Remember me?

Remember me?

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Remember me??

You haven't forgotten about me, have you, Sup Forums?

This was fucking TOP show of its time. Are there any DVDs for that?

>When cartoons were actually funny and not tumblr bait

No idea, I can barely find anything about it anywhere.

I really want to see my country's dub again, it was fucking top notch

I came here to post exactly this.


holy shit I haven't seen this sheep in at least a decade

thanks user

how could I forget the greatest cartoonkino of all time

Exact same situation here. Looked for it as much as I could, but nothing. Only me and my best friend making Sheep references to each other. That show was erased from history and only we remember it. It was so fucking perfect. It would be really successful nowadays with all the internet's meta-humor with shit like Adventure Time, etc.

I think about you every now and again. Pure nostaliga

great show t b h

What was the show that was always on directly after it? I remember watching them both every time.

This fell into the category of shows I used to watch all the time but can't remember shit about
like I can remember specific episodes of courage or fairly odd parents but this is just a blank

Who remembers this masterpiece?


Animated Program

Lebhaftigkeit Kino

>Daves little sister who was black always got triggered because everyone thought she was a monkey

How the hell did they get away with that?


I want to fuck the monkey

That was the other sister

what ever happened to this guy?

Oh my god, I remember that. I completely forgot it ever existed.

something about a rabbit and a bitch?

>Cartoons may never have the token retard of the group ever again

this was pretty good. they cancelled this and kept trash shows though.

I watched an episode yesterday and couldn't understand why this for kids. All the jokes went over my head as a kid and thought it was a boring show.
Now though, this top tier show.

Because children are sheep

That episode where they had the deja vu machine and just get doing the same shut over and over again

what creep was this fucker

Little mermaid



>tfw I bought the first season on itunes
No idea on how to get the second one though

What ever happened to Robot Jones?

Remember us?

You may not like duckman but it's the obvious inspiration behind south park, bojack horseman, moral Orel and pretty much all non Simpsons adult animation

pretyty good show, a few episodes had some unexpect feels like the one where the ugly gf gets pretty

Myyyyyy nigga! I wanted to grow up to be Buck

Damn, man. When did we get so old?



What the fuck happened to this show, it seems like it just disappeared

It looks as if Mr. Peabody and Sherman was crossed with American Dad.

>ywn cum balls deep in her royal cunt after shattering her hymen impregnating her with your seed.
Feels bad brah

Brandy and Mister whiskers?

fucking love this show

>Joseph Joestar