spend some money for the refugees.

Since there are apparently multiple helicopter rides coming, I can only assume that you'll be too chickenshit to do anything and do the scowling angry teen virgin pout the whole time.


Or post online about how they would take them all on single handedly when in reality they would shit themselves and run.

Saw it comin'

we need a new uniform and more ammo

And again, you are not listening, you are assuming. This is exactly why you're a fucking idiot.

Nothing rly. I'm a white, blond, green eyes guy. I have nothing to fear. Oh, and I'm not a jew.


>it's about fucking time.

grab my helmet and hitler youth knife and put a swastika flag on my porch


laugh warmly because they will still be here by the time winter begins

finally normal people

They will?

Thanks for the chuckle.

>FTFY For the Arian White Man

I don't got the eyes to match so out my trusty M4 goes.

That doesn't even make any sense. If your political debate is a fucking meme, you're a waste of air. Do you think I care what you have to say? No. I don't give two fucking shits about that. I care for what kind of fucking lunatics you people keep voting out of sheer idiocy and blindness. What kind of shit people like you believe when you're just told so.

You're a fucking sheep.


I always wanted to get raped by beautiful german men. Just spread my arse. No homo.


Try to spot my grandfathers among them.

Holy shit what a faggot you are. You fucking think I'm a liberal? You think I root for any of this bullshit you have in America? The thing is your nation deserves those terrorist attacks. For having mad men bomb where they come from and the sheeple silently supporting this bullcrap.

All America has ever done with it's politics is war. Your nation is fucking hell of a worse than the Nazis. Wake the fuck up.

join in

>You fucking think I'm a liberal?

If you identify as a European "socialist", then yeah - you are.

Inform them of the location of all jews and niggers in the neighborhood and give them some rope
pic related

so many edgelords in this thred

the sickle does not need an edge if the hammer still has a flat

I do not. I'm not identifying myself with any of these parties.Nothing but lies and deception from all of them. I fucking hate democracy. Idiots leading other morons to insanity. You're fucking blind.

I get my rifle and start shooting.

>One shot, one kill

rise my right hand and scream "SIEG HEIL"