Sam Hyde: King of Sup Forums

I, For One, Welcome Our New /as/ Overlord

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Stop shilling Sam nobody likes you

Eric Andre > You

haha eat shit Sam

Literally plebbit tier.

do we have nudes of sma

Closest thing i could find

((( Sanm Hyde )))

I dont get it, i watched a few of his youtube videos because of the shills here and it wasnt funny like i couldnt even listen to his monotone mumbling.

fuck off with this unfunny sperg


I've only just bothered to look into who this ugly, obese man is and was quite surprised to see that he is labelled as a comedian and had a show on AS. He is a witless, stupid and clearly self-loathing non-entity. He is a repellent embodiment of America and internet culture and I would genuinely love to meet him and kick the living shit out of him. I would fight him and two of his cronies live streamed and shit into their unconscious mouths. This is a genuine offer and even though I am in the UK I would pay to fly over for the fight whenever and wherever. I am a pro boxer and former soldier so I am confident of an easy victory.

If I was as unfunny and ugly as Sam Hyde I'd fucking kill myself.



This was already confirmed false

lel no it wasn't Sam. It was proven true. Nice try though you cryptokike.

I kno rite
Epic John Oliver is also better than Sam hyde

Fuck racists

>I would genuinely love to meet him and kick the living shit out of him

>I could beat up Sam

>he wouldn't do that bp

Nobody cares r/SRS
Go back to your safespace and get raped lel


That's not even Sam's email you fucking idiot

This image is so fucking obvious
Go back to tumblr

Well I see that he is 6'2 which is a little taller than I thought. He is an inch taller than me and I weight less but I am in shape and he is blubbery. I want this to happen and I will break his fucking jaw. I don't want a straight boxing fight by the way. Just a fight. No weapons. He can have his two boyfriends holding his hand and I will break their jaws too. I am serious. I'm in US anyway in 2 or 3 months and have already asked a buddy over there to get this sorted. Watch this space.

I would like for this to be true.

too bad its not

You sound like a bit of a poof. I reckon I'd give you a fair flogging

We'll see. And I'm Northern, we say puff.


you on the right?

>people are now ironically shilling for him and people still think it's real

>you will never be Lou Ferrignos manlet lifting buddy

I'm slightly paler and have better pecs.

he's 6'4

post time stamped faggot

internet tough guys don't exist.

Why does Shmuel Hydelberg shill his failed TV show so much?

That is not a concern. He is fat as fuck with a weak looking chin. I just watched that video of him punching the bag. Hahahaha! I would slaughter him one handed. I would fuck him up south paw.

You first. I can be found on google images if you're willing to scroll a little. Fucking worm.

if he would stop making retarded videos for 20 minutes a day and go for a run hed be ripped

New episode tonight boyos!
Excited as always

No m8 you made the claim and got called out and are faultering

Post your fighting body with a time stamp or stfu you school boy faggot

>someone looking like that questioning the haulocause

>Trying this hard
holy shit, you've done two boxing classes and you were the third tallest kid in your school right? either you're that desperate of a pommy cunt or this is top quality bait
>pic related, you on the right again

not witty or funny

just like ya boy sam

haha what a numale cuck

Sup Forums used to worship Samael Hydestein before they found out he was a Sup Forums guy. Now they pretend he's terrible and hate him.

I'll post my cock you boogly eyed, blubber lipped, repressed homosexual fat piece of shit.

Not the guy you're roasting, but Rich Pena is a degenerate. Steroids dried up his brain and shriveled his nuts. Every other word out of his mouth is "fuck".

Rich Pena is the definition of trying too hard to be masculine.

You wont post shit time stamped as you will be embarrassed by what we see in both

get to the back of the BTFO bus your done.


Sam must be in on it too with his new show, he's very convincingly pretending to be terrible

Haha, ooh, I'm being 'Roasted' by a barely literate, witless spastic with a desperation for fame and his Father's approval.

that pic is from like 12 years ago, at this point he has a bowling ball stomach and rail thin ankles, it's too late for him

sammy boy got it good this week, adult swim got RTJ premiering a new song right before his shit show so he'll get the bernie demo watching

I'm on my way to your house. I'm already on the interstate with a fresh diaper on/ Im going all the way to your house, no stopping! When I get there, I hope you're hungry Cause i'm bringing knuckle sandwiches. After that, we can play 32 tooth pickup.

I've had it enough with these chicken shit fuckin pussy assholes.

I've heard that Samuel Hyde likes to wear women's clothing and he stealthily jerks off onto people in public. He can also throw a tomahawk missile across the atlantic.

Dont forget about the TOOL album reveal

How can these antisemites be allowed on air?

i've seen sam irl and he is definitely 6'4

sam pls go we all know you took a dick up your ass you disgusting faggot

Sam isn't funny.

Sam is probably a kike.

Sam is a complete degenerate.

Sam is a failure in the entertainment industry.

Sam should kill himself right now so he doesn't have to endure the pain of AS canceling his show.

Yo Sam we know about the sexual abuse man, get some help

Love world peace btw

Sam's not funny anymore.
MDE's show is an embarrassment.
Anyone that thinks "LOL IT'S IRONIC" humor is funny is most likely 12 or thinks BoJack Horseman is "genius"

Stirring up ethnic hatred against themselves, and using it to validate their eternal victim status is Kike 101.

Objectively overweight

Anyone who thinks Sam is an ironic comedian immediately proves themselves to be retarded.

He does characters in most of his videos. It's sarcasm at best, he's not being ironic, he's not playing 5D triple-layered irony chest like most people seem to think. He has certain beliefs and he makes fun of those who either don't hold the belief or he thinks are retarded. Saying Sam is an "ironic" comedian is the dumbest shit ever. If doing a character as satire is your definition of ironic comedian then literally every comedian, and many actors are ironic comedians to you.

>implying sam couldn't pound the everloving shit out of each and every one of us
i realise you're doin a le epic trollio,but i just wanted to state a fact