>black woman in media
Obvious (((ploy))) to muddle the pure aryan bloodline!
>asian woman in media
M-my waifu
>black woman in media
Obvious (((ploy))) to muddle the pure aryan bloodline!
>asian woman in media
M-my waifu
Other urls found in this thread:
One looks like a gorilla, the other looks like a beautiful human being.
So you'd betray your race if a black girl was pretty?
>betray your race
only if your black woman is as cute as this
asians are superior to whites though, except for not having a soul i suppose
Uh yes? What kinda fucking homo are you jesus?
Yes because if she looked better than a white girl then she would be genetically superior, obviously.
but they don't. none of them do.
what do you mean by this?
>So you'd betray your race if a black girl was pretty?
I'm going to say no. But only because, as far as I've seen, there's no such thing as a pretty black girl.
You just want to be proven wrong, admit it
I don't get the point you're trying to make.
Also checked, now check these dubs
Pic not related, I assume?
All these dubs
Check em
Just ignore the white devils 2050 is coming soon
>one has my back
>the other one is a silverback
thank god
Top kek as they say.
>dissing on KATAAANA
Someone wants a sexy black girl spam.
Yeah, yeah...
Someone wants a sexy black girl spam.
he says as he posts a butterface
She looks like Michelle Obama aka a fucking tranny
Confirmed faggot.
It's okay to be gay, user.
now check mine
>thinks niggers with nigger features are attractive
They're not. Only ebony goddesses with white features are attractive.
>"I'm gonna post sexy women!"
>posts trannies
>It's okay to be gay, user.
Says the faggot who faps to the manliest women on the planet.
Accept your homosexuality and you will lead a more peaceful and fulfilling life.
Damn right, those monkeys haha, real women look like THIS (now this is a 10/10,thicc goddess)
If being gay could do that then i'd suck your dick in a heart beat but it doesn't and your "insults" don't change the fact black women are inherently unattractive and you haven't posted one actually stunning ebony woman.
I don't mind you dumping sexy black women but could you at least post sexy ones please?
I know they're hard to find but still.
Anthony Mackie?
fucking jungle fever
You're fucking disgusting.
s-sorry to dissapoint
She looks like black Emma stone
At least it's better than yellow fever
You should be, they aren't even pretty.
but those bodies...
Imagine actually wanting a black wife
>Canon Asian character played by an Asian actress who is actually attractive, and in a minor role anyway.
No problem here
>Traditionally iconic white character played by a nog solely for muh diversity
Well there's your problem.
>but those bodies...
can be found in every race
Niggers dont even want that shit. They'll just fuck anything
Black wives are the best though. They're loyal and they treat whites as literally god.
They're the holy grail of marriage if you decided to get married that is.
I can't hold all these dubs
that is a pretty fuckin shit photoshop job.
>wanting to have black kids
>wanting to fuck a horse vagina
>having her get all ghetto in an argument
>fucking her and have her wig come off
>going to some family event and have to be surrounded by nogs
Nah, I'll pass.
Also 9/10 black women are obese or look like dudes in drag. Yeah there's some ultra hot ones, but the average is the lowest of any race, except maybe Abos.
>>wanting to fuck a horse vagina
Only thing better is a dolphin pussy
it's not a photoshop
Would it be betrayal if you're contributing to black genocide by imgregnating an African qt
The horror...
>wanting a white woman that will be desired by other men, will probably cheat on you and eventually divorce you and leave you destitute in the gutter where your poor ass belongs
>not wanting your offspring to go out and cuck all the other whitebois and bring glory to your white name
You'll grow up one day and realize the most important thing in a relationship is loyalty. Something white women don't have.
White men + black women statistically have the lowest divorce rate
>not knowing yan ke ke
why are you even on a japanese cooking show board?
>airbrushing isn't photoshop
Okay reddit.
Divorce rate statistics only apply if you're a weak ass bitch who ain't about shit, who can't keep your woman just through being a great husband, father, provider, lover, and making a good choice of wife in the first place
>i-i-it must be photoshopped r-right guys?
How is fucking another human betraying the human race?
Didn't know plastic buttons warped like that.
>casually ignoring outside factors to make his argument look stronger
White men aren't going to check your wife out on the sly if she's black.
The only guys that MIGHT be interested in your wife would be niggers and black women don't like niggers.
Give me a photoshoot where they don't use photoshop, I'll wait.
>jungle fever
great movie
>black girl
Is this a riddle?
Race is a taxonomic classification below species.
Ergo Human species, not human race.
i love thin pasty plastic gooks as much as the next person but come on dude you can see the blurry bits where they've taken to the picture with an airbrush.
>implying I dont only date East Asians.
I dont really find white women as physically attractive, but thats personal preference. The real problem is feminism has destroyed western women as people.
Having black kids is probably the worst punishment I could think of
>wanting your nog children to cuck people
Damn son, you need help.
They are pictures of buttons you moron. HAHHAHAHAHAA
Stop the internet hate machine, I want to get off!
Caring about skin colors is holding humans back as a whole
Calm down Mohammad, you obviously feel very poorly about your ability to maintain relationships
So there's only one race? That means there is no such thing as racism? Really makes you think.
>not wanting your children to cuck people
You fail at human nature. We want our offspring to do well, and if they're cucking betas, they're doing well.
If you're so beta you lose your woman to a nigger, you don't deserve to live.
yan ke ke is real
deal with it
Human is not a race.
Only losers take unnecessary risks
yellow fever best fever
Holy shit. I'll be alive in 2055. So will my daughter. So will all my daughter's white classmates. I better get them ready because if we are the only whites left it's going to be like The Walking Dead. What happens to all the other white people? Do they die in 2054?
brb building survival shelter
And this'll never change as long as people strive for equality. We're all equal to begin with and needing vindication from peers makes you part of the problem.
Yes your obsessive worry about getting cuckolded and divorced is clearly proof of being a big stud.
Just to play devils advocate here, suggesting that there is only one race doesn't actually run counter to the idea of racism existing. It would be entirely possible to espouse the idea of a single human race while also decrying people who discriminate based on their own perception of what constitutes a meaningful difference between people or suggesting that such people exist.
so that's why the nazi's had stealth technology 30 years before anyone else and were the fathers of modern rocket science?
Not in this thing called civilization, niggers have the most kids out of wedlock, how is that working out for them?
I'm going to say not great for the children or the father
So no, i don't want to have children who actively go about destroying society. We are animals, but we are social animals.
Both racists and sjw's are part of the problem.
SJW's are actually bringing segregation back and affirmative action only fuels racism
>busty asians don't exist
hahhahahhaha, I feel so bad for you
Where did I claim to be user? Your projections, clearly stemming from insecurities, are making you look like a moron.
Idk and I don't care white man. Just enjoy your time while you can before it's over
>Both racists and sjw's are part of the problem.
You don't want kids to teach that will better the world and not make it worse?
The primary beneficiaries of affirmative action have always been white women. Black people getting into college and jobs for free is mostly just a meme that nobody cares to scrutinize because it reaffirms the narrative they already opted to believe.
Most of us will kill ourselves in 2044 when we realize the world is now overrun with brown people and fags.
Just pointing out how you continually reveal your insecurities about being unable to keep a woman happy and therefore have a successful marriage, perhaps you should learn something. Wait who am I kidding, you're permavirgin as fuck.
Except not really.
>Social justice warriors
>Making the world better
Unironically fucking no. I have an aunt who is a self titled SJW and literally attends 'social justice meetings' on college campuses where a bunch of people with bad haircuts convene to discuss their imaginary problems while not actually doing anything to bring about change in accordance to the ideals they hold.
It's just psuedo intellectual group masturbation and it's so fucking stupid. It helps nobody and does nothing.
>shitting on black africans
They were part of making Egypt great
They were part of the Islamic Golden age, that flourished with science and knowledge
They were even part of when America became the greatest nation of the world
The only problem is that they need to understand their true position in society
o ok dude that rebuke was good now i know im wrong
nice chart, did you make it during arts and crafts?