ITT: Post sci-fi kino. I'll start
ITT: Post sci-fi kino. I'll start
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Fritz Lang didn't go to film school.
he went to films. All 6 of them
the Fifth Element, obviously.
Literally 1920's Avatar.
Avatar is the Metropolis of the 21st century.
But instead of promoting love between two factions it promotes genocide and hatred.
4 cents have been deposited in your account.
>a 90 year old kino is emulating a 7 year old flick
time to stop
The final act of Metropolis is fucking awful. The first half is amazing but it's almost as impressive how hard they manage to fuck it up towards the end.
Both are shallow pieces of shit as far as storytelling goes.
>Ditch all of your shameful whiteness and go live in the trees with these perfect noble savage blue people because they're objectively better than humanity
I choose neither.
>Minority Report
I find the sequels, The Animatrix and the Mamoru Oshii movies that inspired it much more interesting.
The Matrix is a cool looking movie with a really interesting premise but the ideas behind it don't really go anywhere worth thinking about until the sequels. The first movie's mostly 'woah man, what if stuff actually isn't real?' The expanded premise of Neo being a gnostic Jesus destined to liberate us from our malevolent creator is much more interesting.
Also, I just realised that The Matrix might have been inspired by Devilman.
This one's always kind of bored me. The premise behind the genetic enhancement is shallow and unapplicable to reality and its heart it's nothing more than a 'success against the odds' story.
>Minority Report
Better. Tom Cruise is unstoppable.
Terminator? I recently watched it and was shockingly disappointed.
obvious but still
>ikr we should all just be nice
It's about classless society, not hippie bullshit. Hitler loved this movie.
There are at least two distinct classes brought up in that metaphor though. The movie's certainly sympathetic to the plight of those down below but I don't think I saw enough to infer that Lang was presenting a classless society as the solution. The workers and the bosses are presented as distinctly different people and the results of their combined efforts are shown to be amazing. The ending preaches mediation, not dissolution.
For the sake of discussion I'm going to be the one to say that Blade Runner offers little substance outside of aesthetics. And even the aesthetics aren't particularly standout among Ridley Scott's entire filmography or the history of noir.
>not dissolution
It preaches class equality. Hippie ideology wasn't exactly popular in the 1920s.
t. guy who just watched metropolis for the first time
its simple with a lot of subtext, in fact id say the ratio is seemingly impossible within the context of a functional movie, but it somehow works.. if youre up to the challenge.
you do kinda sound like someone who focuses on and needs things to be obvious and spoonfed tbqh (although it sounds like you might be playing devils advocate), and something this multilayered with so many subtleties and ambiguity within a standard looking framework is just not going to work for a lot of people, especially when the obvious parts are the style and visuals.. which apart from cramming in a lot of symbolism are kind of overrated and distracting imo. id also concede that its actually one of ridleys most poorly directed movies.. his framing is terrible, his camerawork and movement is terrible and doesn't do justice to the production design and world building, although it desperately tries, to a fault even in the first 15-20 minutes (which are really badly paced.. the whole movie is slow and is supposed to be but the beginning is way too slow).. the cinematography and color palette are solid but maybe a little too showy.. that being said..
the style is part of the substance. but there's a LOT more, just not hamfisted or answer-oriented. give it another try at some point lad.
The only substantial parts of this post are the ones which more or less agree with me.
You say that there's definitely more to the movie than what's obvious but you give absolutely no example of where this subtext is, all I have to go off of is that 'the style is part of the substance.' What does this mean? Is there subtext in the visuals? How do you define 'style' and 'subtance?'
Fuck's sake Sup Forums post in this thread.
Nobody can say that I don't try.
Your opinions are awful. Stop posting any time.
Wow, sure showed me. I'll silence myself forever so that the high level discourse can continue without my interruption.
You finally posted a good movie so I'll let you off.
Wow that trailer is fucking garbage.
Raumpatrouille Orion
Welt am Draht
Ikarie XB-1
the 2015 hidden is great too
>schindlers list
District 9
Can we include Source Code?
haha, nah but seriously it always boggles my mind how certain directors like Lang and Griffith knew so much with so little to go on. If these silent era directors were transported to now and given 5 years to watch, learn, prepare, and shoot a film what would it look like.
>inb4 some pleb posts interstellar
Contact is fucking awful outside of the sequences where they're picking up the alien signals with their giant satellite dishes.
Yeah, we wouldn't want plebs shitting up such a high quality thread would we?
>Raumpatrouille Orion
Oh how quickly one can forget. DLing right now, thanks a ton!
Death Machine
>schindler's list
here's your (you) because I know it is what you crave
why hasnt this been posted yet you filthy casuals
I want to watch this on DXM
Because it's been done before, done just as well if not better, and minus the extremely un-science fiction core morals?
I mean don't get me wrong, it's pretty damn nice in a lot of ways, but every one of those ways that has something to do with Science-Fiction is basically just a rethread of previous works to give a narrative excuse for everything else.
called it
>they've never been in love
>Contact is fucking awful outside of the sequences where they're picking up the alien signals with their giant satellite dishes.
I kind of like Contact, but it will never not bother me that people think Carl Sagan was a genius writer for that story, while he basically took Stanislav Lem's "His Master's Voice", turned it into a more traditional story and made religion a focal point for some bizarre reason that the cynic in me wants to say was an attempt at promotion through controversy.
>Love is Science Fiction
brb, gotta fetch a nice pic of Love, Actually to post here
That would put a glint in good ol' Jules Verne's eye
>brb, gotta fetch a nice pic of Love, Actually to post here
>That would put a glint in good ol' Jules Verne's eye
u mad virgin bro?
Absolutely livid, dubs dude.
All scifi kino
Everyone else please just give up film now, it's not for you
>made religion a focal point for some bizarre reason
Agreed. It was an incredibly pointless and unnecessary subplot. Could've completely omitted it and the movie/book would be far stronger.
And before anyone says I'm a butthurt christfag, I'm a fedoraist.
>The original premiere cut of Metropolis has been lost, and for decades the film could be seen only in heavily truncated edits that lacked nearly a quarter of the original length. However, over the years, various elements of footage have been rediscovered, so that by 2007 it was possible to see the film in almost its original form.[50]
Hmm something seems really fishy.How could they restore some film that have been fuckin lost decades ago.Some frauds probably put some new shit,that have nothing to do with the original version that was released in '27 and ''lost''..Maybe the original cut is entirely different than what is now available ''the restored version''
this and Sunshine
>Hmm something seems really fishy.How could they restore some film that have been fuckin lost decades ago.
It wasn't so much "lost" and more along the lines of the recordings becoming damaged over time due to inappropriate storage, as far as I understand.
The reason it was pieced together after such a long time in pieces, is because it took some time to re-discover copies that remained in relatively good condition, or at least where the parts that were damaged in previous copies remained in good condition.
Metropolis is from before film was the huge deal it is today, and Metropolis was a german film between the world wars to boot. Half the copies probably ended up in collections where no one had any idea what's in the collection back then.
you must be rally stupid or baiting
>no mention of Solaris yet
I'm disappointed in you Sup Forums
>rally stupid
What's the science aspect of it? There's a mysterious zone where nothing really happens, a room that grants wishes and a girl who gets a superpower at the end. It's more like fantasy/capeshit.
Now I can't imagine watching Metropolis without these scenes (and it's easy to spot them because of the quality of the footage) and that was the only version movie fans were aware of for almost eight decades.
It's an amazing film. Very accessible for those who for some reason can't stomach silent movies.
Lang claimed it was just supposed to be an interesting story and not a political tale. I love the inventive title screen, the art deco city of tomorrow, 20s planes just flying around. And that weird creepy but fascinating dance of Fake Maria
Also Burton completely copied the final act in his Batman.
is reddit down for maintenance again?
pick one
the zone was created by aliens with science you
And Forbidden Planet. I'm glad it wasn't cut. I love how slow it is.
Fassbinder's World on a Wire heavily influenced both The Matrix and Inception.
Pretty sure it's Fassbender
are you baiting?
His name is on the top of the image.
Berennstain Bears
Nope. The actor is Fassbender (Michael). The German director is Fassbinder.