I will never be American

>I will never be American

do you have to spam this every weekend?

Do you really?

nice proxy. no japanese person would ever post something like this

being an american would be a step down for them

Its weird how this sort of mental illness transcends nationality, isn't it?

There's a couple on every board, and what they do makes no sense at all - where's their motivation?

Yet white, black or yellow they do it anyway.


Why ?

well he is kinda right

being born in Japan has a 99 % chance of being an east aryan

being born in America means there is a huge chance he will be either a nignog or a mexican

anyone can be american, just move there

anyone can be american,

just come here and become a citizen

millions of people have done it

ikr it's easier than becoming british or german

may be he was denied a visa?

beaners come here without visas everyday

No one is stopping you from trying to become a citizen of the United States you lazy fucking neet.

what's the easiest path to citizenship excluding marriage?

Why would you want to be a citizen of a state that wastes millions of tax-dollars policing the world and giving weapons to it's greatest ally to prevent another shoah

becoming an illegal immigrant, and expecting a democrat landside in November

I'm white so I won't be eligible for amnesty when crooked hillary passes it.

fuck off we're full

if you came here it would be the same as some lady in alabama having triplets

You can be Turkish if you want mate. But you have to give your place to me in Japan.

are there even people regulary immigrating to Turkey? (Refugees don't count)

Businessmen and Isis

and roaches

Why would anyone wanto to be a roach?

because they would survive after a nuclear war

Probably not. Maybe from georgia, ozbekistan, kazakistan, azerbaijan etc

You become indestructible. But you also become ugly which is a good trade off imo.

Want to switch? I hate this liberal infested city anyways.

yeah nah m8 im coming over

I'll single handedly make america white again

Lets be quite fair here and say that we're the least self-hating flag on this board. So the fact we have a unicorn of self-hate among us is rather peculiar.

Why do you hate yourself? I'm interested.

i'm jewish

Keep telling yourself that bud

Timestamp your ID or something

Not posting my ID, but here's another picture

Ah shit! Alright I have a question, I've caught a jewess and I'm wondering what subspecies she is. How do I know if she's one of those elite thinking ones or just a lowly arabic type? She has anemia, huge tits, perfect natural eyebrows with jet black hair, and also constantly seems up to something. But she buys me stuff and let's me treat her like shit, so I don't know.

Any help would be appreciated.