This triggers the Redditor
This triggers the Redditor
Other urls found in this thread:
He looks like a redditor
He's a blonde guy.
His show is reddit-tier, what do you expect?
nu-males BTFO
Except The Wall is making fun of 'redpilled' guys, and laughing at people who visit chans and think they're MGTOW. Sam himself admitted he browses 4+Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
He is a slightly whiter Tyler the Creator
>Sam himself admitted he browses 4+Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
no shit. He basically confirmed he was answering questions on here the day before World Peace first aired. It had to be one of the three guys, but probably Sam. They posted thumbnails and shit or scenes from the show that either hadn't aired or were probably deleted. Whoever it was was venting because of how much AS censored and cut their show. They typed like Sam though.
Sam is the epitome of Nu-male
>Whoever it was was venting because of how much AS censored and cut their show.
>they cut all the funny bits guys! the show is actually hilarious! watch it anyway!
The show is complete garbage.
You're being made fun of too, cuck.
I watched the first episode and got disappointed, watched the second one thinking it will be better. Both were shit. I'm not watching the show any more.
You keep watching it though, give him ratings so AS pays (((Sam))) even more money. I can't wait until they come out with paid online extra content (like the shit they supposedly cut and censored) and you cucks pay for it.
I have nothing but a complete lack of surprise that World Peace was a pathetic, abysmal failure of a show, and I have nothing but scorn and contemptuous laughter for the morons who have been supporting Million Dollar Extreme for years with patronage. Laziness and lack of organisation will ALWAYS shine through, in the end.
Million Dollar Extreme have based their entire schtick around "humorous irony" but this time, when they themselves were put to the test ("can YOU make a good comedy show, with all your supposed knowledge about it?") their true colors shone through for all to see. I knew it would happen, of course. I knew it from the first time I decided to bite the proverbial bullet and attempt to view one of their videos on Youtube.
Hopefully as a direct result of this, one or more of the members of Million Dollar Extreme will realise that they are, and have been, nothing but an abhorrent failure "half-assing it" through life, and put an end to it. Their life, that is. Now THAT I would give patronage to.
Make your suicides happen, Million Dollar Extreme. It's the only chance at redemption you all have.
I have no idea who that is, but everytime this pops up all I can think about is Matt the Radar Technician.
he is literally a redditor, and has never posted on any *chan
You know they sat around laughing their asses off when writing the script and Sam says the back guys name should be tinky
what the fuck
>Except The Wall is making fun of 'redpilled' guys
No, it's making fun of women who turn 30
sam posted here a few days ago after the second episode.
no he didn't
he has said explicitly several times he doesn't post on *chans
Actually Sammy has consistently denied ever visiting Sup Forums, and he is quite active on le leddit. But we all know this is just part of his elaborate strategy to preserve his reputation ;)
It's pathetic that you know that.
Wall Show is fucking genius.
What's more pathetic? Watching a couple of Q&A sessions on youtube or playing video games all day?
>he has said explicitly several times he doesn't post on *chans
god forbid he ruins his reputation
Horrible marketing for a decent show.
>What's more pathetic? Watching a couple of Q&A sessions on youtube or playing video games all day?
Watching a couple of Q&A sessions on youtube, definitely.
nice fanfic bro
But you do both
H-how did you--?! ;_;