Other urls found in this thread:
>Harry Potter and the Gas Chamber of Secrets
>Harry Potter and the Pure Blood Aryan
>Harry Potter and the Order of the Waffen-SS
it's a reaction from his asian GF leaving him.
>Harry Potter and Prisoner of Auschwitz
>Harry Potter and the Deathly Luftwaffe
>Harry Potter and the Goblet of Hitler
>Harry Potter and the Half Blood Jew
what's this dropped meme about? I don't get it.
just some retarded Sup Forumstard, just ignore it.
Harry Potter and the Final Solution
>yer a grand wizard harry
Harry Potter and the Nazis hate Jews lol xd
Jews in media must be watched out for they always carry with them an agenda
Mudbloods out.
Voldemort did nothing wrong.
kek'd heartly
what's a kek, is it like a racist lol or something?
Literally just refresh the page until you get your answer hothead!
See it's funny, because Radcliffe is playing an undercover agent who's posing as a neo-nazi, while more famous for playing a wizard in a children's series, where such serious topics wouldn't typically appear.
Or, autistic splurgs can't reconcile an actor playing more than one part.
What the fuck is this star
Nice star
Doesn't look very hairy to me.
>tfw he got em after the evil jewish Rabbilord Volderztein failed to circumcise him as a baby
>He doesn't have a Sup Forums Star account
Apply yourself
>not Goebbels of Fire
am I right in thinking neo-nazis, racist skinheads and the KKK dont go on protests together but in this stupid movie they're all treated as the same?
Oh no, a bunch of racist morons are being misrepresented in this movie. What a travesty...
>>Harry Potter and Prisoner of Auschwitz
You would be right, but the media says they do.
Wait, isn't that attitude an agenda within itself? Are you going to drop dropping an actor because you yourself carry an agenda? Is doing that having an agenda? Will you drop drop dropping an actor because you carry an agenda? Is doing that having an agenda? Will you drop drop drop dropping an actor because you carry an agenda? Is doing that having an agenda? Will you drop drop drop drop dropping an actor because you carry an agenda? Is doing that having an agenda? Will you drop drop drop drop drop dropping an actor because you carry an agenda?
I'm confused.
if you think about it it's presenting them in a more positive light by saying they're smart enough to pool their numbers to get shit done rather than squabble amongst themselves doing fuck all like IRL
Its meant to pander to ignorant normies who mentally group all ethnonationalism into one broad category "racist".
>Will you drop drop drop drop drop dropping an actor because you carry an agenda?
Yes and then you'll cast the first nigger/woman you find.
wtf harry potter is cia now?
It's so hilarious how they try to paint all right-wingers with these decades old neo-nazi meme.
That's so 80's.
Today the nationalists are all about aestethics. You wouldn't catch any Sup Forumsacks wearing camo shorts or flame patterned t-shirts.
>You wouldn't catch any Sup Forumsacks wearing camo shorts or flame patterned t-shirts.
Of course you wouldn't, the Sup Forumsack refuses to go outside without his stylish fedora and trenchcoat
We must secure a future for magical children
pure coincidence
Well, the movie is based on a guy who was going undercover with Nazi's in the early 90's.
>9⭐ rating on imdb
>some numale libcucks will still refuse to take the redpill after this
Sup Forums was right all along
Only whites can do magic senpaitachi
Trips confirm.
The thing is, neo-nazis are such a small none existing threat.
Sure, it's just a movie. But it's getting ridiculous.
you say that like there is collected data to back your claim
It feels like all the rapists in movies and tv-shows are rich scumbags.
I think the data shows something else...
>Harry Potter and the Department of Eugenics
yeh damn those neo nazi's
surely there is nothing wrong with Islam and we sure as hell do not need to look at what is going on in those mosques build all over the US and EU.
Damn those nazi right fucks for telling us there is something wrong with importing millions of double digit IQ people who follow a medieval doctrine and who breed like parasites with 4 children on avarage.
Just kill yourself like a good nu male weeb fag that you are, there will be no future for you anyway
Sup Forums keeps making threats if Donald Trump doesn't get elected though
I believe they're putting their asses in a position of serious butt rash, this is the extent of the danger they pose.. it's pretty much only to themselves
>Harry Potter and the Deathly Gas Chambers
I'm just telling you, the coming rise of the far right here in Europe is a DIRECT response to the extremely far left failed multicultural project.
And the left will blame the right, and take no responsibility to the fucked up things they have done to our countries. Crime rates from the immigrations are crazy, then the natives gets blamed for it. People are getting angrier by the minute.
Sorry for the Sup Forums post.
But you see the resurgent right is the real threat to democracy goy, ignore the toxic left being spewed out by academia and eventually into positions of power and media.
Is this a good film that portrays neo-nazis in a good light or is it Jewish propaganda?
>Crime rates from the immigrations are crazy
Yeah man, they were the most atrocious acts of pure evil ever committed in the history of mankind. Everything from genocide, murder, infanticide, slavery, theft, exploitation, rape, famine and war.. all of which remains ongoing
So good luck with your crocodile tears, it appears they have crusted over your eyes
>the coming rise of the far right here in Europe
Dude. What you wrote has literally nothing to do with what I wrote.
>things are way worse somewhere else, so just ignore how your country is getting shittier
Sounds like it's time to go on a march, user.
You have nothing to say.
yea yea yea, a lot of countries here in Europe are turning down the idea of massimmigration.
It's slowly, but the anti-immigration parties all over are getting more and more support.
How can this guy be so stupid? Literally hiding your shit in the couch?
He could've been made right there and then, good thing the guy was also dumb as shit and didn't catch on.
Daniel Jacob Radcliffe was born on July 23, 1989
Why are neckbeards so easily offended?
I know who can't wait for the "far right" to come to power in Europe.
The actual nazi-parties love muslims btw. Look up what the Jobbik leader in Hungary has to say about islam
Don't worry senpai you'll get a non-triggering nazi movie one day!
>pro muslims
>anti israel
>anti muslims
>pro israel
really makes you think
that dog is cute af senpai
Already have them. Most are from 1930s/40s.
Pro-Israel are something good.
>How much cuckoldry does it have? I imagine quite a bit given the setting.
It's actually Radcliffe? I thought it's a photo from geniune nazi rally where a guy just happened to look like Radcliffe is participating.
Radcliffe publicly admitted to being a neo-nazi. The more you know.
Harry Potter and the Grand Wizard's Cloak
>shut the fuck up nigger
What did he mean by this?
more like ironic because his mother was a jew
Yeah but it's just a prank m8
>Start the movie
>Harry Potter is an FBI-agent who wants to free a nigger who tried to bomb a building and kill children in the name of Jihad
>Turn off the movie
Harry Potter and the Deffly Howitzers
>"They're goblins, Harry. Clever as they come, goblins, but not the most friendly of beasts."
what did they mean by this?
better question is:
How did they get away with this?