This is going to be better than SPR
This is going to be better than SPR
>Nolan film
I am sure it's GOAT already, fuck the plebs.
I'm bummed that it'll probably be rated PG13
hola reddito
>more western front shit
What? Brits should make eastern front movies? No thanks.
Why don't the Russians/Germans make any good war movies in THEIR language?
No it wont and this will be better than Dunkirk
There's going to be a lot of rushed mistakes by Christopher "1 take only, once the tape gets rollin" Nolan that Sup Forums is going to meme to death. It'll be great times ahead lads.
>Nolan battle scenes
Could be terrible actually. Hopefully the trailer is indicative of the finished film though.
>tfw no 3 hour epic on the battle of prokhorovka
The English became turbo-cucks the exact moment this battle was won by the Germans
>it's a let's paint Hitler in a bad light after he allowed us perfidious Anglos to redraw from Dunkirk despite having the chance to slaughter us all movie
What are some good warkino Sup Forums? I want to spend the rest of the month enjoying good kino.
paths of glory
They should make a movie about a Neo-Nazi being in an existential crisis because he found out that Hitler was a humanitarian wuss.
Yeah, let's also post about Hitler unironically online. Also let's revive Rickrolling and Caturday.
Saving private Ryan
Das boot
Band of Brothers DVD box set
We were soldiers
Pearl Harbor
Apocalypse now
Hamburger hill
Black hawk down
The hurt locker
Lions for lambs
Three kings
Green zone
Jar head
They're almost there.
I guess I should just rewatch the same kino I watched last year.
Someone took liberal high school teachers entirely to seriously
generation kill
Which should be the backstory of the protagonist.
Or perhaps he's wondering why you'd shoot a man, before blowing up the landing craft.
Heroic Anglo
>it's okay when the UK does it
Sadly he didn't when he clearly should have.
Name ONE (1) event
Let them have their fantasies, reality is on our side
>Why don't the Russians/Germans make any good war movies in THEIR language?
>what is stalingrad
>what is cross of iron
>what is das boot
>what is der untergang
>what is come and see
>what is unsere mutter, unsere vater
>what is katyn
>what is zvezda
not to mention movies like
>Tuntematon sotilas (both 1955 and 1985)
>framför främsta linjen
Right, but he was upset that Nolan wasn't making a movie about the eastern front when he's on the western front. I don't want an eastern front movie with British accents. Just make the movie with the language they're supposed to be speaking.
Enternal Teuton
>invents Protestantism
>half of Europe dead in the bloody 30 years war
>invents communism
>half of the planet enslaved, brainwashed and abused, millions more dead
>starts WW1
>half of Europe destroyed and millions dead
>invents national socialism
>half of Europe destroyed again, failed to wipe out entire races
Eternal Anglo
>brings civilization to the dregs of humanity
>turns wastelands like canada and australia into paradises
>keeps the dastardly deutsch at bay
>can handle the bants
>has culture
>>it's okay when the UK does it
the death of the eu can only save europe. eu =/= europe
what do the red dots mean?
nothing, just the movies I've watched. It's horribly out of date
Garfield is the only reason this could fail.
Would you be able to do what he did Sup Forums?
All these movies about the Western Front give an illusion that the Western Front was somehow more important than the Eastern one.
WWII was mainly fought and won on the Eastern Front. If Hitler hadn't attacked the Soviets, and the Soviets didn't enter WWII of their own accord, Hitler would have taken over Europe.
Maybe the US because of technical superiority. With Europe under Nazi Germany, they would have bombed the shit out of the US with V2 and V3 rockets, while Japan kept the US Navy busy in the Pacific. With major US cities destroyed it would have only been a matter of time and logistics when Hitler could have ordered an invading force to go on US soil.
I agree with this 100%. I shouldn't have to, since its basically fact.
But it shouldn't be up to western filmmakers to make movies about the eastern front. It's annoying when you have a movie set in Stalingrad and they all speak with British accents.
>five replies
>dozens of movies
>no one mentions the thin red line
Jesus Christ this board is shit
the soviets would have invaded Germany if the nazis hadn't invaded the soviets first. The conflict was more or less inevitable
Source on that claim?
No stormfornt please
>and the Soviets didn't enter WWII of their own accord
They did in 1939 on Hitler's side. Hitler took the west and Stalin took the east. The war between the two that started in 1941 was fought for dominance. WWII wasn't good vs evil so we it's not right to say that one side was more "important"
Stalin and Hitler signed a non-aggression treaty, which Hitler broke when he invaded the Soviet Union. Hitler thought he could steam roll the Soviet Union and expand all the way to the east, because the Soiet Union was a little more than farm lands and undeveloped country side.
What he didn't count on is the Russian winter, the sheer size of the country, the unforgiving terrain and the grit of the local population. Just like Napoleon before him, Hitler thought he could quickly take over Russia and then move his forces back West. The opposite happened, he had to send more and more troops into the Eastern Front, thus weakening his Western Front division and his hold on Southern Europe (allowing for the partisan resistance movement in Yugoslavia to liberate Yugoslavia).
It literally can't be better than Saving Private Ryan because there won't be any gore
>no Dirty Dozen
delete your non-existent account
Article from The Barnes Review, Nov./Dec. 2000, pp. 27-33.
The Barnes Review, 645 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Suite 100, Washington D.C. 20003, USA.
By Richard Tedor, researcher in the European theater of World War II;
SPR wasn't even that good.
>not using a Sup Forums pass
WTF i think the disastrous british defeat at dunkirk - which would have costed them the war had it not been for amerilards saving their asses (just like in WW1/1916) again - was actually a successful evacuation (despite the fact that the axis powers clearly won the engagement) of the allies now
While the theory of Hitler’s diabolism is generally accepted, there are very well informed persons who contend that he brought himself and Germany to ruin by being too soft, generous and honorable rather than too tough and ruthless.
They point to the following considerations: he made a genuine and liberal peace offer to Britain on August 25, 1939; he permitted the British to escape at Dunkirk to encourage Britain to make peace, which later on cost him the war in North Africa.
Hitler had advanced and cut off France and Britain at the English Channel in Dunkirk in just 7 weeks, at which point he just let them go. Hitler spent most of his time trying to put a stop to the ever encroaching Red Menace. Between Lenin and Stalin 40,000,000 Russians and Eastern Europeans died at the hands of the Bolsheviks. This is for thought crimes, not WWII - This is what communism will get you. Hitler's main concern was to stop the advancement of communism, and protect Europe from the Bolshevik advances. For the sake of Capitalism and Free Enterprise, Hitler meant to put a stop to it. Most are brainwashed into thinking Hitler was a "Monster". But it was European agression, much like today, who poked and prodded Hitler into war by allowing over 50,000 German nationals to be exterminated in Poland.
Read up on carpert bombings in Berlin and Dresden if you think the Allies were the good guys. Ask the Red Cross how many died in these so-called concentration camps - The only professional count ever taken.
Try 271,301. That's everyone. Most of the deaths were from Typhus, thus the Zyclon-B for delousing. More Jews were living in Europe AFTER WWII than before the war started.
Everything you were taught was wrong.
this movie was fucking retarded
I'm really excited about this :3
Fucking amazing poster
>Pearl Harbor
kys your self
Saving Private Ryan was fucking shitty as all hell so it's not like that will be hard to do
Aside from the Love triangle(which wasn't the worst thing ever) Pearl Harbour was a great movie.
>no film about the gigantic tank battles of the Eastern Front
>still just muh merika and muh britain
Problem Child 2
>Between Lenin and Stalin 40,000,000 Russians and Eastern Europeans died at the hands of the Bolsheviks.
>muh trillions
Population of the Soviet Union actually increased between 1939 and 1946. But yeah, 40,000,000 people were killed lol
all the starship troopers
Battle of Kursk movie when?
Too bad people associate the name 'Kursk' with the Russian nuclear submarine disaster and a movie is being made about it starring fucking Colin Firth
Only the first one is good. The second one has such poor acting, direction, CGI, sets, everything. A disaster.
You fucking idiots, once they realised the halt was a bad idea they pressed on anyway to wipe out the british.
Hitler was just being egotistical when he ordered the German army to halt.
Hitler actually never meant that to be a cordial sympathy extended towards the British. Hitler's order to halt was nothing peculiar throughout Case Red (code name for the invasion of France) as Hitler was exceedingly paranoid that he might fragment his army (and thus expose himself to attacks from the side), and always commanded his generals to halt until the entire army was in one piece.
This lead to many cases of the German army waiting, when they would have perfectly valid opportunities to launch their assault, Dunkirk being one of them. Here too, Hitler hadn't anticipated that the British could be repatriated so quickly, what with the civilian French and British civilian ships that volunteered in the evacuation.
Also it's not like Dunkirk was free to walk into. 400,000 French soldiers had the Brits' back, and fended off 800,000 Germans for more than several days, suffering Stuka dives all the while.
So no, Hitler was not "le good guy".
Mad max and our captain...
>tfw no Sergio Leone Leningrad epic.
It's over. Dolan is finished
Is Sand Castle going to be surprise war kino of 2016? Will Baldman deliver?
>Will fail
ftfy my man
Nolan sucks so bad
germans are the niggers of europe
>Hopefully the trailer is indicative of the finished film though
This is almost NEVER the case, at least nowadays
Also, when will Nolan let go of the PG13/IMAX meme? getting sick of this shit
Today I will remind them.
Though in all seriousness, if Nolan omits that it was the French on whom were inflicted the most casualties and who basically had to fight the most, while the English were cowering on the beaches, then yeah I'll be pissed.
That said, Nolan is British so it isn't really lifting my spirits. The movie might be "dude we did Dunkirk all for ourselves! rule Britannia" nonsense all over.
Stalin thought that the war between Germany, France and the UK would last longer and would weaken all three countries, leading to communist revolutions in all three countries.
Movies about two bunches of raping and murdering savages... on once side there is SS-Einsatzgruppe and on other NKVD. Sure there is also Red Army and Wehrmacht that behaved as badly as aforementioned organizations. Either it's not entertaining at all war crime porn or it's complete fiction that ignores reality of war.
Picture very much related. Dead fascists, glorious leader who led this operation is hero of Soviet Union and even became it's leader later on.
Back then Europeans had way higher population growth rates, real number of victims of Soviet repressions is between 15 and 20 million, it merely slowed down Soviet population growth. Soviet Union also totally voluntarily got new member states and territories from other states increasing population.
germans are the niggers of yurop
thank you /his/
>The movie might be "dude we did Dunkirk all for ourselves! rule Britannia" nonsense all over.
I think we're (mostly) too sophisticated an audience to fall for that sort of shite.
>look at these charts
1 internet Iron cross for you, noble Sup Forumswarrior!
Right. A "non-aggression" treaty from countries that didn't even share a border. Never understood these apologists. National and international socialisms officially hated each other but when it was about carving up Europe the two motherfucker will always find common language. No reason to forget about all the signs of friendship, joint parades, important trade and battles they fought together. They are equally to blame for WWII and all atrocities and the fact that one of them later joined western allies doesn't change anything. Except that it makes it really embarassing for UK and US. Live under Nazi or Soviet occupation was way too similar and their fight in 1941 was just about their own interests and not about saving Europe from something. A war with no protagonist.
>Stalin and Hitler signed a non-aggression treaty
Non-aggression treaty that was all about joint effort of occupying other countries and slaughtering their populations.
But the Australians lost Dunkirk badly. Like half of their landing forces became casualties.
Ian Hamilton was a very poor general that wasted a lot of lives unnecessarily.
Hitler was quoted as saying something along the lines of their two ideologies could not coexist and conflict was inevitable. It's pretty much accepted that they would have fought to complete obliteration at one point or another.
platoon, pacific, full metal jacket
If I remember Soviets already had like new tanks designed for moving in cities. Victor Suvorov is the most famous historian favoring this theory.
I never understood why Soviet apologists hate this theory. If anything this makes the USSR seem better. Just imagine. They already pretend they joined the war in 1941 and that everything that happened before that was just a prank or something. If they attacked first it would seem more like "haha we were just kidding to be on your side, we were good guys all along." Instead they got betrayed by Hitler. Now that just implies lots of other things. For example that they were sitting idly when Hitler was destroyinh Europe (while in fact they helped Hitler like none other). If they wanted to be seen like more of the heroes they should've attacked him sooner.