Russo Bros : We would love to see Kendrick Squirrel Girl

they are apperantly big fan of her tits , i mean work

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Anna Kendrick recently suggested that she’d make an excellent Squirrel Girl, one of the more obscure superheroes in the Marvel world. That might be a long shot campaign, but she’s already got two powerful boosters on her side: MCU keymasters and directors of Captain America: Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War, and the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War Joe and Anthony Russo.

“It would be perfect casting, and we’re huge Anna Kendrick fans,” Joe Russo told Yahoo Movies this week while promoting the upcoming Blu-ray/DVD release of the summer mega-hit Civil War.

She looks like a rodent.

>Anna Kendrick recently suggested that she’d make an excellent Squirrel Girl

Guys.... she knows. Mousefu knows we like her! >:3

she needs money for snow


I just imagined her straddling me while we fuck and I suck the life out of her mouth

Should I jerk off? Im already in bed

officially a rat

sure, but you have to imagine new squirrel girl

Squirrel Girl is literally a meme character

Uh-oh! Hows squirrel girl gonna save the day this time?

how furry do you think he vagoo is

not even a furfag or degenerate or anything (at least in this regard) but we need an actress animal cinematic universe with an uncanny level of self-awareness.

Anna Kendrick would be awesome as my girlfriend. That's the role she'd be perfect for.

can't tell if her tits look big because shes small or if they're really just big tits

they're c-cups and she's short.

If another Marvel movie has a chance to actually bomb, it would be a squirrel girl movie

by not following gender roles

Looks pretty cringy 2bh.

a squirrel girl movie would be some seriously next level "reddit: the movie" shit.

the first words that come to mind here are "not safely"

>she's short
She's not short of dicks that's for sure

check out the sewers bro, pick up some babes there

Ugghhh not so cute afterall

they hired a literal SJW from tumblr, so yeah it's pants on head retarded and nobody likes it except those who pretend

There's a girl in my town who's almost a carbon copy of her.

Should I go for it?

i can find pics too bro

no one cares

yes, kill her

>Should I go for it?
Only if you have good intentions with her.

>What's wrong with "they"?
It's a plural pronoun, that's what's wrong with it
in this instance he's referring to one being having power
who is male
which is why "he" is the appropriate pronoun to use here

I mean fuck, marvel
there's failing 2nd grade English, and then there's declaring war on an entire gender for no reason

well to play devil's advocate
>yes, for they who wield the power cosmic
i.e everyone who wields power cosmic can do these things not just Galactus, unless of course he is the only one capable of wielding it

if he's talking to himself it would be
>yes, for I who wields the power cosmic

>if he's talking to himself
*about himself....

Take that back

She looks like a cute rodent.


With big titties

>ANOTHER white """"hero""""



who are you quoting?

I want to see her naked so badly ;_;


Squirrel Girl is a teenager fuck off

10/10 would penetrate

you would be disappointed

I really doubt that

>almost 50 replies

>no tit pics of ratgirl


>Le 'I don't understand green text' meme

jani is waiting for pics like that so he can finally delete the thread

I thought Squirrel Girl was supposed to be morbidly obese? Wouldn't Rebel Wilson be more fitting?

this is funny

this is shit

>White guys robbing black guy

i would come on her tits but that's all she'd be fun for sexually.


ew shes fucking white how disgusting

Regardless, "her" would be an incorrect pronoun in this context
so the squirrel is wrong

I want to believe that this is some 2deep4u satire but I just can't get there. Is there any Sup Forumsumblr anons that can help me?

You give marvel far too much credit

same nigger

Would not 'one' fit better and be gender neutral?

>squirrel girl is now a fatty fat
>white guys mugging a black guy

>"Issue #1 was published on January 7, (((the current year}}} to positive reviews. The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl was praised for its comedy, and the character of Squirrel Girl was seen as empowering for being likable, smart, and having an average appearance unlike that of typical superheroes."

did the fucking tripfag name give it away dipshit?

Ya that works
but he's referring to himself so there's literally no reason to correct him

>Hulk being able to type on a keyboard/smartphone with his huge meat fingers
what is this


Ratfu's pupils suggest she chooses MDMA over cheese every time

They works fine for an undefined singular noun along with 'one' and 'that', but structurally they carries plural verb structure
'they' if it's not defined whether it's singular or plural along with an undefined gender
'one' if it's singular and universal
'that' if it's referring to a non-living/human object

Someone post the screencap of her bare ass from Mike & Dave need wedding dates.

Did anything really fapworthy happen in that movie?

Anna Kendricks butt
Aubrey Plaza's butt in a sex scene
The sister has full frontal nudity

>ywn feed her cheese while rubbing her belly and getting a hj
What a cruel fate this existence is


They'll wait till the dvd comes out.

I'm sure it leaked but no one bothered for some reason. There's some good material in there but the movie itself was balls.


I like her.

She'll make a nice mommy

I like her a lot.


Wow, she really looks like Ruth bader Ginsburg in that pic

I bet she could feed a lot of rat babies

she's a skeleton now, I prefer her 'fat'


Marvel has gone full-on pandering of late. A little black girl is apparently now the smartest human being on earth, a black teenage girl has inherited the role of Iron Man, Squirrel Girl is a poorly drawn hambeast. It's apparently about inclusiveness.

I don't mind her bald pussy

I wanna fuck that rat



More like he would love to see Kendrick with her chin pressed against his balls.

Why does he wear the shirt



She used a body double.

why do you feel the need to crush my dreams?

She's not fat, she only has a round face
